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Everything posted by Brettgod1355

  1. This is a tutorial video of the easiest and simplest way of how to install DayZ using Six updater / six laucher:
  2. Brettgod1355

    Yellow icons on map

    ok, so survivors show up as green on the in game map and your player has a red looking circle around it. What are the yellow player circles on the map? There has been many within a few meters of me while im in a building and i get scared cause idk what it means. Please help
  3. Brettgod1355

    Yellow icons on map

    ok thank god, i though it was like a bandit or something.
  4. Brettgod1355

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    option 1 lol i would buy that
  5. I am somewhat new to DayZ and i am wondering that if i were to save a vehicle or helicopter using the "Save" function (i believe it saves it for 3 days) and i join back in on a different server that i saved it on, will it carry over or do i have to join back on the same server that i saved the helicopter / vehicle on? (if nobody were to steal it). EDIT: Am i correct that the vehicles / tents only save for 3 days or is it longer / shorter?
  6. Brettgod1355

    Do Vehicles / Helicopters carry over?

    Ok. Thank you.
  7. Brettgod1355

    not fun to die to campers

    This game is an ALPHA mod. So its not fully developed and is going to be buggy and their are going to be problems.
  8. DayZ - US 64(NY6) This happened on July 1st around 3 AM Eastern Time Me and 2 of my friends were playing for about 4 hours and we heard a helicopter. Once i seen it, i knew it was not an Arma 2 helicopter so i disconnected, sadly they died so i rejoined and started recording so that i could have proof that there is some kind of gunship hack in DayZ VIDEO PROOF: