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jackoire (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jackoire (DayZ)

  1. jackoire (DayZ)

    DE 93 Teleporter?

    No player by the name of Trane has been on the server. Also there is hackers on EVERY server, if you want to avoid them play on low player servers or private hive servers. We will be going private hive soon with Lingor Island map, so we will be able to use hacks and easily scan for hack scripts to keep the server clean as possible from hacks. Good luck with finding a busy server with no hackers.
  2. jackoire (DayZ)

    DE 93 Teleporter?

    Banned the guy, he was Teleporting and using God mode. Seems to be the most popular hack at the moment, banned 5 people for it in the last few hours.
  3. Could we get 95883 server patch please. Latest one is control panel is awful.
  4. jackoire (DayZ)

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    I have a managed server with HostAltitude, i am going to switch to a dedicated server. Would it be possible to get the data from the hive on my new dedicated server. I have my instance ID from my managed server and also want to keep the same Location ID (eg. DE xx). Is this possible??
  5. jackoire (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Server crashing since new update Graphic glitches still at Balota (confirmed by a few people) Skin change from bandit to civilian randomly
  6. jackoire (DayZ)

    Everyone getting kicked

    Its been worse since latest battle update, i have removed line #55 and line #54 from the scripts.txt. No more of the whole server getting kicked anymore.
  7. Urgent issues need fixing by HA. Please deal with this ticket #293829 also deal with this issue http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xnaok/important_server_owners_need_to_read_this/
  8. Best to ban by IP, dedicated server owners can add there IP to iptables.
  9. jackoire (DayZ)

    What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

    Hacked vehicles despawn after server restart, i think weapons do too.
  10. We had drain but we refilled with a few cans 3 times and the leek stopped. We didn't fix all windows.
  11. Time change script is needed badly. My server used to be GMT +2 after a restart its now UTC -5. Would be nice if I could choose.
  12. jackoire (DayZ)

    Motherload of loot 20 tents, locations included

    "They have nice items they must be hacking" :rolleyes: Camps this size are common. It only takes a few days to accumulate that amount with 3 or 4 people. Anyway good-luck with your looting.
  13. jackoire (DayZ)

    Tents/equipment vanishing!?

    If the server is not running the latest hive 0.7.2 hotfix then stuff wont save. Stuff does not save without using the save tent / vehical option. Sync to the hive can take a few mins.
  14. jackoire (DayZ)

    disable vote admin and votemap

    I would also like to know this, what file do i need to edit?
  15. Please check ticket # 553328 Whole server was nuked because i couldn't update to latest hive.
  16. I cant update to latest hive , it wont install just errors over some file in squads folder. Guess no heli's for me :( Thanks for the short notice dev's. Next time your deciding to make a massive rollout give more time notice. So will i get heli spawn if i get the server updated. How does the rollout work.
  17. 95130 beta patch is not installing for me in updates panel. Working for anyone else?
  18. Hey Tyler, I remember you from Brohost. I see you are one of the cheapest dayz hoster now. Nice to see more hosts, pity you have no EU servers. Elpis host should be top US hoster, they have great staff.
  19. jackoire (DayZ)

    Finally some global bans

    So I had some hackers join my game today, thankfully there efforts were in vain. A survivor and i where in the middle of nowhere just arrived back at our camp. Our screen went grey and both at the same time, like when u loose lots of blood and went back to normal (no blooding or sounds). So i knew something was fishy so i disconnect. Seconds later the other survivor says he is getting shot and he cant see anyone. Its a silenced weapon, so i tell him to disconnect cos its definately a hacker. So we join another server and i give him blood and patch him up. We then reconnect back to the server and we spawn in the same location as our camp and all tents are flattened and vehicals disapeared. Impossible to destroy and remove all that in 2 mins. So I restart the server a minute and all stuff is back :) Then less than 10 mins later i see this in console. I've never seen global bans before...
  20. Jonnerz, Please can you start hosting in UK location.
  21. jackoire (DayZ)

    Finally some global bans

    Opps, in the pic missed the line above in console says "player "x" global ban"
  22. jackoire (DayZ)

    Finally some global bans

    Yes he came back in lobby after he gets kicked by battleye. So i just taught id ban all there IP's just in case. A simple message just to show my support.
  23. jackoire (DayZ)

    DE 93 - skin change, repeated killings

    4 cheaters caught and banned. 3 guys in heli flying around cherno (franky, megatron , hassias) Heli goes down and they die, they show up as Malitia Man AK74. They had all sorts of rare equipment also M4A1 Holo all wearing camo thats not in the game. Lincoln Osirus was on Cherno construction building using a gun not in the game also with the same camo. Then all in server got kicked for Battleye script restriction 55 Franky (Guid) 6ed653e62a4c19a094754f57acfedd7b IP: XMC Megatron (Guid) 8d97c546148f24a7a9387df69e509588 IP: hassias (Guid) b92c7167f3eb40e465f09042260b55ad IP: Lincoln Osirus (Guid) 611993eee22af8956de5016454e4ce82 IP: Pics:
  24. jackoire (DayZ)

    Hacker on DE 178

    Same guy on DE 93 doing the same. He is using Teleport script (Teleports to closest vehical) also invincibilty script. RegEnt : (Guid) e412d2501b6f49b3f1f3591cc01bf587
  25. jackoire (DayZ)

    Looking for Mature Partner / Group.

    Im up for a game, pm me your steam or skype info. I got TS and a server.