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Everything posted by FlashHawk4
I can't help but feel like this would be a neat addition, but at the same time it would be one of those additions that, if implemented, would definitely not be worth the amount of code and grief the devs put into it in terms of affecting gameplay. It's an incredibly small detail, but it would still take a comparatively large amount of work to pull off. The character animation would have to be done for both types of reload with each type of gun in both first and third person modes, so that's easily double the quantity of work that would normally be put into reload animations. Plus the physics engine would have to handle the separation of the magazine from the character/weapon model and conversion of it into a falling independent entity with a unique trajectory and landing animation. Attention would have to be paid to preventing it from clipping through the ground or other objects, or otherwise landing in a way that is buggy or otherwise detrimental to gameplay (think back to that time you spent twenty seconds scanning a dead zombie to find the pixel that would let you pull the crossbow bolt out of his thigh and you'll see what I mean). Sound files will have to be added to complement the magazine hitting the ground, and that's a whole lot of work too. Then the issue of whether or not dropping a magazine four feet onto concrete should have the possibility of damaging them, and to the devs that would be the gigantic can of worms duct taped top-first to the bottom of the one they just opened. Gotta model, program, and implement all that shit too, because it will no doubt come up in the SA suggestions forum if this idea were implemented. Should bullets have a chance of slipping out of partially emptied magazines when tossed? More modelling, more coding, more tweaking. Now, think back to the gameplay alterations that are being made. Now you have a button that lets you put more bullets in your gun half a second faster than normal. I would not miss that feature if it were not included. Overall, you have to remember that each of these small changes actually takes a good bit of work on the part of somebody in the dev team. This time could be spent instead on further polishing the things we all agree are a must for a good game. Think about it: the guy scripting your character dropping an AK mag like an MC dropping his mic after a rap batltle domination could be putting work into something infinitely more obnoxious, like fixing how those damn zombies can grab you through walls.
No to this idea. When I use the term "end-game", I'm referring to more challenging tasks or areas that are more suited towards someone with better gear and team structure, not to something that tries to add a metagame to this game in the way an achievables system does. Endgame should be something that offers a challenge to individuals who are no longer phased by a street full of zombies or by a single man with a double-barrel shotgun running down the highway. Something that people want to work towards when they no longer need to worry about where their next meal is coming from, or about running out of bullets. Meaningless achievements that exist only for bragging rights aren't DayZ's style. Instead, the "endgame" content should, in my opinion, be more along the lines of base construction, helicopter maintenance and use, convoys, etc. etc.
Everything a .30-.30 can do, a Kalashnikov can do better :P That's why I have one for home defense. Her name is Alena.
The main reason I own a lever-action rifle is that it uses the same ammo as my revolver, like you said. .357 Magnum revolver, .357 carbine. Just like my Ruger Blackhawk and my M1 Carbine. IMO, the concept of ammo sharing across platforms could be the main benefit of a lever-action. It's always nice in a situation like this to be able to shoot either weapon without worrying about ammo balancing.
1. Now, I will admit that it's been a very, very long time since I played the ArmA campaign, but IIRC Chernarus is, in fact, a (fictional) small country that (IIRC) is where Georgia is. The 225 km2 map that is called "Chernarus" is only one province of it that (IIRC) is called South Zagoria. Also the island of Utes (IIRC) is Chernarussian territory as well. So, that's dealt with. 2. I think the Winchester 1866 is something that would actually be around in greater quantities than one would think. While I do realize that Chernarus is hardly the American West, and thus it won't be adorning the mantelpiece of every homestead from Zelenogorsk to Krasnostav, it was used in fairly sizeable quantities in multiple conflicts around the Chernarussian region. Not only did it see action in the Russo-Turkish War as has been mentioned previously, it was also used by American troops sent to support the Whites during the Russian Civil War in 1920. They'd be much less common than they really are in DayZ at present, most likely 9 out of every 10 would be replaced by the Mosin-Nagant, Also I'm skeptical as to why we made it the 1866, when obviously the 1886 is so much superior. Anyway, yeah. My two cents.
Defending your base right: BAF portable LMGs
FlashHawk4 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Might just want to tweak the title, then. It seems like it's a bit difficult to grasp. Anyway, these would obviously be incredibly rare. Rare far beyond the current definitions of "rare". It should be something that you actually get giddy when you stumble across one, and become visibly excited. It should make your day. Not like the current run on the NWAF that yields two M4s and an M240. It wouldn't be game-breaking if it were actually that rare. It would also be something that people wouldn't want to risk on a basic run on Cherno. It would obviously have to have many, many flaws. Obviously it would replace your backpack, and since most DayZ players seem to treasure 24 slots of backpack just as much, if not more than, an automatic weapon, it would have to be something used tactically. Plus it would take at least a pair of people to move. And, finally, it would tear through ammo. -
Because due to (what I consider) a bug in the ARMA codes, the AS50 does...IIRC, approximately six as much damage as the M107, even though they fire the exact same round. And the devs seem to be slow to mend this grievous error. Anyway, I definitely agree that bullet mechanics should be overhauled totally for DayZ SA. While the bullet drop mechanic alone distinguishes the ArmA engine from most of the point-and-shoots out there, but the sniping is so prevalent BECAUSE it isn't realistically depicted here. The difficulty in shooting a target four hundred yards away and the difficulty in shooting a target eight hundred yards away in this game are a linear slope at best, when in the real world it would easily be an exponential one. There's a reason that snipers are such prized assets IRL, and that's because it's an ass-load of investment in time and training to become one. I feel like DayZ should focus on the idea of making individuals far more valuable to a team by their actual skills, instead of making us all jacks of all trades. No, I am most assuredly NOT bringing up player classes or things like that. I just think that it should be HARD to fly choppers, it should be HARD to pull 1000 meter shots, and it should be HARD to replace the engine bloc of a deuce and a half with just a handyman's toolkit. Not obnoxious minigames, not irritating and counterintuitive game mechanics...just...challenging. LIke realistically modeled wind and realistically implemented scope adjustments, or at least slightly in-depth procedures to start up a helicopter's engine instead of just double tapping Q.
Assumng everyone on the server is in the same Skype call?
Upon re-reading, yes, this is a good idea. I like the concept of finding guns that aren't maintained, but I just don't know how much stress literally quadrupling the number of firearm files in the game is going to put on the system.
Defending your base right: BAF portable LMGs
FlashHawk4 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
"Heavy machine guns? That'll ruin the gameplay, they're not fair!" -DayZ dabbler "Two blokes put a GPMG on a roof? Sweet, where is this roof? I'll flank the shit out of them, I want that machine gun." -True DayZ player -
I forsee a huge, HUGE fanbase for universal rails if weapon modularity comes into the game. It's easier to put rails on a gun and then put things on the rails than it is to just stick things on a gun. And you'd be surprised what you can put rails on. I've seen rail kits for M1 Garands and M1 carbines. Ugly and stupid, while defeating the purpose of owning such a beautiful vintage firearm, but the point is it can be done. Will all guns have them? No. Will most guns have them? No. The Chernarussian military probably doesn't put them on most of their guys' rifles (though there's the AKMN...), but if you luck out and scavenge yourself an Ultimak (Supramax? Sure. Let's go with that. No copyright infringement there :P ) rail kit in a gun store, you could swap the dust cover or gas tube of your AK for one with rails. The former can be done in nine seconds, the latter in thirty. Then you can go nuts with your accessories.
Defending your base right: BAF portable LMGs
FlashHawk4 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
The Coriolis effect does actually come into the most ridiculous shots ever made in the history of shooting guns, but anything less than 1.5km it's pretty much nil. Past that it's just affecting the end point by less than a meter, but less than a meter is a pretty damn big deal unless you have some kind of 40mm HE rifle. And if you do, that's not fair, you're cheating. Anyway, tripod guns would be pretty cool. I'd like to see them. Also, if we do pick a NATO GPMG alongside the DShK/PKM/Kord stuff, I'd cast my vote for the MG3. Think about it. The nigh-inconceivable cyclic rate is something people would fall in love with, but then they would curse it after the shootout, when they realize they just used 250 rounds of the 300 rounds they spent a week finding against a single target. It would eat up ammo so fast that it would be inherently more balanced in the long term. -
zombies eat dead players / cows / goats.
FlashHawk4 replied to Dougel's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I agree with this idea. Maybe the ability to lob pork chops and stuff like that in order to distract zombies for a short amount of time. For once I'm not being facetious, I think it would add to the gameplay. Zombies are, as per pop culture base rules, too stupid for abstract thought. If they find a rack of ribs laying on the ground, they aren't thinking "Hey, who left this here? It wasn't here when I checked this street forty-five minutes ago! I bet there's a person around!" As long as they don't actually see you throw it, they'll just think "RAAAAAAGHH" and start eating. Of course, that wouldn't occupy their attention for more than twenty seconds. So there's actually a bunch of tactical implications in that there sirloin. -
A gun becoming degraded does not significantly affect its accuracy. The main thing to worry about is its reliability. If you run around and get sand inside a finicky gun like an AR or one of the snooty "accurized" custom "M1911s" that they have now, it might just say no to going boom. AKs, much less so. But definitely, sights are probably the most delicate pieces on a gun short of the internals. They're also the easiest to bump around. You take a corner the wrong way and slam the muzzle of your rifle into a doorframe, and it just happens to be sideways at the moment of impact, that's right on the front sight. Plus I've seen guns get damaged, or just leave the factory sucking ass, so that their rear sights are canted and don't line up with the front correctly. If you swing a weapon in melee combat (I SWEAR TO GOD SA IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT FEATURE I WILL KILL SOMEONE {WITH A HATCHET}), you're risking damage to certain key parts, like the magazine well and the stock. I've also seen low quality stocks get phsyically broken by swinging them around. Mostly on M16A4s. MCMAP is just too manly for those little prom queens. If you haven't yet realized yet, I am an AK guy. In short, though, the timeframe you see in DayZ at present is too short for your gun to really get corroded. When you hear people telling you that corrosive ammo and grime will ruin your gun if you don't maintain it, they aren't talking in terms of a week, which is about as long as I ever hope to go for in the standalone. They pretty much mean in a month or more of use without regular and thorough cleaning.
How about the UN? If thirteen different countries send over like five hundred guys apiece to help the Chernarussian military, that could explain how there are like five different guns apiece from thirteen countries. But again, that's backstory. I think only 5% of us are really questioning this kind of thing, the other 95% are just like "WAY COOL MAN, A BERETTA LOL" And also, there's still a great variety of weapons even if we lean more towards Eastern Bloc weapons. The Russians make some fine Saiga and Vepr sporting rifles and shotguns that lots of people in the Soviet-bloc region use for recreational shooting and hunting, there's a whole bunch of rifles like the CZ that don't tend to get imported here to the US, we could always do with older military weapons like the SKS carbine, the Mosin-Nagant M91/30 and the Mosin-Nagant M44, and all the specific-purpose Soviet/Russian military weapons, the RPKs and PKMs, the SVDs and VSSs, the PP-2000s and Vz-65s, the AN-94s and AK-12s, the RPGs and RPOs, etc etc etc... I'm not saying we take out the NATO weaponry. I'm also not saying we boost the military-grade weapon spawns even more than they are now by throwing even more Russian weapons in alongside the NATO ones without tweaking the spawn rates. But I think it's absolutely silly that the most common military sniper rifle in the game is American and the rarest is Russian, even though we're on the Russian southern(?) border. And I think the weapon spawn locations should match up with the locations more logically. The UN peacekeeping mission would have its own military compound within the country that would take on the same role as the International Airfield, the drop site for exotic weapons and people's dead corpses. And the Chernarussian bases would have Chernarussian weapons.
[SA] - Ammunition Types & Alternate Ammo
FlashHawk4 replied to Draco122's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I suspected you were that type of person :P -
Take out all the snipers except for 1
FlashHawk4 replied to BearGravy's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
This. Why SVDs are inconceivably rare is totally beyond me. Up to one out of every 40 soldiers would have one in a Chernarussian military unit would be packing one. Not to mention the fact that there literally AREN'T PKMs, RPKs, etc. etc. etc, even though RPKs are issued at the squad level. Then again, if we were to genuinely follow the TO&E laid out in US Army Field Manual 100-60 in all the dead guys' gear, practically one out of every five soldiers would have an RPG if we were talking mechanized infantry. And I'm sure you guys would shit brix over that one :P Maybe they think the PSO-1 scope is "OP" or something because of its rangefinding functions. Who knows? -
[SA] - Ammunition Types & Alternate Ammo
FlashHawk4 replied to Draco122's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Gews, does the phrase "Main MIlitary Weapon thread" mean anything to you? Just out of curiosity. -
Take out all the snipers except for 1
FlashHawk4 replied to BearGravy's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Sounds like you're just mad that this game is unbalanced. Welcome to DayZ, where most shootings occur with no warning, no provocation, and no reason. Anyway, I've seen a whole bunch of "take out sniper rifles" arguments that all just boil down to "because they're OP". But that's kinda the point. I don't think the issue is that there are too many powerful guns, I just think it's kinda that there aren't enough low-end ones. If there was more of a progression between a Makarov and a DMR, it would be much better, but I don't think the solution is to take out the higher end, because then you're just ruining the incentive to GO to the higher end. -
Steam Achievements and Progressing Weapons
FlashHawk4 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I love modifying guns IRL. People seem to think that the AR is the god of modularity, but the AK can do almost as much, easily. Within a week of me having purchased my (first) Kalashnikov, I had swapped the slant brake for a badass flash suppressor, the gas tube with a railed version and slapped a tactical light on there, etc. etc. And mind you, this didn't even take a single tool. Such is the beauty of the Kalashnikov. Since then I've also swapped the lower handguard for something that doesn't burn like hell after 60 rounds, the cheap synthetic stock for a quality Bulgarian side-folder, the trigger assembly for an aftermarket Tapco one, etc. etc... Anyway, yeah, I'm all for weapon modding. There's the inevitable issue of how to go about giving the player's character the game-side "knowledge" of how to do such a thing, which is probably the #1 issue here in the Suggestions board, but still. -
I really think that 1911s would be inappropriate. People seem to suggest American firearms simply because they don't have unnervingly detailed knowledge of Soviet-bloc firearms like some of us do :P Anyway, I'd love to see stuff like the Nagant revolver, the Tokarev, etc. etc...but a 1911? Don't think there would be a reason to see them in Chernarus.
[SA] - Ammunition Types & Alternate Ammo
FlashHawk4 replied to Draco122's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Yeah, needs to be trimmed down, but is an otherwise acceptable thing. Of course, I don't want corrosive ammo to be an inevitable gun-killer that slowly eats away your baby without giving you anything to do to stop it. I shoot corrosive ammo out of my Mosin-Nagant rather frequently, and as long as you clean it ASAP, it's no big deal. So, assuming there's a quasi-realistic cleaning mechanic in the game, I'm all for it. -
More realism and player stats suggestions
FlashHawk4 replied to Ken Bean's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Certain things should become easier with practice just like real life, but basic factors like physical fitness and perception should stay the same. For example, field stripping an AK is much easier the third time than it is the first time, and field stripping an AK the fiftieth time is much easier than the third time. Trust me on this, first hand experience. Building a fire, fixing cars, etc. etc. should work like that. But running, jumping, shooting, sprinting, swimming, etc. aren't going to improve drastically in the timespan this game depicts. -
Confusing Weapons and Model Type Functionality
FlashHawk4 replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Honestly, the current sounds are terrible. ArmA's sound system was pretty much a placeholder put in because nobody wants to play a game that's on mute. But the main problem with gun sounds is...where do you get them? The only real way to get a genuinely authentic weapon sound is to fire the weapon, and it's never easy to get one's hands on a fully automatic SA-80 and the like. So, yeah. It needs to get fixed.