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zappo the wonder dog

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About zappo the wonder dog

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  1. zappo the wonder dog

    Anyone else see supersonic ducks in game? (video)

    I'm pretty sure I hit him all 4 times but the 2nd last center mass and headshot before I turned are unmistakable. He didn't even bleed and I had an M107, One shot ANYWHERE with that is a kill shot, it does 37,552 dmg.
  2. I was recording with fraps and caught a guy cheating but as I was editing I noticed that there was something flying at extremely high speed at 0:24 across my xhair. I think its a supersonic duck, a male mallard perhaps? Its in 1080p. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc6gRCY_hKw
  3. 1080p HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc6gRCY_hKw
  4. zappo the wonder dog

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Gamescom just finished like ONE minute ago, give the people who traveled there a chance to get home to upload what they've got, sheesh.
  5. zappo the wonder dog

    Forming A "Bandits" Group!

  6. zappo the wonder dog

    Forming A "Bandits" Group!

    duffman what is your age, time zone, experience and what time of day do you play?
  7. zappo the wonder dog

    Will my comp run DayZ/Arma2?

    Laptops suck for gaming, unless you game on the road in which case you have to put up with their craptacular lack of performance. Basically its a heat issue. The compact size is about 10x harder to keep cool than a simple midtower atx case. There ARE laptops out there that can benchmark just under a desktop but they can't sustain that performance and they all slow down their CPU/GPU cores to regulate their temperatures...then there is the cost, "performance" laptops cost more than desktops and most "laptop repair" facilities charge you money to tell you they can't fix it.
  8. zappo the wonder dog

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    #1 Most character creation attempts are failing, most likely due to #1. I've successfully logged onto a few servers, logged out of the server then logged back in and it again hangs at loading or character creation. Every server is like this and I have completely removed ARMA2 and OA, downloaded and reinstalled, using the beta patch which I updated yesterday. Most players cannot get past loading screen at all. #2 This is working correctly as I have had many zombies attack me and much less leg breaking going on. #3 As I predicted, the zombies are now completely unpredictable and I've seen several zombies pursue me from a far distance while prone and not moving (no sound, 1 visibility). If the purpose of this addition is to force hiding players to fight more zombies, you hit the mark as in cities or anywhere within maximum distance from any zombie, at any time they can instantly know where you are and make a beeline for you. This further stacks the deck against new characters as they have no way to defend themselves, are still at risk of getting player killed, will have more trouble getting food and water as they need to enter buildings to do this. Characters who already have their surplus ammo and supplies can still survive while raiding cities. Zombies *still* instantly spawn in the vicinity of a player once that player kills a zombie. I think if a player has killed the dozen or so zombies in the area that that area should remain zombie free at least until another one happens to wander in. Zombies should not be able to run at 30km/h, and should be able to move faster in buildings. #4 Not fixed. It still requires reloading. I tested this out by picking up my first item, a hatchet, could not swing until loaded.
  9. zappo the wonder dog

    When you find a sniper rifle...

    Haha I've got to try that.
  10. zappo the wonder dog

    zombie speed / survivor speed ideas

  11. zappo the wonder dog

    zombie speed / survivor speed ideas

    I know their speed makes it a challenge but zombies should not be able to run faster than healthy humans, they ARE decayed flesh after all. Its totally unrealistic that every zombie that has use of its legs can run like Ben Johnson..for several Kilometers! Even with a pack we should be able to run faster; but Survivor speeds should change depending on what you carry. There should be an overburdened mechanic. If you take off your pack, you should be able to run the fastest. If you have an empty pack, your speed should still be nearly as fast. If you have a large pack that is full of items, you shouldn't be able to do more than a jog. Heavy weapons like large caliber sniper rifles, all LMG's and their ammo should also slow down someone. Extremely heavy items like engine blocks!, tires, concertina wire, jerry cans, tank traps, windscreen glass, scrap metal, etc. should cause maximum burden and result in only the ability to walk. Of course I do realize this is a mod which is constrained by the engine itself but there are ways around that (or through rather) as well.
  12. zappo the wonder dog

    Melee Weapons on spawn

  13. zappo the wonder dog

    The Crossbow.

    For realism I think it should spawn less but have more bolts available. Also in game the bolts are correct being the steel ones but wooden are much more common, larger and easier to come by. The wooden ones would be easier to find, and staring at a corpse for a minute trying to retrieve your bolt sucks, its not fast, its asking to get popped in the head by a sniper or ambushed. The bolts do kill zombies in one hit ANYWHERE but if you hit them in the hand their death pose sinks the bolt into the ground where you can't retrieve it. the zone for picking up the bolt should be waaaay larger, right now we have to pinpoint its exact location and if its buried in flesh, sometimes that's impossible. The hit zones in the game mess up sometimes and you can prove it with the crossbow bolts...for instance the one where I saw the bolt in his hand was wrong, I solidly put that bolt through his tie, center of mass and the wounds reflected that but the bolt was somehow in his hand. I've been mostly doing body shots but when there is latency, this weapon is almost useless. They should be in a quiver of around 20 but for realism, it should take up two slots. Ammo slot sizes need a bit of work when compared to other items.
  14. zappo the wonder dog

    Barbed Wire is out of control

    I'm new but I've found dozens of spools and a dozen toolboxes, about 10 helicopter rotors, 100's of full jerry cans of fuel. Not a single box of matches yet though! I did find a cz sniper rifle the other day but zombies got me during a makarov reload.
  15. zappo the wonder dog

    When you find a sniper rifle...

    Put that sniper rifle down on the beach in front of a newly spawned player with no ammo, wait for him to pick it up, then say "drop it or die"...then hatchet him in the face if he doesn't.