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Everything posted by Mitchverr

  1. Mitchverr

    I spawned in the wilderness with no gear.

    Just happened to me i lost all my gear, I had a L85 AWS M107 C backpack Loads of food ammo medical M9SD Same server as FFEiN i think. All my rage.
  2. Mitchverr

    Is duping officially allowed?

    Hey new to the forum, just thought i would ask, is there any way to know if i am using a duped item at all? ie if i looted 1 off a dead body for example, as i remember killing a group of 3 or 4 guys 2 times in a row very quickly at the south airfield and each time i engaged them (same guys) they all had the same gear, i took some loot like food water C backpack etc, died since and lost it ofc, but was just wondering if there was a way to know if its duped and if i cant, will i get screwed if i picked some up? At the time i didnt think much of it just got big eyes of "loot loot loot loot" but after reading this thread, a little worried lol because i dont want to you know, use that stuff even accidently yet alone as the old man says "thats a paddlin". (hyper paranoid guy btw :p)