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JayB (DayZ)

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Everything posted by JayB (DayZ)

  1. JayB (DayZ)

    Free Suff

    I agree Stig, metagaming is a douchey thing to do.
  2. JayB (DayZ)

    Clan War Recruitment

    To any one interested in joining the above, here's the true sitrep. You'll be joining a group of players (no bigger than 10 players), 2 of which were kicked from a clan for being utter dicks and one lost his admin. This has caused them to start killing a clan in the clan's home server. The clan was once unorganised but has since pulled it together and are in squads, the clan numbers 30+, all fully kitted out. This is a war in which, if you join the above person's side, will not care for you if you die and simply want to act revenge because they are butthurt. Simple as. Oh and, we found our vehicles. Nice to see you using conveniently hacked in vehicles too.
  3. Prepare your anus for a ring raiding, no one ever says that name and comes out of it without some sort of anal chafing or death.
  4. JayB (DayZ)

    Your first murder?

    I remember mine. Running out of Stary with 2 friends and a large following of Zeds. Stopped, turned as I went to shoot my friend ran infront of me. He died.
  5. JayB (DayZ)

    Alt+f4's How I Hate Them So Much.

    Found it in tents east of the crash site. I ran from the woods above the military tents at Stary up across the field (but in cover) and found a tent with it in. I went north into the woods and checked my map to see a marker. I positioned in the woods and saw a survivor, that's when I shot at him.
  6. JayB (DayZ)

    Alt+f4's How I Hate Them So Much.

    Similar thing happened to me yesterday. There was a crash site north of Stary, and I approached it from the northern forest. I saw a player running from it and fired at him with my FN FAL AN PVS4. Missed the first shot, hit him on the 2nd and 3rd. He then Alt + F4'd. Both shots hit, so he must have very low health. His name was Oreo66. If I see him again, I'll be sure to hit him in the legs and leave him for dead.
  7. JayB (DayZ)

    [MI] Mayhem Inc. - Recruiting

    -How old are you? 17 -Do you like to follow orders or give them? Both, I can follow orders but I am able to command a group of people too. -Sniper, Recon, Assault, Support, Medic or Other (Please state)? Recon, sniper and assault. -Time zone? GMT -What are you best at? (Scavenging, Killing, Etc...) Navigating, scouting, scavenging. -Can you record? If I need to yes, but I don't much. -Do you have a mic? Yup. -Is it a good mic? Gamecom 777 Headset, so yes. Great! Final question: -Why do you want to join Mayhem Inc.? I want to join a group of players who have similar goals to me; play Day Z, have fun, get loot and have more fun.
  8. JayB (DayZ)

    Your unluckiest/luckiest moments in DayZ?

    Easy, earlier today I ran from Zelenogorsk to the NW Airfield. Found and M4A3 CCO, so I swapped it for my old M4A1. There was also a used PP-19. I then ran to devils castle and from there to Stary Sobor. On the way to Stary Sobor I came across 6 tents in the order 1 tent, 3 tents and then 2 tents over the distance. They had: FN FAL AN PVS-4 M249 Loads of other med/low value guns Loads of mags Antibiotics Blood bags Food More ammo etc. Good to say that I'm now rockin' an FN FAL on a night server and destroying all these tards trying to get lucky at the Stary tents :3
  9. JayB (DayZ)

    Combination of issues

    How the hell do I do this? I'm having the exact same problem. Can't access the singeplayer menu on DayZ, but can't load the DayZ SP on anything else as it tells me I'm missing the Day Z content.
  10. JayB (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Jay Player ID: 3859206 Why do you wish to join the Militia: I've been playing with my friend for a week or so and we think that joining a group with similar values to our own would benefit not only ourselves but the group. I've read the forums for 2-3 weeks before deciding to play and convince my friend to get ARMA 2 solely for it. I know the ropes of Day Z as well as ARMA. What can you offer the Militia: I've been playing ARMA for over a year and I already know the map off by heart. I'm also very patient and not one of your trigger happy gun totes, hence why my first life lasted over 9 hours. Are you a team player: Ofcourse, I can survive on my own but I don't get anything out of it. Playing in a group where not only can I gain assistance but give it makes this game seem much more attractive to play. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yup. You cannot expect to live forever and doing so makes the loss much harder. I know all the spawn points and I'll happily go to each one to acquire the gear that I need again. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: None. Extra Information: I'm from the UK, I have a Microphone and I'm available most days to play. I have college, but I'm home most days for a few hours and on pretty much every night. I do not shoot on sight unless I am shot at first, in which case I always avoid any player contact whatsoever so that I am not forced to do so. I do not like bandits, they kill for fun and not for survival. With that said, if some one gets inbetween me and the loot I want then I will not have a problem shooting, unless a diplomatic resolution can be established. Steam: Masaca1 Unfortunately my friend signed up but the confirmation email doesn't come through so I'll post his application too: Profile Name: Louis Player ID (Not SteamID): 27661126 Why do you wish to join the Militia: After playing DayZ for a week now with only the one friend it would be great to join up with a group of people that I can both help and be helped by as it would make the game much more entertaining and making new friends is always worthwhile. What can you offer the Militia: I’m good with teamwork and also map work if needs be – I’m also patient and can wait or carry out any boring tasks no problem. Going in guns blazing is not my style! Are you a team player: Definitely, I find helping others is much more useful than helping myself, by working as a team it’s much easier to accomplish goals and makes them much more worthwhile. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Of course, gear can be replaced and I need it just as much as anybody else so I’m happy to share it out. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Nope, this is the first group and hopefully only group I want to join. Extra Information: I’ve been playing fps games for a long time now and have a lot of experience, I prefer to play more tactical games like BF2 Project Reality so am no stranger to teamwork and helping others. Steam: xthingyx