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Everything posted by Brokks

  1. Brokks

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    wow im amazed how people cant read the essence of the complaints properly. Ill do it as much obvious as i can for the headless pro rocket faction: the problem is not that he isnt launching the game untill the end of the year ...that never was a promise more like something you can hope for but if isnt that way nobody cares. what is really the problem is that he makes promises about how he would give us news about the game i! now think about that for a sec .... yes you cant refuse it! also i dont care if it comes out this or next year if its good but being emo about stuff isn't a solution. if he really is that stressed out he could just announce that the game will be out in january or febuary next year and take a break. im fine with that! but keeping up hopes and teasing people into the deepest black isnt a good thing! i apreciate the work he has done so far and thank him for a really good mod but this?- no comment or ill be banned! best regards Brokks
  2. hi, like the topic says my question is if some admins or hive admins (i dont know) can kill me properly i just glitched down a mountain and the server got the death massage but when i tried to respawn back at the coast i was passed out right where i was ( at the mountain). i waited like an hour but im still passed out and the bar was moved lieke 1 cm pls help me if somebody can. thanks Brokks
  3. Brokks

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Thx for the news and keep up the good work rocket love the game and its experience. cant say much more just that im happy you made it.
  4. Brokks

    Server Admin Abuse

    Hi, We Kind of had the same problem on DE8. my squad and me were raiding the airfield at night after some time we heard a car driving along. Some time later we saw it and ofcourse we were hiding in the firestation as they drove from one hangar to the next to check them for players and loot. After that they now drove from one to another to loot them. Ofcourse we engaged immediately as they droped out at the nearest hangar. We killed all of them and went in with a big smile to loot. After we looted we decided to take the car and run for it but then servers went down like 3 times in a row. when we were able too log in all the items we took were gone also the car was gone. Ontop of it knowing our position as we looted, right after we logged in suddenly there was a sniper who took out me and a friend to take our equipment aswell. all i thought was:" weak" i hope that bullshit gets fixed so something like that will never happen aganin if you cant check out your surroundings properly you dont deserve that kind of loot or the car. very frustrating. Brokks ps.: DE8 clanmembers suck!