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Senor Panda

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About Senor Panda

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  1. Senor Panda

    S.A.S Clan Recruitment

    Name: Griffin Experience: 7 1/2 months Role in team: (Pilot, scavenger, scout sniper, marksman, driver, soldier, etc): Any, doesn't matter. Not a good pilot though. Skype name: suicidlepanda How much you play a day: A few hours mainly, depends what's going on and if anything interesting is happening. Personality: I pretty much do everything for teh lulz, but I'll take serious situations seriously.
  2. Senor Panda

    Aware Gaming Recruiting!

    Name(First only): Griffin IGN: Mirage Age: 16 Experience(Time played): August 2012.
  3. Only way to get your key stolen is if you download some sort of program claiming to be a "Hack" but in turn steals the key right from your registry.
  4. Senor Panda

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    Sweet! Thanks for the links OP :)
  5. Senor Panda

    First time in Taviana [ Story Time ]

    Yeah, it can be pretty satisfying sometimes.
  6. So during my first time playing on the map Taviana, I made my way to Sabina with a few friends. They had AKM's while I had a Lee Enfield. As we're making our way over to the construction buildings to maybe find some car parts for an abandoned bus, we hear AKS shots off in the distance. So now, we're extremely cautious during our next moves. While looting the building, a durka durka bandit charges up the stair case, shoots one of my friends in the head and runs away. Since I was on the roof of the building, I saw him run right into an apartment building. After realizing it's one of those apartment buildings with only the lobby open, and the entrance was the only exit, we sit there watching the entrance for 5 minutes or so. Thinking he logged, my friend runs balls tot he wall inside and, as expected, gets mowed down by an AKS, leaving me stranded with a Lee Enfield (4 mags) and an AKM (half-empty mag). So, after using all my ammo trying to kill him, I realized there really wasn't anything of value on my character. So, I equipped my hatchet, ran across the parking lot, through the door, and hit him with my axe. After bandaging and giving myself morphine, I went to loot. Only to see "Open Alice backpack". Right then was when I realized that he was still alive, so being the savvy player I am, dragged his body to the nearest group of newly spawned civilian zombies. The zombies quickly dug into their pray who was helpless to do anything as he was being eaten alive while he was KO'ed. Once he died, he spammed the chat with butthurt rage comments. He even had the beans to say "You fucking bandits ruin this game". Yes, I was called the bandit after he rushed into the building, killed two of my friends, ran away, and got owned. Bandit Logic yo. :thumbsup:
  7. Hey guys, tomorrow is Friday and all, and I was looking for some cool people to play with. I've been playing DayZ for the past few months and I'd consider myself fairly knowledgeable on the game. Any age is fine. Me and a few friends plan on playing any of the maps tomorrow night, and we're looking for a few more experienced players to join us. So, if you ARE interested, send me a PM on the forums, and we can share contact details (Skype, TS, Vent. etc.) or just leave a response. :D
  8. Senor Panda

    So, I'm stuck with the hero skin.

    Nah, just wait until -4500 humanity or -5000 humanity and your new bandit mask will be forced upon your face.
  9. Senor Panda

    [HACKER] US 2548 Dallas

    Same thing happened to me today. Wasn't the same guy, but nearly every server I've joined today has some sort of script kiddie. I got tp'ed to on 2548 and died. I'm pretty much done with this game for this sole reason.
  10. You're going to need some evidence such as a video.
  11. Senor Panda

    Food should be fun..

    It's poor soul wasn't expecting it for you to brutally murder it. :(
  12. Senor Panda

    Food should be fun..

    Like Dan said, it's already in the game. Your character becomes hungrier and more dehydrated the more he runs around. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
  13. Hi all, this video pretty much sums it all up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hspeQdqVQpI