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Posts posted by xXDzepniXx

  1. Seriously, what the hell?

    I'm talking about 1.0 experimental branch. I understand that it will be in the game eventually, what I don't understand is why it isn't in the game now, and the fact zombies can damage items now doesn't help whatsoever since the ghillie is basically paper to them. Hell, not even spray paint is in the game yet, but even that doesn't concern me as much as repairing my ghillie. Seriously, all that hard work and you get hit and the suit is worn and now you have to make everything worn since the color of the suit changes, and you get hit again and it gets damaged and you have to do that again.

    I also don't believe that adding this feature in is by any means a difficult stretch. I think the 'repair' property is interchangeable with every single item that can be repaired in the game, that is to say, it's the same across all of the objects. So, it baffles me as to why the ghillie can't be repaired, especially since I want to play with a green ghillie (I don't mind it being worn) but yet can't use it in towns without the possibility of it getting damaged by zombies. I really enjoy where the experimental is going, I enjoy a lot of things about 1.0 but this  makes me not want to play the experimental whatsoever, simply because I want my work to pay off. I understand the experimental servers can get wiped, but I don't mind that as much as having my work destroyed by zombies, because I can't repair it.

    What's the point to adding incurable sicknesses by the way? You get sick and start coughing your lungs out and you can't die from it, you can't cure yourself from it, you're forced to just kill yourself.

  2. Hello, I downlaoded DayZ commander cause it worked on my other laptop but my other laptop did NOT work so well, so I transferred to this one and everything works well I did not unistall Arma 2 And Arma 2 OA in my other laptop thats just a note.

    I start DayZ Commander with a error and I posted it 1 day no answer so I unistalled went to WithSIX and same error pops up and I cannot play. Any help?

  3. Hi! I found out a way to get your server working. First you will need to have a update like 1.61 and go to the server that is and you will see it will say something like needed patch 1.60 94103 and then download that patch and it should WORK! It did for me! Have fun!

    EDIT: Download DayZ at http://vaquxine.com/dl/dayz/ also get patch 1.60 94103 and have fun!

  4. Hi I just put patch for DayZ and update 94700 I did this because I don't like the update or any other but I cannot join any game its stuck at Loading like a freeze although when I get the it comes into any game but it says "Incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE" and more I need to play but it made it into and I really want to play on cause I seen it and I like it better. Please can I get help!

  5. Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: None got it from PirateBay (Don't be mad I had no money -.-)

    Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?:


    Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file:


    What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible:

    I go into every DayZ server and it says "Kiced out of game" nothing else

    Your PC specs:

    Windows Vista

    Have you looked at these threads?:



  6. Do you have steam? If so' date=' run it as admin, run ArmA 2, then run AO, then run AO as CO. I hope I didn't make that sound too complicated lol


    OMG THANK YOU IT WORKS NOW THANK YOU THANK YOU! I love ArmA 2 but it was spazzing out and being retarded thank you!
