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Everything posted by ninthtj

  1. ninthtj

    FN FAL or AKM?

    Personally I would stick with the AKM, I find FAL ammo to be really rare. But AKM ammo is spread all over the place.
  2. No. No need to do a wipe during an alpha test, wait for beta.
  3. It's certainlly an interesting suggestion, but is it one that is going beyond the what should be considered reasonable for a game? Having to clear a jam while being mobbed by zombies will almost certainly result in your death. It seems a little overkill to me.
  4. ninthtj

    Looking for players

    Hey Buddy, If you are interested you can join me and a few clan mates who are playing most evenings on Teamspeak @ ts.101stdivision.net:30047 - See you there ;) Cheers, TJ
  5. ninthtj


    Interesting suggestion, but may make the game a little too easy.
  6. Yeah, may be a bit better. Just like sardines or something requires a knife to open them...
  7. I agree with the knives being used as weapons, but being used to open cans seems a little overkill. Most scavenged food products in the game are can-based. Without a knife we would all starve.
  8. ninthtj

    Bring back the bandit/Humanity level

    Personally I think that the current system is much better than the previously implemented bandit system. The old one made players who killed, even for self-defence a bandit. A lot more is possible as a result of the removal of that system. Genuine bandits can infiltrate groups and poison members against one-another. Players are required to be a lot more cautious around each other and it makes the experience as a whole a lot more tense, not knowing if the dude around the corner is going to shoot you or hug you. I prefer it as it is.
  9. ninthtj

    Looking for a buddy to loot with

    Hey buddy, Me and a few friends are playing Day Z in the evenings at the moment, if you are interested in joining us come onto our Teamspeak: ts.101stdivision.net:30047 Cheers, TJ
  10. I think the Cannibalism suggestion is very interesting, not only will you be killing players for their gear, but for them - Themselves as FOOD.
  11. ninthtj

    Safe Zone

    I disagree with this idea, I think it takes away from the idea of Day Z and ruins immersion. We are trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, nowhere should be safe.
  12. ninthtj

    C-130 Crashsite

    I think that a larger crash-site would actually be pretty cool, maybe one of said crash sites per sever, and maybe rather than a C-130 just a civilian aircraft, full of food, water and the remains of it's passengers.
  13. ninthtj

    Day Z Gamestyle Discussion

    I am a mixture of 1 and 2. I will just plain try to survive and won't go looking for trouble with other players, however if I encounter another player I will try and kill them for their stuff. ;)
  14. ninthtj

    Is this working as intended Rocket?

    Thats amazing, I love hatchets but thats just a little mental XD
  15. ninthtj

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    Excellent, how did you find all these out? Just experience?
  16. ninthtj


    I think it's amazing that you actually came on here and apologised to the guy you shot. Fair play to you.
  17. ninthtj

    Berezino Hospital Raid

    Me and a few friends got together to raid the Hospital in Berezino. The Zombies didn't approve...
  18. Hey buddy, Me and a few friends are currently playing as a team, we all live in the UK with the exception of two of our members. And the majority of us are 18 or over. If you are interested come talk to us on our TeamSpeak: ts.101stdivision.net:30047 or add me on steam: NINTHTJ Cheers, TJ EDIT: We are not usually playing until around 19:00 London Time, just to let you know.
  19. ninthtj

    Berezino Hospital Raid

    Or' date=' you ONLY break your leg when at the farthest point possible from a hospital or aid. 6 km crawl into Cherno, anyone? [/quote'] Yeah, I have made my first task whenever starting a new life to be FIND MORPHINE.. I have had to hit respawn twice due to broken legs.
  20. ninthtj

    Berezino Hospital Raid

    Thanks bud!
  21. ninthtj

    Melee vs Rifle

    Hi Guys, Hatchets seem to be everywhere in the game now, almost every village or town I go into I can find a hatchet somewhere. It's silent and kills with a single swing. Making it a brilliant tool against zombies, but no so good against players. I have come across multiple scenarios where I have just not wanted to give up my silent stealthy hatchet for a big load assault rifle. Any suggestions on which would be a better choice for future events? Cheers, TJ
  22. ninthtj

    Melee vs Rifle

    The only problem I really have when using the hatchet is how close you need to get to the zombies. A lot of the time I loose a considerable amount of blood due to how close I have to get to them. To counter this I tried using the crosbow.. Big mistake lol
  23. Lol, me and a friend tried to make a friend with a few zombies. Didn't go too well...