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About langile

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  1. langile

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    +1 to this idea, I always end up finding a cz550 or enfield or something but need another weapon to kill zombies to look for loot, but I don't have a big enough backpack for the rifle. It makes no sense why your hatchet doesn't stay on your side.
  2. Yes, it's the norm. No, it isn't right. I'm friendly, too much so really. The only time I kill someone is if they're sitting on elektro hill sniping.
  3. langile

    Coughing, now what?

    Youre infected. This can happen (very rarely) if you get hit by a zombie while bleeding I beleive, or being cold. You need to find antibiotics (also very rare, found in hospitals) to cure it. eating food or using bloodbags are a waste, for you will loose blood constantly till 6k. As you said you also cough alot, which is very audible to other players.
  4. This thread sums up about all of my hopes for DayZ. Mostly I want the backpack space taken to be more realistic. I like the idea of having slots for each pocket on a vest for quicker access, and weights tied to items that will bring fatigue. I also like the idea of having vital; organs hit ect, just more ways to get hurt. As of now all you have to do is eat some meat.
  5. First off, Yes I googled, yes I checked all of the stickys, and I asked in the IRC. I have 2 accounts, and one logs in to the game fine. The other get stuck at the black loading screen without the bar, after recieving. A server admin says no errors come up, and I cant think of anything that would make it so one of my characters cant log in. Does this mean my characters data is corrupt or something?
  6. +1 This, and direct chat seems to be broken half the time, meaning those who are actually trying to ask friendly aren't getting a response because the message isn't getting through.
  7. I do that as well, but they still dont respond. and then they die.
  8. langile

    Pat Down Feature.

    I like this idea, makes sense
  9. langile

    owning a sheep in dayz?

    lol I see what you did there.
  10. langile

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    bump-same problem
  11. langile

    seeking one/two more survivors

    add me on skype - langile71 have to sleep right now, will be on tomorrow