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Everything posted by kozzy420

  1. Get a canibus card bud! :P Compassion Club ftw
  2. kozzy420

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    Yeah I went and bought a case of pepsi after a long dayz mission the other day (: They should pay the dayz dudes for advertisement! In reality though, if I was the devs I would make up some drink NAME or something (hell why not have a community contest with who can design the best original can!) so they don't get sued.
  3. Travis Henry? Is that you? :D (football player that has 14 kids all by different women lol). And I don't think 31 years old is a boy :lol: You have a new nickname now bud, "SMASHMASTER" :thumbsup:
  4. Good story bud!! My story atm has been me on my bike for the last 3-4 days ALOT.
  5. Thanks bud, I see some people making threads like this once in awhile, so I thought I would try one (:
  6. If me shooting you helped you to get laid then I am quite proud of myself now (:
  7. I have gone straight north to stary after dying before. Grabbed some food and drink on the way up north and got ther efine, didnt need a gun. Just out ran the zombies, got my stuff back within 10-15 mins.
  8. This is EXACTLY why I shot him eventually haha. the moment he ran towards me I thought of all the times myself or friends had died at NW Airfield and how the one time I helped 9 people by giving them morhphene and the 9th dude killed me after! I just enjoy helping people in this game, although I am a bit more aggressive now after a few instances of people backstabbing me after helping them. Its pretty amazing how this game makes you feel bad about shooting someone sometimes, I have never got that feeling in a game before (:
  9. Going to try this next bud! Thanks! It only happens for me around at two places (NW airfeild, Tents at stary)
  10. kozzy420

    Why this mod is failing

    The game is NOT failing and bandits only add to the game, they are a good thing. The Warz is coming out soon and left4dead2 is already out, go play those.
  11. And there is a reason why TONS of people LOVE the game more and more. This game is not for you if you get angry at someone killing you. Maybe The War Z or Left4Dead might be more up your alley. For me one of the reasons I love dayz is how unpredictable it can be. I have saved 9 people with morphene or blood bags (randoms) and only one of them killed me after helping them. Just like if this was real life you cant trust what everyone says in game! Either try to stay away from people or shoot them on sight if they are not someone you know. With randoms its not always going to be people telling the truth, some will lie and others wont, just the way it is. Also you ran up behind them with an AK, lol, not surprised you got shot. Next time hide and ask them if you are friendly, see how they react from then before you show yourself. I had a situation like yours, I saw a guy at cherno farm and I hid behidn from bushes, asked him if he was friendly or not and he pulled out his gun and went behind the church looking for me, then i asked agian, so he started to shoot in all directions, which caused TONS of zombies to chase him and he died lol. If you want to ask people if they are friendly or not then hide when you ask it. Also maybe get some friends to play with? And just shoot anyone you dont know? This is DAYZ and part of the reason why alot of people love it, its not very predictable!
  12. kozzy420

    Graphics glitch?

    stary and NW airfield only places for me ive gone up north ad down south the whole way today
  13. kozzy420

    Lone Wolf VS Group Poll

    I Love playing both ways. Driving 4 vehicles with friends is a rush, but at the same time I enjoy going solo to if my friends are not on or if I just want a little alone time. Id say I group 45% of the time, the rest I solo, both are good fun! Everyone should give both a good chance. Its nice to have friends to communicate with and to have each others back, but at the same time it also attracts ALOT more attention with more people.
  14. kozzy420

    ever since this patch

    works fine for me, a friend of mine was having the same issues as you though, I told him to download the Dayz-Weapons zip file that was posted on this forum last night and he can now play. if I had the link I would give it to ya.
  15. You are sick brah, get Antibiotics! I just used mine last night (;
  16. kozzy420

    So I stop being a bandit for the day.

    I have helped 9 people lately with morphene, blood,etc.. and only one of them killed me (:
  17. welcome to ALPHA builds. Have alot of you even been in any alphas before?
  18. There is a 5 second delay now (:
  19. kozzy420

    Better graphics

    just buy both the dlcs, they are worth it (:
  20. Steam gets 30% of games sales on steam. As for Amazon,etc.. I have no clue, but as far as steam goes they get 30% I am 100% sure on this.
  21. Wierd, before this patch I would get these things everyone is talking about, but only on like one out of every 12 servers. Have only played on 2 servers so far since the dayz update but I had none of the graphics issues.
  22. Wierd, loot has been fine for me..
  23. kozzy420

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    just wanted to say I love this game (:
  24. kozzy420

    Bus fun

    haha, good stuff! The last 3 days I have had a bike and I have been going up and down the country side the last 3 days, its been so much fun. I am on a very populated server and ive been surprised ive only come across 2 people so far! One shot at me (but I was going 71 down a hill) and the other did nothing lol. I thought it would be risky going all around the big popular cities on my bike, but so far so good (: I am always on edge and worried though that someone is going to take me out hahaha. On another note, I once got hit by a vehicle late at night on a road with my friend. He ended up shooting one of them then dying, while I was knocked out with broken bones lol. Good times on Dayz