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Gopher (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gopher (DayZ)

  1. Rocket gave out information on reddit stating that the devs will be taking out the debug monitor in the patch 1.7.3. Now I know what you're thinking. "Oh em gee, but I want to see my stats because I like to keep track of it." But have no fear, I have a solution. Link- http://www.reddit.co...st_want_in_dayz An easy way to add more realism to DayZ and keep track of your stats would be to add a new item which would be a player diary. Every new character would spawn with one and it could be used as a stat tracker. For example, you'd have to open it up through gear, and it would show how many zombie you've killed, how many headshots you have gotten, and how many players you have killed (in that character life), all of that would go up passively. Anyways, adding onto the diary concept, players could also write person text in it, hence it being a diary. And when you die, other players can go through it and see how many zombies, and players you've killed, they could also read what you have written down. Though some of you guys may be asking, "Well how about my blood, how about my humanity? How is that going to be determined?" But fear not, I have an amazing solution to that. One of them is already solved, which is your blood count. All you have to do is look at your screen and ask yourself. "What color is my screen?" If its gray then you have low blood, if it's colorful, then you have high blood. But anyways, i'm sure you guys already knew that. And for the second solution. Well if you think about it, we don't really need to know the exact number of how high or low our humanity is, mostly because the hero, bandit, and survivor skin indicates that pretty well. (Although you still got to be aware, since players like to wear camo and ghillie suits, but that just adds to the suspense and realism.) Though, the way you lose humanity and gain humanity is absolutley absurd and stupid. But let's not get off topic I could write a whole topic just saying how broken the way the humanity system works, but that's another story within itself. We could let the devs handle that problem, hopefully next patch ^^. TL;DR Add diaries that could track stats such as zombie kills, player kills, e.t.c---Look at your screen for blood indication---Let's face it who cares about knowing how high or low your humanity is, it's already fixed by bandit/hero skins. Don't rage about this topic if you just read the TL;DR section. I went more in-depth on the paragraphs you got lazy too read. lol I put so much time typing this, watch it only get like 10 views and 2 replies <_< EDIT* Finding a device that would be able to give ur blood reading would be a good idea since the devs are taking out the debug monitor. (POSTED BY KYZAHH, 6TH POST)
  2. This is merley my opinion but it could be many others too. I've been playing DayZ since the beginning. It pretty much has turned into a lameass pvp orientated game in high loot areas. But that just makes you learn a new curve in the game. Watch out, be more careful, don't attract attention. But to the reason that most people are starting to hate towards it is because glitches, bugs, hackers, e.t.c. I think that most people may exhaggerate on it, but it also changes how you react to things. At first most people are like, "Omg I died to a glitch, bug, hack, this game sucks." Firstly, this game is in alpha, you're going to lose your stuff, but it makes you learn to move on, and learning that helps you with other games too, you wont get as easily frusterated anymore. Secondly, it isn't a game, it's a mod. It was made from the game ARMA 2. It's not supposed to be perfect in any way, but it sure is enjoyable. Like I said, i've played DayZ since the beginning. (But I haven't been on the forums until recently) I got Arma 2 because, of Arma 2. So I thought, what they hey, this MOD looks fun. I downloaded it, and I'm sure it could be a game alone just as it is. I don't know how many times my heart has been pounded after surviving an aggrivating fire fight with 2 or more people. The game get's you into it and makes memories and stories for you. This game is all about making fun memories. If you're able to handle a game that irritates you sometimes, but gives you the best experiences in your gaming history. Buy it, because I'm sure that if I didnt buy ARMA 2 just for "ARMA 2", I'd probably would've boughten it just for DayZ. I remember the first time I met survivors and we tagged along, it was the best experience ever. If you buy Arma 2 for DayZ it's a win, win. You get two amazing games for the deal of $30. I'd take that deal any day. Because i've had more fun playing those two games than playing any other game on the console or pc. If you don't want to buy the 2 for 1 deal, I think that if you dont buy it, your missing out. You can look back at those good ol' dayz ;) of DayZ and say, yeah, I was a part of that, I was a part of that experience. Whether you play as a scumbag bandit, a sole survivor, or a hero. You're going to have a fun time in DayZ. The most fun i've had was when i first started, and played, it was like being entered into a new world, as a new man. I'm telling you, if you haven't boughten it yet, you're missing out. And for the hacker solution, yes if you join a server with 40+ people in it, I'm sure there's a hacker on it. But download lingor island, it's a free player made map for DayZ. It has waaay less hackers and you can have even more experiences on it too. TL;DR You're missing out on the best gaming experiences. Bug, glitches, hackers can be learned to handle. You get a great game (which is Arma 2), and an amazing mod which is DayZ (which should be considered a game right now because it's so much fun) for the price of $30 (on steam). If you don't buy it now, you're missing out.
  3. Gopher (DayZ)


    Oh, god. Your goal is about killing zombies? I thought this game is about survival. I set my goal to live the longest that I can and help other players when they need help. And I'm not trying to be a bragging, idiot, toolbag, hype beast, queer. But my record is around 550, without trying to get my kill count as high is it can be.
  4. Gopher (DayZ)


    To everyone complaining about, "Oh no, I can't see my ammo count, I don't know my blood, I need to know everything to survive! Those games that did that did bad, that means DayZ is going to be bad!" No, just, no. That's like taking two games that are really not that much alike, and taking the smallest detail, and saying one is bad because of it. The reasons why "those" games sucked that had no indication of blood, magazine, e.t.c was because the "gameplay" sucked. I've played enough vanilla Arma, and ACE, to realize that it has no bad effect on the game itself. It actually plays alot better and makes it more fun. Then if you add the realism of ACE, where you dont know your magazine count, just reload every time you think you have low ammo. It's not that hard to mentally keep mind in those things. Taking away the debug isn't going to ruin the mod at all since it's just a small feature that the devs have placed in. And come on, do you really think that the devs are going to place the big square debug monitor in the stand alone? I doubt it. Some of you are acting like it's the end of the world and the mod is going to suck since the devs take it out. Well it's not the end of the world and the game would not possibly suck at all if it were taken out. Knowingly because the gameplay is still the same, it's still DayZ in the core. (Well there's still hackers, noob snipers, annoying campers, server hoppers/ghosters. But let's ignore that for now) B)
  5. Gopher (DayZ)


    I actually agree with alot of what you're saying. I guess keeping track of kills and zombies could lead away from the "survival" part of the game. With the diaries and notes; since average kills I get per life would be around 3, I could just personally keep it written down in the notes. And about the blood part, you got that nailed, I don't know who could've explained it better. But adding a small item to show your blood count wouldn't do any harm since some people are just "those" kind of people who want to know all their stats. And anyways, the debug monitor is ugly. I want it out :>
  6. Gopher (DayZ)

    great brand new idea for dayz

    DayZ is a simulator, not an FPS. There's not supposed to be montages, because that would encourage a**holes to snipe at Elektro. There's a simpler solution to the recording method though. Download FRAPS.
  7. Gopher (DayZ)

    Parachutes and Zombie Pilots

    Yes it seems that the cows already have this technology. Their IQ must have been higher than we though.
  8. Gopher (DayZ)

    New idea for food items???

    I certainly agree, I am a long survivor of the apocalypse of Chernarus. I have been only eating beans, pasta, sardines, and the occasional steak. I've also been drinking coke, pepsi, and water. The income of emergency food has been declined greatly and for the past year I have gained alot of weight and my diet has been terrible. I would wish for the good old dayz where I would be able to sit at a table and drink some fresh milk, eat lasagna that my mother used to make, and have some nice cheesecake to add along with it. I would also die for some vegetables because I haven't eaten any of those since before the apocalypse. I wonder where all the food has went. I really don't want to eat beans, pasta, and sardines for the rest of my life in this apocalypse. If you have any contact with the IEFCPA (International Emergency Food Care Package Association) please radio a care package to the supermarket and Chernogorsk ASAP. I've also heard that my cousin in Lingor Island has had this problem too with beans, pasta, sardines and steak. If you are able to, please send a care package for food delivery in Calamar as soon as possible. You have my deepest thanks. -Survivor of Chernarus
  9. Gopher (DayZ)

    Too many sniper rifles

    I get what you are coming from, I agree that too many people snipe just for pvp. The devs should change it to that snipers are harder to use, such as in the ACE mod in Arma 2. To get kills with a sniper you have to give in time and training into it. This would make only good people use snipers since they would be hard to use. Unlike now where if u set ur range and shoot, you'd get the kill. Either this, or take away the range by using mousewheel or pressing shift+click on the map, so that finding range finders would enable you to be able to snipe at long ranges.
  10. Gopher (DayZ)

    A ranking system

    I wouldn't like the concept of setting an objective of getting "x" amount of kills. Some people may do that just to have the better advantage on other players. But the concept of surviving for a long period of time to get better perks would be my exception such as better chance of loot or increase of hearing, e.t.c. This is a nice idea because DayZ is about survival and those who have survived the longest deserve to get rewards because the risks and things they have endured. Though there has to be a catch to it so players wont go afk and survive really long.
  11. Gopher (DayZ)


    Yeah it should probably be as rare as camo clothing and spawn in residential areas, or something you'd find in a heli crash site specific medical boxes, probably containing 2-3 inside a box.
  12. Gopher (DayZ)


    Yeah it's a pain, but I guess thats another reason to be more aware of how dangerous and annoying zombies can be.
  13. Gopher (DayZ)


    I like this idea alot, it'd add alot more to the game in items to look for and it'd be helpful to people who have impaired vision.
  14. Gopher (DayZ)


    I agree what you have to say about color blind. I think that the devs should make more ways to show ur blood count such as captions as an option. Yeah I posted that before I noticed you had an edit.
  15. Gopher (DayZ)


    The indicators that tell you if you're hurt are more than enough. Such as groaning, low color, and impaired vision. While playing the vanilla Arma 2, especially ACE mod, there is no way to tell your exact blood other than those indicators. And in my opinion, it doesn't at all take away to the game. Like I said, the color scheme is more than enough, because ur screen instatly turns dull if u go below 10k, and starts to turn grey around 8-9k. Let's face it, most people aim to the head in to kill in pvp, and usually it'd take 5 good placed shots at the chest to down you. I don't think knowing if u have 12k or 10k health is going to stop you from going down. Because once you get caught and are in a bad position, you're either dead or unconscious.
  16. Gopher (DayZ)

    Looking For a SVD camo

    Don't bother, any sniper with zeroing is far better than an SVD Camo. You can just do the easy mildot math for range or use the range marker on your map for distance. It's a very cool gun in terms of looks, but it's just a status symbol because it's rare. I had the choice to choose between an SVD, and an AS50. I regretted choosing the SVD. Mostly because of the poor damage and accuracy. I know how to use the range finder built into the SVD and am pretty good with it too. But when it's real time and you gotta act fast before your target gets away, by the time you have gotten the adjustment on the scope, they may have been long gone. Where as the AS50 or any other sniper with zeroing, you could just get the range, plop it into your zeroing, and your done within seconds. TL;DR AS50 is more accurate (better zeroing+scope), stronger (one shot kill, anti material). SVD is weak (compared to as50 and m107) and accuracy is lacking, if not trained well to use.
  17. Gopher (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Happily taking an l85a2 from a bandit I killed I countinued to live my days as a bandit hunter. I hid out in a building after noticing a few snipers with my thermal in Maruko at Lingor Island. Couple of shots with my DMR, both dead, +2 for my bandit kill count. After that, noticed a couple of bandits in a UAZ. I hide in my building, one comes enters, few shots, dead. After that, I warn the other bandit to leave because I easily could kill another person entering. Too bad there was a window beside me and I wasn't taking too much pre caution. One shot to my head, dead. I guess living as a hero is just as good as dying as a hero. Well played bandit a**holes, well played.
  18. Gopher (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    I changed my playstyle to a hero on Lingor and eventually got the skin. I met this European guy and helped him get a bunch of high tier loot which took an hour and a half. After that, some a**hole came out of nowhere and shot him dead. Waste of my precious hour and a half. :<
  19. Gopher (DayZ)

    DayZ Video Camera's!

    I was thinking of an idea of having a video camera implemented into DayZ where you could record your gameplay in first person, like a gopro camera IRL. You could find it in game and there can be a press to use button to record first-person gameplay for an "x" amount of time before the battery life runs out, and then you'd have to find a new battery to continue recording. The "gopro" would also record direct coms and sounds that can be heard normally in DayZ. It'd be nice to find one and record your characters interesting moments in that life, such as fire fights or scary encounters. And once you die the player who loots your body can find a video diary of your encounters during that life for your character and possibly how you spent your last moments. It would be a nice change to see another persons P.O.V in Chernarus. This could also be really easy to record hackers to get them banned. Also, it could also server as a way to show if you've killed someone who has slaughtered many people or someone who's helped out many. Either way I really dont think that it would cause any bad gameplay interferences and would be a fun addition to the DayZ mod.