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Everything posted by Vintage_Green

  1. How the hell do you jump from 5 feet and break your leg I can do it ALL day long and NEVER EVER break my leg,... no why because you cant. 1. No jumping? 2. Fix Ghost Zombies 3. Barbwire in entrances? I could step over simply? 4. Slow run, Brisk Jog? 5. Water doesn't magically open your bags zipper and pull out objects. 6. Morphine makes no sense need splints. 7. Needs Factions. 8. Needs Safe zone ran by safe factions like UN in TEAM. 9. Fix Zombie hit detection 10. Need Factions and trade system Fix/ Add Half of these and its PERFECT.
  2. Vintage_Green

    leg break again? 10 suggestions.

    ok? A splint instantly having an effect makes no sense. We should add casts' date=' crutches, and wheelchairs so players can let their leg heal for a month before they can stand on it again. [/quote'] So your telling me that morphine heals bones?
  3. Vintage_Green

    Barbwire maddness!!

    No the solution is to allow us to... move or jump or step or destroy or cut the damn thing. After the past two days for now on I will run at sight of setup barbwire. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27445
  4. personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1] Fuck you faggets who shoot on site. I was playing all fucking day just to be kicked from a ping spike and loose my chance at morphine so I had to head back to society. Society of Sociopaths, I was shot on site with a broken leg. 12 hours fully loaded everything you can get thats good, Tent, Mathes, Hachet, the works, except Fucking stupid fucking morphine. FUCK MORPHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used 7 bandages and fucking nothing were the fuck was i putting them?. This DayZ has been ruined for me today I will never play until these sociopaths are banned from every game and life and killed at birth. Or atleast till they fix the stupid morphine crap, and fucking zombies breaking your leg wen they are only shuffling there hands standing UP, five feet infront of you. FUCK OFF. losers
  5. Vintage_Green

    How to Play Chicken

    Crazy Chicken http://youtu.be/bAZIZ00Cgwc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAZIZ00Cgwc
  6. Vintage_Green

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

    because your all sociopaths
  7. Vintage_Green

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Sociopath behavior 101
  8. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    Spellcheck: Didn't capitalize the P in 'personality'. Spelled 'faggot' incorrectly. Doesn't know the difference between 'site' and 'sight'. Doesn't know the difference between 'loose' and 'lose'. Spelled 'matches' incorrectly. Capitalized the M in 'matches' unnecessarily. Spelled 'hatchet' incorrectly. Capitalized the H in 'hatchet' unnecessarily. Capitalized the F in 'fucking' unnecessarily. Doesn't know the difference between 'were' and 'where'. Didn't capitalize I. Unnecessary period punctuation. Combined 'at' and 'least' into a single word. Spelled slang word 'til' incorrectly. Spelled 'when' incorrectly. Doesn't know there difference between 'their' and 'there'. Combined 'in' and 'front' into a single word. Didn't capitalize the L in 'losers'. I bet you have many real life friends. can you read it. obviously you were able to correct everything. Do I fucking care NO. This here is a prime Sociopath. Trying to embarrass me, with grammar errors for his own personal gain. Not everyone types in little boxes in forums everyday douche. Also how much of a loser are you you have time to correct forums. wow what a virgin. You posted this: personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1] And I am saying that is a classic example of an armchair web MD taking something completely out of context. That alone does not a sociopath make. umm ok. I just can never shoot someone in this game because I have a STRONG feeling that says "this person MIGHT of worked hard for this". "I wont be a dick." I dont care for the personal gain and win complex. others don't have that feeling or any at all. Hence Sociopaths. Huge assumption into the minds of all other people. You have no idea what you're talking about. Speak only for yourself.. you have no idea why others do what they do. People play for their own reasons and just because they don't match up with yours doesn't make them sociopaths. This is a really stupid discussion. When I'm fed up with a game, I don't play it.. I don't come on the forums and call people sociopaths. Denial. maybe if i could save or get back at the guy all would be fine but walking for 12 fucking hours in virtual forest come on. Anyone who thinks someone who shoots a survivor with 70 kills who is akjing for help help help help hello hello hello nothing and shot wtf.
  9. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    lol what? You posted this: personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1] And I am saying that is a classic example of an armchair web MD taking something completely out of context. That alone does not a sociopath make. umm ok. I just can never shoot someone in this game because I have a STRONG feeling that says "this person MIGHT of worked hard for this". "I wont be a dick." I dont care for the personal gain and win complex. others don't have that feeling or any at all. Hence Sociopaths.
  10. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    lol what?
  11. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    The "It's a game' date=' and I can do whatever I want" argument is not valid when said game involves other human beings. The fact the other person isn't sitting next to you doesn't cause all of the social norms that dictate the way that we should treat one another to suddenly become invalid. [/quote'] thank you.
  12. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    You are all trying to justify previous actions for yourselves and others it sounds like.
  13. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    How was it wasted? I don't get that. I die a lot against players and AI' date=' don't see as it really matters at all. [/quote'] it matter because this game like so many others proves that people are generally Sociopaths. EX: BF3 ok. I see someone get in jet before me I will WAIT. I get in a jet but other guy wants in,.. he shoots me right away same team and all. hence the meaning of sociopath. Complete disregard for others for your own gain. It does "NOT" matter what the gain is. you cant dispute 80 years of psychological logic.
  14. Vintage_Green

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

    um buddy 12 hours? wasted... that is fucking real? you can be in Denial all you want. I'm just sharing my experience and opinion.
  15. holy crap there is no morphine in this game ive checked everywhere and cant find any and its dumb anyway morphine doesn't heal a bone. Also how the hell does a zombie shuffle his hand five feet in front of me and break a bone? wtf I'm so pissed cause I finaly found some stupid morphine as I wen to grab it server kicked me for no reason. Splint Splint
  16. WTF I can deal with the door walkers. but today I was playing for 5 hours and died from falling through a rock. FUCK THAT. I was launched from it with no chance. to do anything fucking dumb.
  17. Vintage_Green

    The Jesus Zombie

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-81KINqOV8Q http://youtu.be/-81KINqOV8Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-81KINqOV8Q
  18. Vintage_Green

    The Jesus Zombie

    lol, mos def
  19. Vintage_Green

    The Jesus Zombie

    I was swimming away from some zombies when out of nowhere a Zombie rushes me running on the water. That's how I received gash.
  20. Vintage_Green

    How to Play Chicken

    lol The Chicken is too intense for youtube
  21. Vintage_Green

    [Video] The Facepalm Respawn
