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Everything posted by peliluola@gmail.com

  1. peliluola@gmail.com

    Military barricade in Cap golova

    Hehe this is great. Were some of the soldiers patrolling the area so bandits can't get in? If there were more players per server this type of behavior could be more common, although more than probably it would just lead to Battlefield type of gaming instead of surviving.
  2. peliluola@gmail.com

    Remove broken bones for now

    This is one of those "adapt" situations i've had to face in many other games. Since it's a simulator it's kinda of a nuisance but otherwise all you gotta do to tackle the breaking bones is to carry that morphine. I second making bone-breaking more seldom though.
  3. peliluola@gmail.com

    Will server swapping be removed?

    I've noticed a lot of players playing on same servers too and agree with the revenge factor. Also some servers seem to work better than others so when I find a good server I usually stick to it. Don't like hopping too much.
  4. The zombie time? Just make a counter that counts seconds as you log in and disallow shooting before 15 seconds have passed. Also do not lose hp from getting shots unless 15seconds have passed.
  5. peliluola@gmail.com

    So I just won Day Z...

    "back in the day when your hunger + thirst went down while you were logged out" Good ol' days :)
  6. peliluola@gmail.com

    Two wrongs =/= Right

    "-DC to gain position in PVP because the other guys do it too." I Hate when this happens :(
  7. A zombie time (pun intended) would be great. It would also disable you from shooting for a while. That way you could quickly check there are no bandits and log off if there are.
  8. I wish there were katanas in the game, that would be my choice in real world zombie apocalypse. In dayZ it would be cool if crowbars sometimes hit critical hits = cracked the zombie skull. Would be more realistic and not that hard to implement?
  9. peliluola@gmail.com

    New mmorpg inspired by day z

    ^^ This
  10. peliluola@gmail.com

    DCing from snipers, snipers complaining.

    Someone once said it's dangerous at night. I say it's dangerous at day. In the night time it's much easier to avoid bandits and loot. In the day time i just like to hike north, maybe work on some vehicle.
  11. peliluola@gmail.com

    My friend runs slower than me?

    You can run faster by double tapping W??
  12. peliluola@gmail.com

    hilarious panicking..

    About same happened to me once, low-geared guy runinng away from zombies, gave him a rifle and he shot me. Not that good shit :) The game has great atmosphere though. No FPS game has ever before been so exciting to play since I like to think if I die in the game i die in real life. Never giving anyone weapons anymore.
  13. peliluola@gmail.com

    DayZee Android app ideas

    I can't believe this thread, last few days I've been working on a DayZ mobile app and about the same time we published them. We should have collaborated, peperonikiller. I'm new to these forums tho. I searched google for dayz android and found nothing a while back and decided to whip up something pod, here's my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.droidsuccess.dayzmobile and here's peperonikillers: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.pwnsro.dayz I wonder how many more similar apps gonna spawn tomorrow, the day after etc. :huh:
  14. peliluola@gmail.com

    When you find a sniper rifle...

    ^^ Yup, great tactical weapon, not just for bandits to kill you when you're looting something.
  15. peliluola@gmail.com


    I never trust anyone. I have learnt that the only way to survive is to either go with a friend or kill everyone you see.
  16. peliluola@gmail.com

    fishing pole

    Good idea, gotta watch out for the infected fish tho :)
  17. peliluola@gmail.com

    Suggestion how to outrun zombies.

    Running zombies aren't very known in zombie genre. The game would be too easy without them running tho :) Still, they are too fast. I second the sprinting idea, maybe have some kind of stamina thing that decreases when sprinting and slowly increases when resting?
  18. I like the darkness at night, makes lurking near zombies and bandits more exciting. Only downside is running away from zombies into a dead end because u couldn't see :) Brightness and gamma helped me too.
  19. peliluola@gmail.com

    My all Items were vanished!!!!

    There is also some youtube video of a guy losing his hard-collected items when going swimming. I hope they fix it soon if they haven't already :S