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About pupulehaole

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  1. Reason i asked is because i have been playing on 174 and have gear on it, I stopped playing for like 2 days i come back and US 174 is now US 175 on my favorites in DayzCommander so im confused. Scratch all of this. for some reason it switched my Favortie star and my server notes from 174 to 175. still got all my stuff on 174 =D
  2. I have been playing on your US 174 server for some time now but now it has a white list. I need to get on this list please =) name in game is Mani im sure many SG members can vouch for me not being a script kiddy or anything like that. Thx let me know.
  3. pupulehaole

    M4 Holo for trade

    Best offer gets the prize. I'm looking mainly for an L85. Like I said best offer wins.
  4. I have a Holo but im looking for an L85 or AS50 n NVG's
  5. Add me on Skype lets talk about surviving and owning this world of zombies and snipers. Skype : Pupulehaole
  6. Just died up near the NW Airbase last night with my M24 and Rangefinders. Im pretty experienced player and just looking for the same. Someone thats starting new but knows whats going on and wont hold me back. i figure i want to head back up to Starry or NW Airfield. Skype = Pupulehaole add me and lets do this!
  7. Im not an Aussie but i am from Hawaii and have a similar time zone. im Quite experienced and i play late into the night here so if thats what youre looking for hit me up on Skype or steam. name = Pupulehaole
  8. pupulehaole

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well im in a bind! i need help and im in a HOTTTTTTTT Area lol so if no medic wants to help i understand. im in the Northern Barracks at the NW Airfield. If anyone is down i got a M4a1 CCo SD in it for you. If no one wants to take the risk i understand lol. Skype = pupulehaole Steam = pupulehaole.
  9. pupulehaole

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    anyone out there!!!!!
  10. pupulehaole

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ok i am on Green Mountain and i just got my legs broken. I have no morphine and am in need of assistance. Pm me or add me on Skype : Pupulehaole thank you in advance.
  11. I'm down to join up with you n pillage the world. I have a IRL friend who I play with every so often so if ur down for sometimes having 2 ppl then hit me up.
  12. pupulehaole

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thank you Combat Medic Lynx. I was low on blood near Starry and couldnt see any color. Lynx came to the rescue. thank u kind sir.
  13. pupulehaole

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i need a blood transfusion. Im North East of Starry Sobor in the tree line. I am down to 3k blood but i am mobile my legs arent broken so i can meet with you somewhere if need be. thank you in advance for any replies. My Skype is Pupulehaole just add me
  14. pupulehaole

    NO Name, not recruiting.

    Add me on Skype : Pupulehaole and we can talk about teaming up?