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  1. DayZ Mobile 2.31 Hello everyone. I've been working hard on a mobile guide for DayZ and hopefully it will provide some players great help with their gameplay. I created it mostly because it can be a pain to alt+tab from the game and possibly even get killed for it. You can download the app from here: DayZ Mobile for Android (version 2.31) If you can't install it from Google play, here's a straight download link for the .apk. NEWEST FEATURES: Chat no longer autoscrolls, AM/PM option for chat timestamp Added explosives section under equipment (satchel charge) Added dayzgame.com website to official sites Movable to SD card Chat with a custom nickname & Your country's flag Lingor Island MAP! CURRENT FEATURES: MAPS Lingor Island World Map (Offline HQ & Offline LQ (in case HQ doesn't work)). Chernarus World Map (Online HQ & Offline HQ & Offline Low-Quality (in case HQ doesn't work)). 2x Loot map Elektro & Cherno bird's view maps Vehicle locations map Dangerous areas map Fuel pumps map Heli Crash Sites map Chernarus Height map Chernarus 3D map GUIDES Towns & Cities Weapons Equipment Consumables Vehicles Ammunition Game Controls (Infantry, land vehicle, aircraft) Sniper Correction tables How to find North CHAT Chat with a custom nickname & unique ID & country flags before names. Who's online list Private messaging Silver crown denotes donate version, gold crown denotes admin. INFO & SERVERS Patch Notes Known Bugs Server list DayZ BROWSER Official Mod site Official dayzgame.com site Forums DayZ Wiki (EN & DE), DayZ DB DayZ Social media (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube SouthCoastBeanWars.com Google FEATURE SUGGESTIONS (= upcoming features): - Give me suggestions and I'll work on them.. Here are some pictures of the app: UPDATED 7/24/2012 http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/1.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/2.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/3.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/4.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/5.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/6.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/7.png http://www.droidsucc...ayzmobile/8.png All donations are highly appreciated and keep me working hard on the app. Same goes for every free app download. Help me make the app as good as possible for you to use. Any donations can be given through PayPal and gain you your name in the About page under Thanks for Donations.
  2. I thought I'd post this here too as it can prove to be very useful for new players. DayZ Mobile Android app Also if you come up with any suggestions while using the app please post your suggestions to the linked thread and I'll get working on them.
  3. Let's up this for more people to find it. I'm gonna work 16-20 hours tomorrow on the 3.0 to hopefully be able to release it much faster. I haven't had that much time lately.
  4. I got a lot of computer stuff to sell before I can commit on the project again. Hopefully this will only take a couple of days and then I'm 100% on the case again. I like the fact that there are more dayz apps coming which keeps me motivated on offering you the best possible tools for the game. I have built a totally new community engine for all my future apps which will also be featured on the DayZ Mobile 3.0 version. Thanks for everyone's support so far and for any requests or suggestions send me a PM here or on the app chat (my ID is 20). I'm there almost as often as Bluffarn!
  5. Let's bring up this post so more people can get the app, the 3.0 is under work but this version should do fine at the moment :)
  6. Yes version 3.0 is under work and will be available for iOS too shortly after or at the same time of the Android release.
  7. Hello! Sorry I haven't been that active on the forums lately. I've been actively participating the chat on the app tho. I've been busy with creating the 3.0 version of the app which will come on both Android and iOS devices. You can expect it to be downloadable in a couple of weeks (not as much time to work as I used to since school started). PK Richie, thanks a lot for that map, it really seems to be a lot better than the one currently on the app. PS: PK Richie, did you use to play RuneScape with that nick and have a website dedicated to the game :) Same name.
  8. Yeah I mainly did this for people with only a single monitor. You never know if the second you alt tab out of the game some bandit comes running and kills you.. :)
  9. Yeah kinda laggy here at the moment. Yes it is downloadable from the Android app store just search for "dayz mobile". Also u can install it from ur PC by clicking the google play link and then "install" it will download it on ur device.
  10. Up. The app has gone quite a way forward and I thought new users could use it. We have a great chat community going on there. CHeck the signature.
  11. Yo, yo, yo, a new version's up ya'll! Chat no longer autoscrolls up. Chat has AM/PM option for timestamp in addition to the 24h system. Chat no longer stays on between restarts. Youtube links should work almost everywhere on the app. Added Estonia and Israel flag to chat and hopefully fixed the app crashes on keyboard slideout bug. Dayzgame.com website added and broken websites removed. Bear trap picture added and Satchel Charge added to equipment explosives. Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.31 from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file.
  12. Had a little mishap with the latest update, the world maps don't show on Ice Cream Sandwich devices. Also the PM chat text stays in the messagebox after you press send. Also the app closes when you turn it to Landscape. Have no fear: I just released an update fixing ALL of those issues. Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.30B from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file.
  13. And he's done it again! The great new DayZ Mobile app version is here! The DayZ Mobile Version 2.30!!! Changes: - ADDED LINGOR ISLAND MAP! - Chat can now be turned off to save battery life and data transfer. - Old ID can now be retrieved if it's lost due to app reinstall or donate version etc. - Chat load reduced a lot! - Main settings page cleaned a bit. Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.30 from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file. It might take a while for the app's latest version to show up on google play so don't wonder if you still get the v2.26 when you download. You can check your version from the About page when you launch the app. If you download using the .apk file link then you get the newest version straight up! Feel free to PM me here or in the App chat if you got any questions or suggestions. My App ID is 20. See you there!
  14. WoRtEx claus was a busy, busy Santa (claus?) this night and whipped you up another great new version! The DayZ Mobile Version 2.27!! Changes: - Added private messaging to chat! - App is now movable to SD - App size reduced a bit. - Another offline map for those who can't view the HQ one. - Added legend to offline maps. Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.27 from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file. It might take a while for the app's latest version to show up on google play so don't wonder if you still get the v2.26 when you download. You can check your version from the About page when you launch the app. If you download using the .apk file link then you get the newest version straight up! Feel free to PM me here or in the App chat if you got any questions or suggestions. My App ID is 20. See you there!
  15. Thanks Richie. I will now start to work on a private messaging system for the chat as it has been requested. Expect to hear back from me in about 9 hours.
  16. Glad to hear :) The GUI can't be made so everyone likes it. I got to support older devices so I can't go with Action bar tabs :( Maybe some day tho.c Edit: Thanks for coming to say it in chat too, that's my main place for feedback. What would you like changed? The UI is fine on my Galaxy S and other Galaxy phones, do you possibly have a tablet and find some links or something too small?
  17. Cool now there's no hurry for me to make an iOS version. I still got some work to do with the Android one so I can't start with the iOS project yet.
  18. Yet another new version is out! The DayZ Mobile Version 2.26!! Changes: - Integrated HQ world map now has a memory saving option that should enable HQ map for low memory phones and those that claim there's no space for some reason (SGS3 for example). - Integrated HQ world map now also has zoom in and out buttons for those who can't use pinch zooming for some reason. - Country flags on chat! - Added DayZ DB to web browser links under "Wiki" Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.26 from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file. It might take a while for the app's latest version to show up on google play so don't wonder if you still get the v2.25b when you download. You can check your version from the About page when you launch the app. If you download using the .apk file link then you get the newest version straight up! Happy gaming and see you in the Chat!
  19. Okay, there were some memory handling problems with that version so I have uploaded yet another version which should be the final. I tested it throughly.Also, there have been multiple requests to donate more than just the 0.99$ for the adfree version. I will also now accept donations to my Paypal Account. Every donor gets their name on the About page of the app under "Thanks for Donations". Keep in mind though that every app user - donor or not - is highly appreciated and keeps me working on the app.
  20. New version is out with a HQ World Map! The DayZ Mobile Version 2.25b! Changes: - Integrated world map is now HQ for android 2.1 and up. - Vehicle and Aircraft controls arent anymore mixed up. - Weapon damage stats have been updated due to nerfing - No more scroll at the top of chat if new message comes. Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.25b from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file. It might take a while for the app's latest version to show up on google play so don't wonder if you still get the v2.20 when you download. You can check your version from the About page when you launch the app. NOTE: I made a little mistake and some of you will get a version that crashes when closed. About 5 minutes after that I uploaded a one that has the issue fixed so just keep your app updated and it will fix itself.
  21. Does anyone know where I could find the full chernarus map so I could have a better offline map going? The current one isn't accurate enough but I can't find a good, big, highres map anywhere.
  22. It was a looong night but here I am again with some treats for the community. The DayZ Mobile Version 2.20! Changes: - Chat now has a who's online page - All chatters have unique ID:s for recognization. - Chat font-size and timestamp is now adjustable. - Game controls can now be found at Guides -> Other - Some bugfixes (incl. half screen white on donate version). Get the DayZ Mobile v. 2.20 from Google Play If you can't install from Google Play you can download the .apk file. It might take a while for the app's latest version to show up on google play so don't wonder if you still get the v2.10 when you download. You can check your version from the About page when you launch the app.
  23. Yeah, very soon. First on regular iPhone with the 960 or what resolution and then to iPad. I don't think that many people have the hi-res retina displays yet.