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Everything posted by sixbarns

  1. Seems like an incentive to shoot even more players.
  2. Sure you do. And they all use the arma2 engine and they all use shooter mechanics, and they're all free mods that run on public servers.
  3. sixbarns

    Trying to host a DayZ server.

    I dont think you can have a server with only 10 slots.
  4. sixbarns

    Helicopters are so fun!

    Occasionally hackers can make games fun. It's the 10 year olds that hack that ruin the fun for everyone.
  5. First time I've heard about this.
  6. This is going to get worse and worst until it's fixed or people start whitelisting their servers.
  7. sixbarns

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    We're engaging in the DayZ pastime. Beating up noobs because the game is incomplete, we have uber-gear, and we're bored. And his reaction to the game is funny.
  8. New players. I don't know how long you've been playing or when you started but when I was new I was killed again and again by zombies. I've seen new players crawling around in starter towns so I know they're still learning the zombie mechanics. Even the controls take a while to get used to so a lot of the thousands of new players are getting owned left and right by zombies. Once they master the zombies it's a different story.
  9. Yeah, it's lame but the zig zagging makes them harder to hit. They're easy now so imagine what they would be like if they just ran right at you. They wouldn't be very hard to to kill would they? Yeah, they clip through walls. The game is not finished. You can fight zombies outside buildings. I do it occasionally when I'm bored. I turn around, run backwards, wait for them to swing and miss, and then I shoot them. Or, I crouch and aim at them as they run. Their zig zag pattern isn't too hard to hit. It just takes some practice.
  10. Quests in a game where players can kill you from 600 meters? I'm not sure that will work very well.
  11. Zombies are easy. But any change to them will make them harder until we figure them out. I believe Rocket mentioned the desire to have zombies with various difficulties so don't assume they're done. I'd be happy with a complete zombie animation and AI overhaul. Not even remotely true. It's easier for me to run through a few bushes than disconnect and wait 5+ minutes to get back in. I also never shoot zombies unless I'm trapped. I'm not playing the game to see how long I can survive so I occasionally restart. That means I do this without a weapon until I find a hatchet. That's about when the zombies stop being troublesome. Anyone whose disconnecting to avoid zombies is terrible at this game and are only really wasting their own time. Don't assume everyone is disconnecting douche. I can lose entire towns of zombies pretty easily. Agreed. I'd rather see every weapon become more scarce. The coastal towns should still have the occasional handgun and definitely hatchets. This would push the more foolish noob/respawned into the big cities but I'm hoping the campers would be incentive enough not to go there. So far it isn't so these areas need to be made more dangerous. The further inland you get the more likely you are to find rifles. Scoped rifles should be cut down greatly. They're pretty rare as is so it's either the hackers/duppers bringing them in or something else. Ammo should be reduced greatly. This will cut down on pvp while forcing pve focused players to not shoot every zombie they see. None of this matters if they don't fix the tents, magical ammo refill, or hackers.
  12. sixbarns

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    What?! This happens?!?!?!?! I'm shocked. Seriously. I haven't heard about this at all.
  13. Suggestion 1 is familiar with most people here. I don't see why it shouldn't be added but there are some major issues they may want to address first. Definitely worth adding. Suggestion 2 breaks a core feature of the game. It may be time we serious discuss this but I'm hoping the DayZ team is smart enough to find a solution without gutting the game.
  14. Your ran into the fabled DayZ philosopher. Some say he's made of beans.
  15. sixbarns


    OP is special. This has never ever happened to anyone before. Let's see if it happens to him again.
  16. sixbarns


    Point being? You can spawn right in front of someone. Stop server hopping and pick a better log out location.
  17. sixbarns


    He was going downhill.
  18. sixbarns


    Yeah.. um... you're going to die a lot after walking around for hours. Especially if you don't know where you're going and think its cool to run around in open fields. You're also going to get shot through walls a lot. It's not even a hack. Do you think a few planks of wood or a wall of plaster is going to save you from a bullet traveling over 2000 feet per second?
  19. sixbarns

    Death Match Mode?

  20. You have to look through hundreds if not thousands of lines of text in the log file. It helps if you know exactly when the hack occurred (like a mass killing) but you're going to have a hard to spotting guys who spawn weapons that are in dayz.
  21. sixbarns

    Hacker ruins everything.

    Rabbits have better nightvision than humans. I thought this game was supposed to be realistic?@!
  22. sixbarns

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    What would you guys rather have? A whole lot of servers you can join and play the same character you've been working on in a persistent world setting? Or A lot of whitelisted servers where you have to start a new character when you join and the mods ban people who grief and alt-f4 during combat? Remember, these server are all going to have different rules and nonsense you'll have to go through just to get to play (ala minecraft).
  23. sixbarns

    Hacker ruins everything.

    That was clever of him at least. Most of these morons would just kill you. Also, don't work hard on your gear. Just experience the game. I hope they do something about the hackers but I don't think it'll be any time soon.