I have had this problem with my game freezing every 10 seconds or so ever since i got the game and installed dayZ and i have seen many threads on various forums about this problem but no one can seem to help. I think i may have found a way to fix some peoples problems so i am posting it here as I have no idea where else I can put this thread. To start with people said these three things were my problem but it turned out not to be them at all. - It was not lag or frame rate issues. - It was not having a bad PC - It was not the problem with having the six launcher loaded. - It was not having the settings too high or not matched up correctly to my computer. It was my whole game freezing and unfreezing over and over again. I searched the web far and low and see many threads trying to fix this but NONE had any answer at all. I was told it was my computer and it was past it's prime and to be honest it was a fair assumption, There was no real reason other than that. I persisted on due to the fact i am a tight mother f--ker and did not want to waste my money. While messing around and trying to play a game I see my norton pop up saying "PresentationFontCache is using all your damn cpu!". After checking this out and disabling the feature i now run my game on high settings with -no- freezing what so ever and a nice 30fps. If you are having this problem and like me you are at a loss with what to do try to disable it. go to Control Panel click on System and Security Then Administrative Tools Then Services Scroll all of the way down until you see “Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache”. Double-click on this entry, and select “Disabled” from the “Startup type” list If this does not work run your game as normal and while running the game press cntrl alt del and open the system task manager. go to the performance tab and open up the resource monitor. Look for PresentationFontCache (Probably close to the top as it will be no doubt eating up all dem prezuss cpu'z") and END PROCESS. This will hopefully fix everything for you and allow you to play. You can also shut off any other non neccesary programmes eating up all your cpu here. Make sure your graphics card has been optimized to peak performance and make sure you lower your in game graphics - Just to make sure! I hope this fixed your problem and I hope to be blasting you away in game very soon.