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Everything posted by Érebos

  1. We are currently a two man team. I am an AS50 sniper with a L85A2 AWS spotter. looking for about 2 to 3 more people for a tight knit tactical group. looking for others who share in our focus and attention to detail. Best fit would be Assault and cover fire positions to complement our current roles. Experienced players who know how to move in formation and cover all fields of vision. Raiding airfields, downed helis, and the sort are the objectives and we will eliminate all threats to our position and potential loot. We do not seek out harmless noobs to torment or lock down major cities for the fun of it. We tactically move in, eliminate all threats and loot the spoils of war. Looking for mature, voice enabled players who know when its appropriate to be silent allowing combat information ONLY on vent. But at the same time we would like people who can have a good time between operations. Reply or PM if interested or already have a high level squad looking for a good pair
  2. Érebos

    LF Experianced Tactical players

    replied to all who left steam or PM'd
  3. Érebos

    ghillie suit?
