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Posts posted by Brettgod1355

  1. ok, so survivors show up as green on the in game map and your player has a red looking circle around it. What are the yellow player circles on the map? There has been many within a few meters of me while im in a building and i get scared cause idk what it means.

    Please help

  2. I am somewhat new to DayZ and i am wondering that if i were to save a vehicle or helicopter using the "Save" function (i believe it saves it for 3 days) and i join back in on a different server that i saved it on, will it carry over or do i have to join back on the same server that i saved the helicopter / vehicle on? (if nobody were to steal it).


    Am i correct that the vehicles / tents only save for 3 days or is it longer / shorter?

  3. DayZ - US 64(NY6)

    This happened on July 1st around 3 AM Eastern Time

    Me and 2 of my friends were playing for about 4 hours and we heard a helicopter. Once i seen it, i knew it was not an Arma 2 helicopter so i disconnected, sadly they died so i rejoined and started recording so that i could have proof that there is some kind of gunship hack in DayZ

