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About kozzy420

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  1. kozzy420

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    Loving the improvements, I also like the tougher zombies 🙂 No crashes, servers seem more stable, etc.. I can't wait for this to hit stable, it is a much improved experience. Still lots of work to go but I am impressed so far with this update!
  2. kozzy420

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    I would love for it to be ALOT harder to take down someones fences. A 4th digit for the lock is good idea to.
  3. kozzy420

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    Loving the exp build atm, not having any big issues yet on it. Can't wait for this build to get to stable, it feels more stable. Biggest problem I saw was slight lag in Electroz. Keep up the good work!
  4. kozzy420

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    It was like this for me and my friends to, for 5 weeks in beta and 1.0 until last week. We had a base in beta with tons of tents, barrels, HUGE base built, a vehicle,etc... Same thing when 1.0 hit, even bigger base, 2 vehicles, 6 tents, 14+ barrels. They all finally just dissapeared last week, 5minutes after I checked on it, huge base with over 50 walls and 2 gates, tons of tents,etc.. all gone. We tried again this week on 2 different servers and within 1-2 days stuff GONE a few minutes after we last check. Heck one of the servers we joined this week, we had up 15 fences and 6 barrels, they all dissapeared after we took a 10 minute break to get some snacks. We would also make sure to interact with our base and tents and vehicles,etc.. atleast every other day. Thought persistence was good or that we had just been having good luck but as I said, the last week + has been a horror show. Most of my mates have stopped playing now as they don't want to lose a huge base once again do to a bug. It is a problem, weither you have experienced it not, I have learned this, and eventually it will come to bite you in the butt. We played on Official servers.
  5. kozzy420

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    Things are improved with this update, so big thanks on that. Still waiting on persistence fix though before I play long periods again with friends.
  6. kozzy420

    Experimental Update 1.0.150183

    Runs better compared to stable, zombies seemed improved to (not getting stuck on as many things). Seems like exp is in decent shape but I just want persistence fixed :)
  7. kozzy420

    Experimental Update 1.0.150183

    Since 1.0 and even the beta, I had no persistence issues. Up until late last week. Now every other day stuff is dissapearing no matter what server. I now feel everyones pain who has lost tents, vehicles, barrels,etc.. do to the Persistence issues. We had gone 4 or 5 weeks in beta with vehicles, big base, tons of tents, tons of barrels,etc.. with no issues, we checked and interacted with everything every other day. Then once 1.0 hit we had the same luck, all our stuff was up until the other week. Now we have non stop issues. I will probably stick to experimental now until persistence is fixed, we had such a big nice base going, shame its gone. Hope you guys can fix this asap! Will post again later today after doing some exp. This persistence needs to be fixed asap though, it has made a few of my friends totally stop playing of late.
  8. kozzy420

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Many good points but I couldn't disagree more with base building. I friggin love it. Now of course persistence needs to be worked out and shouldn't just be up to server hosts to do all these backups. How basebuilding works though I am loving it, get a friend or 2 and it goes alot faster. it is a wonderful start for basebuilding, sure it would have been nice to have this earlier, but what we have gotten is a great start imo. Now of course many thigns are annoying me such as vehicles blowing up for no reason, persistence issues and many other things. But atleast for me and my friends personally, we are loving how basebuilding works. Takes a little time but its very satisfying. All the stuff you need to basebuilding makes sense, all the steps make sense, its something I am really having a blast with. Although a little ticked off one of our 2 servers has been having persistence issues (Thankfully our official server we use still hasn't destroyed our base (40+ fences), tents (6) and barrels (17 of them). They are all still there, we just make sure to check them every other day atleast and interact with them. This server must also backup often because all of our stuff is still there. On the modded server we use to play on though thats not the case, everything dissapeared after a little over a week. Yes there is tons of work to be done, but me personally as along time dayz player with thousands of hours on the different versions of dayz/dayz mod,etc.. I am super stoked on how the performance has been improved with the new engine, how much better it feels to move around and control and also the wonderful base building (The actual process of doing it is what I am enjoying, not the persistence issues,etc.. obviously, those need to be fixed asap). I actually thought the basebuilding would be alot worse, I find how it is now is much more enjoyable when compared to other games I have done basebuilding on (Ark, Rust, DayZ mod,etc.. I prefer how it is now in 1.0 personally). Not sure what you find frusterating, done up 40+ walls on our base, a few gates, watch towers,etc.. its quite fun for myself and the others I play with. For me the persistence needs to be worked out asap and also more content needs to be added, the actual process of basebuilding though? I love it personally. Takes a few hours to get up some fences and a gate, not very tedious imo.
  9. kozzy420

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Noticed an improvement to server performance was the biggest thing I noticed. Keep up the good work, look forward to this hiting stable.
  10. kozzy420

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Thanks and happy holidays everyone! Loving the game! Sure I want more guns and my mountain bike in the game but I am having a blast regardless, LOVE the new engine and the huge performance improvements it brought. Can't wait to see what weapons, new features and hopefully my mountain bike are added in 2019. Will hop on later and try this update out!
  11. kozzy420

    Server Reassignment Xbox -> PC 19/12/2018

    This sort of thing happens when you sign up for early access or game preview games. They are STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. There will be crashes, server issues and loss of characters in most early access games. If you don't enjoy TESTING a game in early access, wait until they are done and finished. I have been in tons and tons of early access games, some great and some not so much... they all though have had characters reset, server issues, loss of save file after certain updates,etc..
  12. kozzy420

    no persistence after 5 years?

    5 weeks during beta it worked perfect, all our tents, vehicle, vehicle tent and basebuilding stuff was there after 5 weeks. So far in 1.0 it has been the same, 4-5 days and everything is there (military tent, 5 medium tents and 5 barrels). Try a different server is what I would do, i had bad luck on modded community servers but the last while me and a friend have been playing a ton on official server and our base during beta lasted a long time and so far our 1.0 one has everything in order. From what I gather some servers don't do backup saves very often? We also make sure that one of us interacts with each tent/barrel atleast every other day (so far on 1.0 every day we have done it).
  13. kozzy420

    GAAAAHH - Persistence still a mess.

    5 days, no issues with our base/persistence. We are on an official server that does back ups. 4 medium tents, one big military tent, vehicle and 4 barrels. All still there. We try ti interact with them every day. Could be your server. Persistence worked great for us the 5 weeks of beta testing on our server and also these first 4-5 days of 1.0 no issues yet. Try an official server that saves backups more often and there shouldn't be an issue. Its def an issue but mostly in modded/community servers from my experience. Yet to have an issue on the official servers the last 5-6 weeks of beta and now 1.0. Even after restarts/resets of the server, all our stuff is still there (I have not had this kind of luck in modded servers though). We did have some funny bugs related to other things though yesterday lol.
  14. kozzy420

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    That is a funny one haha. I have not had that bug yet and we took off all the wheels and put them back on a few times. We did though have a bug where my buddy went flying in the sky about the distance your vehicle did, after he ran into the vehicle lol. He didn't die when he landed though.
  15. kozzy420

    Loving 1.0!

    Loving 1.0! Had a blast with an old friend yesterday, must have played 7 hours straight. Got a vehicle repaired and going, just had a blast all day/night. Keep up the good work! Really enjoying night time now to with the redish head torch at night so I can use my axe or gun while seeing where to go :) Other than the fps issues the first bit yesterday its been a great experience! I was honestly expecting more issues. I look forward to new content, mods and fixes in the new year, until then though go get some rest devs, you did well! Still a good amount of work to go, but its a great base for the devs and modders to work on now. As someone who played 1000+ hours of the mod and 600 hours of the early dayz standalone, I am having a real blast on DayZ again, most fun since the dayZ mod, except things run at a much higher fps now for me :) Here are a few pics of my adventures yesterday with my buddy! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1590384753 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1590385017 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1590384413