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Everything posted by kozzy420

  1. kozzy420

    M4A1 Holo or AKM?

    Holo for me
  2. kozzy420

    Are heli's enabled ?

    Yes, I just saw one in the sky (:
  3. It is very easy and if you did read some guides as you said you would relize its very easy to equip a hatchet... 1. Pick hatchet up and it will go into your inventory 2. Press G to open your inventory and then select the axe 3. RIGHT CLICK on the axe and options will come up for you as to what you want to do (Take Off Belt, Use to get firewood,etc..) Use SHIFT to walk very slow and not attract zombies if you are having trouble picking stuff up because zombies are chasing after you. Also you can get rid fo zombies fairly easy now to if you run into the forest they get lost quickly. Or you can run into a building and they slow down. It sounds to me like you need to learn the basics, give it some time and things get alot more easy. Also try and learn what buildings to look for,etc... also learn your surroundings (very important to learn the map and what cities are near each other and what each cities offer) And things become alot easyier
  4. Is this a troll thread? Finding a weapon is extremely easy, maybe this game is just not for you man
  5. kozzy420

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    Read what you just wrote, go on take a minute to read it over a few times... "just because its not happening to you" You can flip that around and say the exact same thing about people that say "You are lying, there is no way you have only seen one hacker, stop sticking up for DayZ" Understand?? Here watch... "Just because IT IS happening to YOU does not mean that it is happening to EVERYONE". I agree with the person you quoted, I have been playing since the game first came out, over 100 hours and I have only ONCE seen a hacker first hand. Am I suppose to lie and say YES IVE SEEN TONS! We know its an issue (there is MANY issues in this game and in ALL ALPHA versions of games), we are just giving our personal hands on experience as YOU ARE. The hacking needs to be fixed no doubt about it. My experience is that ive seen more hackers on Red Orchestra2 and BF3 then I have in Dayz from my experience. Now I love Red Orchesta2 alot, but ive seen alot of hackers on it since the first day the game came out. The good thing is that this is only ALPHA stage and hopefully if they move on to a new engien for the standalone that things can be worked out. Its better to be worked out NOW and exploits, hacks,etc.. known about now then later when its fully released. yes hacking needs to be fixed, as does the horrible artifacts that came with the new update and many many other things, thats what a alpha is for. Finding issues and getting on it to fix them by the time the game starts selling on stores/goes standalone.
  6. kozzy420

    Are you freakin' KIDDING me?!

    these threads crack me up so much :lol:
  7. kozzy420

    Never had such a rush

    haha, sounds good man. The rush that this game gives me (even after 3-4 months) is just unrivaled in any other game. I once had a a situation like this one you just mentioned, we both had pistols and I won out luckily. Funny thing was that we both had nice man guns but we both ran out of ammo lol. Its a little weird to me that I still get this adrenaline rush and heart pumping so fast in this game after all this 100+ hours playing dayz. Even with all the crazy shit that ive seen and witnessed in the game, I still get paranoid when I hear a gun shot or see somone haha. No other shooter has been able to do that for me before.
  8. Thanks for leaving us some medical supplies and a few other things when we started over again. Its not much compared to all the goodies we had in the truck we found but hey, it helped us starting over! If either of you ATV soldiers ever see this thread :)
  9. kozzy420

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    Unplayable? I just played for 6 hour straight today and had a blast. There is issues yes, but unplayable? Nope sorry
  10. kozzy420

    Dayz is not that amazing?

    stay away from cherno and electroz? Have you not thought of that yet LMAO
  11. That's nice (; Well there was a ton of guns to, not just guille suits and NVG's. Also anotehr reason why I thought it was maybe hacked later on was because there was a bike, truck and two BOATS near this farm, add that on top of everything else and im not 100% sure it was a legit vehicle. Who knows though. I had fun today thats all that matters. Im sure the dudes who got us are having a blast to (:
  12. kozzy420

    Im done for now

    ive been on dayz since the day it came out, only been killed/broken bones by a door ONCE. I learned after that how to open doors. Try a bit more before giving up, as you CAN make sure that door death does not happen in the future.
  13. Well said damn, a post of this quality on this forum is very rare.
  14. kozzy420

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Dont like it?? Don't buy or play then, its pretty easy. Meanwhile the rest of us will continue to enjoy a wonderful game that is in very early stages.
  15. same thing so I am trying to reinstall the games again.
  16. kozzy420

    Vehicle didn't spawn?

    1. Sometimes the roll down the hill (this happened to me and my friends twice actually, we found them few days later way down the hill hehe) 2. Sometimes they just glitch out and will return 3. It got found and stolen. You might think you had a GREAT spot but those GREAT spots are usually used by alot of other groups to so they know the good places to look.
  17. kozzy420

    Arma II lags at main menu

    Anyone else have this problem start just the last few days?
  18. kozzy420

    More hackers encouraged to hack

    Actually alot of hackers have been banned, more bans will be incoming im sure. Also typing in capitals does not make people want to read what you are writing, in fact it makes me ignore it. How is a ban wave 3-4 days ago "Nothing happening to hackers"
  19. kozzy420

    Something I've Noticed

    cosign 100% A few times I have even just killed myself (jumped off a building or just let zombies kill me) because I really enjoy starting again in this game. It was not like that from the start, for awhile I was pissed off when I would die, but now I actually really enjoy it. I think for me its more about the journey there then when you get there so to speak (:
  20. I have been playing this game since it first came out and I have never seen a loading screen that took 10+ mins.
  21. kozzy420

    Arma II lags at main menu

    Same with me man!! I have been playing Dayz and ARMA2 since the day they came out and no issues like this before for me ever. Then today EVERYTHING is very slow, in-game, game menu, options menu,etc.. I have tried 12 other games and none of them have the same issue. My comp is running well, all other programs, games are running well with no slowdown and as soon as I leave dayz everything is perfectly normal. Very wierd..
  22. This has happened to me a few times but at the same time, 2 times I also have met some nice guys who not only DID not shoot me and my friend but GAVE us somethings! This made me become a medic to help others (yes I have helped 9 people and only one of them killed me after I gave them morphene). You will meet some assholes that will shoto you no matter what, thats just the way it is. I see that happening in real life to if this type of things ever happened to. You would get some people helping out but I think you would also get most people looking out only for themselves and being dicks.
  23. kozzy420

    Why are cars so rare in Chernarus?

    Someone like me! (: The last week I have been riding around everywhere on my bike making noise (; Only seen two people which is really really surprising because ive been going to all the places that are usually busy. One tried to shoot at me but I was going 71 down a hill and he could not get me. The other guy just stood there looking at me LOL. I would LOVE to be riding around the country side and see someone else on a bike cruising around using the bikes bell lol.
  24. I still play but I just don't go to NW Airfield and Stary Sober anymore (those are the only places I seem to get them, when I look directly at the tents in stary and the barracks in NW airfield)
  25. Cosign! Been playing since the game first came out and the artifacting only started happening after that update. I had ZERO for months before that.