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Posts posted by NeverHadShawarma

  1. This one best describes your situation I think

    " I don't know. Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin' very very scared! "

    As long as I am rewarded with beans and a "Ooh mooey mooey I love you!", I will be pleased.

    • Like 1

  2. Set up a test, Ill run whatever.

    That being said, i am not contractually obliged or anything by doing this. I am a freelance player. I will help if asked and I am available. But I will remain freelance and not be tied down to a single group.

    PM me if ya still want me to run a test. I am not against proving myself in case you ever need to hire me in the future

  3. Ill toss my hand into this merc group as well.

    I excel at being self sufficient and have no issue with killing if I am threatened. That being said, I will not shoot a defenseless survivor.

    I always have enough medical supplies to keep myself and one other (possibly two if the situation calls for it) alive.

    My preference is to get something done and to get out ASAP. No sense waiting around for Zeds and Players who may have been attracted by the noise.

    Toss me a PM sometime if y'all need an additional hand with any sort of job. Chances are I will be willing to help.

  4. I'll hop on your TS Server tonight Drasqo.

    I am fairly well equipped, but I need a new gun (Currently sporting a Lee Enfield)

    Have a Czech pack and the ability to make food and fire. I tend to carry around mostly self preservation supplies, but also have a great stock to help other players out. This stock include extra bandages, an epi pen, 2 blood packs and an extra morphine hit. And of course cooked steaks, as they are easy to come by for me.

    I have never commited a murder without being fired upon first, and generally try to help people out in any way possible,

    I look forward to playing with you :D
