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Everything posted by m3anmarin3

  1. m3anmarin3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    @ "guy who asked about the green line", it is a feature of the latest beta patch, shows how much ammo per magazine you have I believe
  2. m3anmarin3

    FAL mags...

    Same round and capacity yes but it is a different magazine, the M14 does not take FAL magazines and vice versa. Maybe have FAL mags have more of a chance to spawn on military zeds or something?
  3. m3anmarin3

    We need THIS in DayZ rocket! :)

    Not really customized, Just a whole bunch of mag clamps and a rail mounted readi-mag.
  4. m3anmarin3

    Gun with 1 clip?

    I meant me trolling with the clip/magazine thing
  5. m3anmarin3

    Gun with 1 clip?

    Well you'll still have to find a magazine to load with that clip, or manually load each round into the chamber... Trolling aside, I think the problem is you are relying on Elektro and Cherno to get supplies, use the smaller towns, farms, and houses to at least get some supplies going before trying for one of the big cities. Also, once some of the campers get killed off the murder-fest should subside a little bit I guess.
  6. YES Very smart solution to "sensing" something wrong about someone. Probably add to tension of encounters. test it out.
  7. m3anmarin3

    WTF a jet ?

    wow, what a disgusting bunch of degenerates, it seems like the only exist to ruin everyone elses fun. How sad their lives must be.
  8. calm - down Deal with the darkness, learn to use the flares, or at the very least, search for and post up your concerns one of the many god-damn other threads already made about how then night is too dark. Maybe your settings are wrong, as even in the darkest night i have t least been able to tell the difference between ground and sky, check your monitor settings and adjust your in game video settings...
  9. m3anmarin3

    What was that? A Meteor?

    What happened next?, did you guys investigate?
  10. m3anmarin3


    I for one enjoy the darkness. learn to use flares and chemlights tactically, they attract zeds and players, so what? work with it. It's basically a game mechanic, another variable you have to manage. My first week playing was almost exclusively in the pitch black, and I loved every minute of it. So much tension when you are low on flares trying frantically to find a town or farmhouse to loot for more. To quote R.B Riddick "you're not afraid of the dark are you..."
  11. m3anmarin3

    how do i 'aim'

    single click your rmb to bring up irons
  12. I don't think you really can make other people value another person's life, due to life having next to no meaning in any other game out there. You could let the player know somehow just what they have taken away from the person they have killed, but it would still be artificial. I personally don't kill people I come across, unless they pose a threat to me, and will strive to help people because of how much I value my character's life. You can't force someone to feel empathy if they can't relate themselves. I see what the OP is trying to say, hell I've been a victim of server-hopper before (that bastard bandit who spawned behind me in ZUB you know who you are). But the CS persistence kinda keeps the game alive, at least down here in NZ where our servers are in a constant state of shuffling about. It would make it incredibly frustrating to be limited to one server that may or may not be there the next day. Maybe a system could make the player re-spawn within a certain radius of where they left off, or closer by if they have built a fireplace or tent or similar.
  13. m3anmarin3

    Food and water being used offline

    my 2c, i think food and water use adds something. you have to think about where you log off and what you have on you. It's not too hard to put your bottle and food into your pack before you log off. it's kind of like making sure your kit is squared away before going to sleep, and then "waking up" upon logging back in and having some breakfast before heading on your way. Adds to the whole desperate situation of the mod.
  14. m3anmarin3

    Weird Map Markings

    I believe it's someone forgetting that map markings are visible to everyone when you place one on the map at the moment, can't help explaining the music though, could have just been coincidence?
  15. m3anmarin3

    Oceanic Server Discussion

    Be keen to donate if we somehow restrict it to Oceania only, if only to help keep out some of the trolls and idlers from the US servers, also, it just costs so much more for us to have a local one.
  16. m3anmarin3

    Where my Moon

    i enjoy the darker nights, having to think about where and how to use light sources and what to use is what first hooked me on this mod. Just use the flares and chemlights wisely and they aren't so bad, in fact they provide some of the best times to move about as long as you listen out for zeds.
  17. m3anmarin3

    NZ server

    Orcon hosts a whole bunch of game servers and a steam server, maybe they could be approached for a Dayz server?
  18. m3anmarin3

    Change Starter Pistol Back To Revolver

    most threads i have seen regarding zombie movement have seemed to relate to "zombg, can't turn left or right fast enough while not aiming down irons to kill zombies, plz fix to be as fast as cod plz..."
  19. whelp, after living up north for a few days ended up getting hosed by some guy with a SMG, no communication, he just came into the building flat out murdered me, damn..., i was enjoying country life too
  20. m3anmarin3

    Can't join servers

    go to the download section on the main page dude
  21. m3anmarin3

    DayZ Wiki

    I believe the creators are making one already that will be accessible thru the website