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Everything posted by Evyls

  1. As stated in the topic title, it is indeed a warning to stay away. We have been playing on their servers since they were apart of the main servers. We just started playing with them again on their new Private Hive server, where me and my clan, =ION=. Continued assaulting them day after day, and when that fake realism unit couldn't stand it anymore! Boom, a Global announcement by their leader, Capt Smith. Stating "Either you guys have the most uncanny luck in the world, or your hacking. either way you're done." They had no proof of anything and banned us five minutes after. My friends have screenshots/youtube video(being uploaded) of our conversation over TS and being banned. This clan developed a habit of forming large military tents with vechicles on large mountains. Everytime they would do this, it's their own damn fault for forming that habit. I mean come on, who sets up in Devils castle, or Klen mountain and expects NOT to be found? All in all, it just goes to show. When they don't get their way, they stomp their feets to the ground like little children who got their candy stolen. Don't get me wrong, its a great server to play on, just don't back them into the corner like rats. They have a rather nasty kick. Just stray away from this server, I'll have the pictures/Video posted shortly. Edit: And, for the record. If you guys happen to read this (which you probably will, I'm hoping.) Go ahead, lay out the evidence for this retarded ban. We were you're guys most active pubbers, not to mention I paid for that damn public teamspeak you have now. Well gg anyway, have fun being bored with no challenge.
  2. I dont mind, this was only a warning. So that people who read this, stay away.
  3. Evyls

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Pointless to watch, not only is he a terrible shot. ( not saying they were great either ) But he split the MAG and recombined it to regain ammo. Fail.
  4. When you wake up, realizing that you dreamt that your Dayz character just sniped a survivor.
  5. Evyls

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Funny thing is, Me and the =ION= Clan play there often. Some without tags and some with our tags. WDU has always been a good place to play, even when we had a major run in with a squad of WDU. If i recall, they threw a grenade at us while we were looting a Supermarket. as far as I'm concerned it still is a good place. Seeing as a lot of people ghost, I'm siding with the Admin on this one. Either side has yet to provide any valid proof, so til then US35 Is still a great place to be.
  6. Evyls

    UK63 m107_TWS

    Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz' [/quote'] Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :( got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed Do you need any details off me? logs or anything? don't know if you guys look into this or if its dealt with by someone else :\ Had a few funny things happen on our server' date=' one of our guys got killed by an exploding building the other day, not sure if these are just glitches or if we're getting a parade of hackers coming on for the 'lulz' [/quote'] Just had another damn hacker turn up in a tank on the server!!! Banned the guy, commandeered the tank, waiting to find out from dayz staff what to do with it, whether to drive it in a lake or if they'll remove it, we've had buildings randomly falling apart and collapsing as well... seems alot of hackers like our server :( got fraps vid of the guy in the tank and got the guys details for the staff if needed Two more users with thermal as50's i'm gonna start putting id's and names in here at this rate, so far thats 5 today alone! As of 01:59 GMT+1 (UK Time) 7 people today on the server with either as50_TWS or m107_TWS, latest one i've found had both m107_TWS and m4_hws_GL_SD or something. Honest cannot see what people gain from this, half the fun in the game is finding the guns (that are actually in the game) Their fun is depriving the enjoyment of legit players to the game. A cruel way of having fun at the expense of others, but these things happen. But look on Wiki there are a list of weapons that are in the game. So any of the ones not in, might as well ban them forever for having them.
  7. Touche, but I doubt his brain functions properly. Or else he would have processed that tidbit of information there.
  8. There have been sooo many posts about this. It's not like you had to make a new thread just to tear up again. Yeah there are a lot of hackers, Report them and move on. Dayz is in ALPHA stage, It's not like Rocket can sit here and hand pluck them from games. You die all the time in Dayz, its apart of the game. If you join a server with a hacker and get killed, switch servers after you report him. If you like Dayz don't let hackers ruin the testing for you. Test on, Rocket needs great testers to make a great game!
  9. Evyls

    Newbie incoming!

    Well if its that much of a concern to you, feel free to climb onto my Teamspeak. As long as your on my Teamspeak we wont shoot you on sight. (as long as you identify yourself before sneaking up on us lol ) T316.DARKSTARLLC.COM:10199 Currently its a group of 5 people but were interested in expanding our group.
  10. Not only no evidence you were shooting him with a DMR zoomed in. Which it's 400m when its zoomed fully and 100 when its not. It's clearly seen that most if not all your bullets were going too high or falling too short. GG better luck next time.
  11. Great job on the undercover, but to further help your case... Shouldn't you have caught on video, destroying the items via the ocean? I say this because, a lot of people could take this the wrong way. Despite your Important tag in the comment and in the video. But it was damning evidence of a little kid being.. well a little kid who can't play the game without cheating. Great job though!