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About gbl_champ@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    New England
  1. gbl_champ@hotmail.com

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Spawn in elektro, meet up with Paul, get sniped in the leg by some douchebag sniper on sniper hill. Paul nicely heals me and we go sniper hunting. I shoot a bandit on the hill who I thought was the guy who shot me, but when I looted the body he didn't have a sniper rifle. Uh oh. Find another dead bandit on the hill with a thermal as50, must have been the first sniper. Start taking fire from another as50 on the opposite hillside. Fortunately his aim sucks. Looked around that hilside for 30 minutes and couldn't find him. Came back an hour later after meeting up with Holy to hide the body with the as50 thermal, and start taking fire AGAIN from the same damn sniper. He misses again. Still couldn't find him. I hate snipers. Especially that guy.
  2. gbl_champ@hotmail.com

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    >being the only guy in the chopper with a jerry can Feels bad man. I don't remember this in my job description.
  3. gbl_champ@hotmail.com

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    How many terabytes of video do you have left to edit? This is how we roll, btw.
  4. gbl_champ@hotmail.com

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    If anyone else in the group wants to play with me tonight, add me on steam.
  5. gbl_champ@hotmail.com

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: DrCrusher Steam Name: gbl_champ Age: 24 Mic: yes Preferred role: support Timezone: EST How often do you play a day and at what times: Usually after 8pm at night
  6. gbl_champ@hotmail.com

    hacker on TX20

    Found my first hacker tonight. Server: TX20 Time: 6/30/12 @ 1:30-2:00am EST What happened: player "criply" using hacked weapons Nighttime low-pop server. Threw flares around the fire station in Elektro and saw its entrances were totally blocked with wire and hedgehogs. Had a toolkit so I managed to get in, heard someone moving around upstairs who wouldn't respond in chat. Went outside to get a shot at him, saw him fall off the roof to the ground next to me and somehow survive, until I shot him with my ak74. Looted his body and he was fully geared: nvgs, rangefinder, large coyote, etc. The strange thing was the guns in the backpack, which had names I didn't recognize from DayZ, L85? was one. Definitely remember a mk17 magazine on his body, which I knew was not legit. At that point, I got shot and killed as apparently he respawned behind me with a silenced automatic weapon. Didn't have a screenshot so I spent a while trying to kill him again, but no luck facing NVG's in the dark. Any way you can check the inventory of this criply guy? If nothing else, if anyone sees the guy again, try to get a screen of his equipment.