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About atasheep

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. atasheep

    Your plans ?

    I would raise a family if I survive that long, lol.
  2. atasheep

    weapon switching?

    You can store one rifle on your backpack while you use another, but you cannot switch that fast between them. Same applies on hatchet, you need to store your secondary weapon (or drop it) to put the hatchet on the weapon slot. Inventory DO seems crazy sometimes, but I can assure that you will get used to. :)
  3. I do not play only US, I just play any hardcore server that I can (all the server have at least 100+ping, so I do not have much choice) hahaha, I just do not like the regular ones, 3rd person view, crossed aim and tags ruined my first games, so I do not like it. :/
  4. atasheep

    Wow, I freaked out because of freeview....

    Now I do it all the time, it is awesome to keep the direction I have set before and still look around :D
  5. atasheep

    Wow, I freaked out because of freeview....

    I had that problem when I was running across the map, but press the (*) button solved it as well. :3
  6. So my dear, if you like to play only on hardcore servers, I would love to group up with you. (I play with female skin, but I am a bit worried about how long will take to be able to dress the guille or camo suit. I play with a male friend of mine most of time, but I guess we can complain about the post apocalyptic world anyway! hahahah And well, I did not have any problems with the female character YET, actually a guy helped me to beat some zombies on cherno in US 4 Hardcore a couple days ago, but I had to voice chat him to do not shoot me, lol.
  7. atasheep

    Help locating myself

    Every time you log in into a server, look on the bottom right corner of your screen, it will appear some letters forming the name of the place that you are in the moment. It might be a city, or a mountain, or even plains. And there is a lot of places you can use as reference, like electric cables, lakes and small roads. But there is also tricky names, like 'Wildness' (or something like that, cannot remember now) that means you are far away from a place on the map.
  8. atasheep

    Hi there! Tips for a new player?

    If you have a backpack with at least 10 empty slots, you can solve your problem simply stocking the Einfield on it (10 slots per secondary weapons plus 1 slot per ammo). Also, I would not start shooting zombies with a rifle, the noise will attract a lot more, and well, with lucky you will be doomed in a few minutes. About your last question, the zombies will only spawn in the 'right' places. They do NOT spawn on the forest, for example. According to Marknetic up there, there is a maximum number of 30 zombies that can spawn per player, but that will only happen if the player are on a spawnable place. I am not sure if I got a point here. Suppose that you are entering a city that have two players inside, they are on spawnable places and they are also walking/running through the city. I guess it will spawn a max of 60 zombies plus the ones you will make spawn when you get closer. So you can easily run into a large groups of zombies. Take care. On servers with more players you will be obviously more vulnerable to other players and larger groups of zombies. BUT, you can think that is good, because with some experience and patience you can kill and loot players, or trap them all as well. But if you are learning yet, I will definitely recommend servers with less population. :D