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Everything posted by Falk0

  1. Falk0

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    "- I kill on sight. Problem? I do this to protect what is mine. If I see you, I will kill you. I don't care if you don't see me yet. I don't care if you only have a hatchet. I don't care if you have a bigger gun than me. Nothing matters but my own safety. If you do happen to find someone friendly online, chances are that you will get backstabbed later on. Don't deal with it." I wonder if people feel smart when they say this kind of things... yes, probably. Did you know that players could actually spawn infinitely on a server? Why don't you play on servers where there is actually no players in then? Yes, your point is completely wrong and is just an excuse. I read most of this thread and in other circumstances I'd say most of the comments are players trolling the author. They are like so proud because they think what they're doing is so though! "I'd be so badass if an apocalypse happened! Roaaar" and most of the answers could be put like "I'm so better than you". Getting a good gear is so over-rated. Killing to get better stuff? You can already do lots while only equiped with a lee-enfield... Killing because you feel endangered by an other player? Such lame excuses. Anyway, about the subject, I believe a lot of people would actually behave otherwise if there wasn't that vicious circle... like LtntDan here stated "Guess ill just start shooting anyone on sight too?". I mostly tell other players they have 10 seconds to move away before I kill them^^ Killing players can be really fun but most of the time it's just nonsensical... and this story you told us, Dan, clearly is. On an other hand, I completely agree with an other comment who said that the reactions after getting killed are so childish. And people who wish they could actually be rewarded because they play in a gentle way is plain stupid. The game is good because there is no boundaries like these.
  2. When it's night and if you don't have a gun, it's almost pointless to go silence. I remember someone tried to shoot me while I was going prone and when it was completely dark (and in a small city)... I wondered what was the point, then?! If I move slowly and if they can still see me through the dark, why would I go silence? Especially with all the zombies inside buildings!! Plus, when you meet other players who have guns but if you have an army of zombies behind you, they don't necessarly want to kill you, they want to escape. So it's a player protection that you can easily get rid off.
  3. Falk0

    DayZ analysis

    "I would REALLY like this game to be difficult, to punish me for poor decisions in a logical manner, to discourage rote behaviors like respawning until you get near Balota where you have a higher chance of getting guns (and finding other survivors to kill). To encourage meaningful social interactions and not constant murder. I just don't see that as the direction the game is taking right now." You basically want the game to either encourage the players to do nice things and discourage those who behave "badly". Just like 99% of the games out there. Let's make it a rail shooter while you're at it! Why do you think the game is so popular?! People can do whatever they want, the experience is unique. Hell, there is even medic out there who are ready to help you for free whenever you are in trouble. Sure, there is people camping in places just to kill the new players... what do you care? They think what they do is though whereas killing is so easy. I mean, camping the firestation in Cherno and waiting for players to come in and be ready to shoot is easy... (silly exemple which is not so different than what most of them do). They take satisfaction because they believe you are frustrated of what they did to you... Let them enjoy it, they're young in their mind. Most players shoot each other when they think they can't avoid it. I remember I even healed a guy after I shot him (he was unconscious so it was easier). Most of the time, I let live those who don't notice me. I don't even care about other's gears. Of course, you don't notice this kind of player since they don't kill you. That learning curve you're talking about is the main point of the game. Spending many hours and lives to try to stay alive when you start. Sure, without the makarov and zombies crawling inside the damn buildings where all gear you need is standing right in front of you, that's really a difficult part (I guess you didn't choose the right moment to play the game). I don't think you're doing it the right way, it's entirely possible to get what you need wherever you spawn from. Once you get to the point where you can make your way more easily, it's very satisfying. The exploration part is one of my favourite in every strategic or "wargame" games I've ever played. You'd almost want, sometimes, to forget everything and start all over again. And that's where come the patches. Every time there'll be a major patch released, the mode will dramatically change and a new experience will born with it. Well, I hope so but you never know (there is a huge potential though... I think you agree on that, you wouldn't be talking here otherwise). It's pretty much how minecraft or TF2 work(ed). Up to the point where it becomes too much useless gimmicks and annoying stuff. The fact that you can loose all your gear is the soul of the mode. Without any risks, there is no points. You want the game to reward you?... you are too tied to modern symbols. Although, actually, it does reward you or why else would you be so angry when you die after x hours playing it. Maybe, right now, pvp is a little bit extreme for new players but remember it's still an early version. This remind me of this interview of pc gamer when Rocket told about one of the earliest version of the mode where the players spawned in the same location... I believe in the servers of New-zealand players would help each other and in russia they'd do the complete opposite. You see? Could have been a worst timing!^^ I think the whole interview might interest you: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/23/day-z-arma-3-interview-optimization-map-design-radios-porting-day-z-into-arma-3/ Anyway, I totally respect and understand your point of view, SwiftSpear... but maybe your reaction is impulsive or the game is not fit for you (which I don't believe). And I should have read what ZedsDeadBaby said before typing my message, because my english is not so good and he pretty much said what I wanted to say. =D
  4. This is clearly a new object to "annoy" players and thus a way to involve them to play with teammates even more... clearly a good idea on paper. What I am scared of is if you can't see the traps because of bushes or darkness. And what about the animations, the noises, the blood damages (leg + infection + loss of blood, I'd call that insta-death trap!)?! Can you save yourself from it rapidly (faster if a player help you?), how long does it take to get off it if you get trapped?! Or maybe it can be triggered once without trapping you and then only damaging you (skyrim-like)... The only tactical way I see myself using it is in front of buildings, so players who are approaching/hunting me have to put themself (if you can actually remove the trap (toolbox?! I hope not)) in an uncomfortable situation. But there is definetly spots where you can place those to annoy players (when they walk around fences, for instance, or using blind-spot locations like ladders, who knows). Like many people said before, if this new object is very rare, players will use it smartly. Otherwise, if it's as common as barbed wire... cities will get very dangerous! And, honestly, I don't see why snipers would need this. You need to move from your spot frequently to get good visual or not to be spotted. Maybe on some rare occasion and clearly not out in the jungle^^. By the way, what about bear traps already set up on the map, ready to crush your legs? Near deer stands, for instance. Forests would get more dangerous.
  5. Brian just helped me out without asking anything in exchange. So I thank him very much for that. I am grateful for his 'work' and like he said, he received a lot of requests lately and yet they aren't asking for anything else but consideration. So try to be nice and gentle. I mean, don't forget they do it because they want to... not because you're special^^