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About Trinixx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Trinixx

    Annoying thigns.

    tonight i jumped off a dock to try and avoid a zombie.... my guy acted as if the water didnt exsist and he just plummeted to the bottom of the lake/ocean w/e you wanna call it, as if he weighed 5 million pounds and instantly died....
  2. Trinixx

    Help to a noob please

    What do you use bone? I heard of something called wormrom or something like that, which auto updates for you.. should i use that ?
  3. Hey guys so i just recently installed DayZ and it seems really fun. But i am having a few problems, first off i am on version 1.60 and i can't join many servers and i also cannot see my character in 3rd person (i see the terrain fine but he, the character is invisible) and thirdly i also have no debug monitor. So talked to some of the guys in a Canadian server i play on and they said i should update to the latest patch via 6updater. However my question to you, the intellectual ones is: 1) will updating via 6updated to the latest patch fix my 3 problems? (invisible player in 3rd person, no debug monitor and not being able to join many servers) and, 2) I'm a super noob with DayZ and ive read some threads on how to use 6updater but i still feel not confident in how to utilize it correctly and update to the latest patch. So please could someone give me a noob tutorial on updating to the latest patch via 6updater please and thank you! p.s I installed DayZ via this tutorial (im not sure if this has caused some of my problems or not): Once again thank you guys in advance for helping moi :)