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About Maric

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  1. My god it was amazing...I have been playing for about 2-3 months now and have NEVER found a camp with this level of gear. In the past my friend found a car and drove it to me. It was the first time he played and as soon as he spawned in he saw the car. We then found a couple of tents with low end gear in them. He left and I had to lone wolf it again for a while, and in that time I found a tent with a van near it. Nothing special in the tent or van, but it was a great feeling to find this stuff. About an hour ago I found something amazing... Moving through the woods I spotted a tent behind a tree. When I got a better look I saw there was 5 tents and no vehicles. I felt so giddy and scared just looking at them, but I decided to sneak in an have a look (who wouldn't?). I found an AS50, NVG's, a Coyote backpack, GPS and a Ghillie Suit. It is my first time finding any of these items, and the first time that I have ever felt fully kitted out. Thank you, Rocket. Thank you for giving me this child like feeling of glee again.
  2. Maric

    Ghillie suit zombies?

    I think it makes pretty good sense. Snipers that were positioned around strategic points during the war against the undead were ultimately infected, and turned in to what they hunted. Many infected awoke to the distant sound of conflict, and wandered towards the sound, only to have it die out before they managed to reach it. They were left to wander aimlessly through the forest. Some, but not many, were left completely undisturbed. So they lay at their positions, waiting for the first sign of food to rouse them from their resting place.
  3. Ghillie suit zombies would add excitement to the long walks between towns. I think they should be placed in forest areas only and should be kinda rare so, for example, you would have around 5-7 encounters if you walked from South to North in a straight line. Their common loot would be pistol and sniper rifle ammo. Rare would be a pistol, very rare would be a rifle and the rarest would be a ghillie suit. I'm newer than most, so deciding which pistol and sniper rifle would suit best is not for me to say. I also like the idea of having hidden zombies. Men that died at their sniping position and were left undisturbed since their infection, suddenly rising (from being prone, so giving skilled players a chance to spot them) a couple of meters away from a player as they take a merry stroll through the woods. If anyone has anything to add to this then please do. Thanks for reading.
  4. Maric

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    Orgazmo - Now You're A Man Steel Panther - Death To All But Metal
  5. Hey, do you wanna team up again sometime? I didn't get your name, but hopefully you noticed the Maric was killed thing.
  6. Maric

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Because a lot of their primary subscribers are younger players' date=' and I don't care what anyone likes to claim, younger players whine a hell of a lot more. When they end up buying the game with their pocket money, paper round money, daddies credit card and start getting killed left right and center, not spawning with a weapon and generally finding it hard, they will come running to the forums and whining. The more than whine, the more it looks like it's what the general player base wants (and may even turn to be the general player base) thus in turn, the game has a chance (depending on how much Rocket can take of the whiny dribbling from the kids) to consume itself and head off into the same direction as all other mainstream games, catering to the casuals. This and the fact that I guarantee you that these children won't under stand what an Alpha is, nor will they understand what a Mod is and start demanding things, throwing their toys out the pram and jumping up and down on how they spent money on this game and deserve whatever shit they think they deserve. That's MY reason to being against it. I think that's a good enough reason and whether you do or not doesn't make your decision any more important. [/quote'] Saying that the younger players like to whine means nothing, seeing as DayZ has the exact same issue with it's community. The only difference is that the DayZ community is gernally above the age of 16, so when we whine, we can REALLY whine. Now for the next bit! Not a lot of them will end up getting this mod...they will get stuck on buying it, installing it, launching it and playing it. Sure, a fair amount will come to the forums asking for help, but what do you expect? It was going to happen sooner or later...you can't have a game as popular as this go unnoticed by everyone under the age of 16. Most of them will leave anyway. The long trecks through the woods, the unforgiving players and zombies, and the general Alphaness of it all will get over 90% of these kis out before the week is up. If Rocket had any interest in catering for casuals he would of done it by now...every patch has made the game harder than the last, and there is no evidence that it is gonna stop. Also, the whole 'Most won't come and who does will leave' makes it seem kinda unlikely that Rocket will suddenly collapse at his computer from the sheer number of children asking dumb ass questions. There really is no need to complain about kids knowing about this game...
  7. Maric

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Would somebody mind offering up some GOOD reasons as to why the Yogscast covering DayZ will harm the mod and it's community?
  8. Maric

    What counts as DCing?

    Thanks for the help!
  9. I'm pretty unsure of what I should do when I die in DayZ, and I would rather not join the assholes that DC. Should I abort to the lobby? Should I wait a little while after death? Is there anything else I can do? Can somebody help me so I don't accidently become a douche, please.
  10. Maric

    Tree of death

    I can say that this happened to me as well.