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About Pat_89

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Just got done playing on Norway 8. Looking for a kind gent named Elite. This is Niko and Pat. We gave you a blood transfusion and you gave Niko a G17. We chatted for a little then went to raid the rest of the airfield. Unfortunately the server crashed and we lost you. We will keep searching the Norway servers for you!
  2. Pat_89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello Wastleland Medical team! I am in need of some assistance! I am stuck in the large metal warehouse on the east side of Stary Sobor. I am at around 3 or 4k blood I believe. I do have an extra side arm I am willing to trade for help, or I also have an extra morphine and a few extra bandages. Let me know if you can help! Steam: FractiousSword
  3. Also play devils advocate here, would like to see some logs, even though Im not even involved.
  4. Looking for ATHF Frylock and The_Bad_Bunny. Was just playing on Arb server. My buddy shot you guys in the woods with an enfield and you both D/Ced. Good job gents, you truly are classy. :)
  5. Pat_89

    Tired of running it alone

    Added you on steam, FractiousSword.
  6. Pat_89

    Need 1 or 2 Teammates To Tag Along With

    East Coast as well. Okay well Michigan but still.... skype: pman_8907
  7. Pat_89

    group nowwww

    Agreed, Im down I will probably be on around 8pm EST
  8. Pat_89


    Also looking for a small group to play with! Have been doing solo almost all week....its getting boring. Steam: Pman_8907
  9. Looking for a Mark, was playing with him on Atlanta 54. He was wearing a ghillie suit with a sub machine gun. Game disconnect after we had just done some serious looting. Pm me if you find me Mark, its so dark in the woods without you! :P