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Everything posted by shakyagaming

  1. Yo guys, just wondering if any of you knew the cause of some problems I've been having today with my computer. Basically, the problem just started when I woke up this morning. I turned on my PC as usual and browsed the web before deciding to play some RP with my clan. About 10-15 minutes my computer just shut down. It rebooted with this screen on my second monitor that I captured from my phone. After this I rebooted my PC and left it for a while. I then went back on later and tried to run ArmA again. It did the same thing. I went and had lunch and came back to my PC and browsed the web and the forums for a few hours with no problem. I then tried to launch ArmA again and it shut down. I tried it with a few other games such as Natural Selection 2 and Project Reality but still got the same problem. I've changed around the plug to different sockets and have scanned my computer with malwarebytes and everything is fine. All the cables in the case are secure and not loose and I see no reason for this happening as my power supply is new and more than adequate for handling games. My CPU maintins a steady heat of around 25-35 Degrees C so it is not overheating. My PC has been running fine for the past few months since I reinstalled my PSU with no problem and I don't understand how it would just suddenly stop working like this. Here is a link to my brand of PSU. Here is my PC specs: AMD FX-8120 Eight Core Processor 8GB of RAM (I think) Asus GTX 660ti OC Edition Some Generic Mirco Motherboard (This may be the problem) Corsair 750W CXM Builder Modular 80 Plus Bronze PSU 2TB Seagate HD 1TB Western Digital HD I'd appreciate any tips on what you believe may be the problem with my PC. If you need to know anything more then please feel free to ask. This is very annoying and I'd love to get this problem sorted as soon as I can. Cheers, Sam.
  2. Geetings all, we are the Sovereignty of Britannia. *This is a DayZRP clan! if you are not already a memeber of the DayZRP Community please do not reply to this thread! We are a primarily British, Enclave-Style Militia. Our aim is to rid Chernarus from infection and restore it back to the beautiful land it once was. It all started when the infection first broke out in Chernarus, the governments of the world kept it quiet in fear of global panic. As the days grew on the worlds governments grew more and more concerned about the state of Chernarus, the infection was spreading to the surrounding countries. With news of the government breakdown in Chernarus the British government began assembling a special task force of operatives to infiltrate Chernarus, re-establish it's government, destroy the infected and to re-establish order in the region. Shortly after arrival we lost contact with the UK. We assumed that the infection had consumed it just like it has ravaged the rest of the world. There was barely any good men left. The only thing remaining were rag-tag groups of survivors, struggling to survive and groups of barbaric bandits no better than the infected. We took it as our supreme duty to fulfil the mission given to us. It is our role to once again establish order back to these hellish lands. Under our ever watchful eye, Chernarus will once again be safe. ------------------------------------ My name is, Somhairle MacDhomnaill. I am originally from the highlands of Scotland where I trained special forces before the outbreak. I have been the supreme commander of our forces ever since we landed in Chernarus. Our goals are to establish a foothold in the wasteland, we will take over several parts of the map and open up camps for the purpose of trading and sanctuary. If anyone gets in the way, we will show them no mercy. We believe that with firm social structure and integrity, we will soon restore order to these war-torn lands. That is why we structure our forces into ranks and regiments. (As we are a new clan a lot of ranks have yet to be assigned but we hope to grow ever expanding as the days go on). n/a = not yet assigned. Supreme Commander Somhairle MacDhomnaill The Inquisition (The Elite Forces of the Sovereignty of Britannia) High Inquisitor High Inquisitor Langston Gordon Members of the Inquisition n/a Lion Heart Infantry (The pride of the Sovereignty of Britannia, no job is too hard for the lion heart infantry) Lion Heart Commander n/a Lion Heart Corps n/a We plan on expanding our ranks even further with new sub-divisions once we expand and grow but for now this is the structure of our forces. All new members will be assigned to the Lion Heart Corps. ------------------------------------ We have a zero tolerance policy on banditry and disrespect. All survivors must treat the Sovereignty of Britannia with the respect we deserve otherwise they shall feel our full wrath. Anyone who gets in the way of our supreme duty or if we feel you are a threat to our members or our integrity you will be dealt with severely and without mercy. We do not appreciate most other clans. However, if you want to ally with us and have something to offer such as military skills or equipment for our cause, then you are more than welcome. Our main goal is to keep Chernarus safe and civil for everyone whilst at the same time eradicating bandits and the infected. The reason we do not appreciate most other clans is that we feel they have failed to make a difference to Chernarus. ------------------------------------ We require you to have a full understanding of the mighty English language. All applicants must be 17 or over. We require you to be an experienced player and to be able to handle yourself in the watelands. We will be purchasing a teamspeak server very soon so I will make sure to update this thread when we do. To apply please post on this thread answering the following questions and I will either reply on the thread or through pm's. Age: How long have you been playing?: Why do you want to join?: Where are you from?: So if you think you have what it takes, can act British and want to make a change in the Wasteland. Then we want YOU to Join the Sovereignty of Britannia! *By joining this clan you must be able to follow the rules of the DayZRP server. If we find out you have been breaking the rules by doing things such as metagaming and trolling we will either give you a warning or ban you from the clan. We are in no way responsible if you choose to break the rules and you will also be dealt with by the server admins accordingly.
  3. shakyagaming

    Sovereignty of Britannia [SB] (DayZRP Clan)

    Bump. :P Also beat, it's not as fun being a bandit on DayZRP than it is on normal DayZ.
  4. shakyagaming

    (CLA) looking for Military Veterans

    holy mother of bump :o
  5. What's up, just back to playing DayZ/ArmA 2 after a bit of a break and I'm getting back into it again. I've been playing with a friend of mine and we were looking to team up with a few more skilled, mature players. I used to have a pretty big clan but we no longer play together. I have been playing DayZ since release and ArmA for a bit longer and my friend has been playing for a long time as well. We are both decent players and can handle ourselves in a fire fight, we'd like to seek equally skilled team mates to play DayZ and Wasteland with. We'd prefer if you have a decent level of experience with the game so no new players. We tend to lean more towards bandits but we are friendly on occasion, we don't take any chances though. If you're from the UK, or can speak good English and are near GMT time then send me a message or post in this thread. I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers! :P
  6. The beeping sound is the sound avira makes when the 'avira has detected a virus' window pops up, nothing to worry about.
  7. Hey guys, I made a thread before but didn't get much response. Basically I'm looking for a partner/partners to play some DayZ/Wasteland and record with and if we get enough people maybe make a small squad. I'm just starting to create videos for my YouTube channel and it would be great to have some like minded people to play/record with. I would rather if you were from Europe (preferably UK) just for convenience due to time difference as I am from Scotland, but am willing to play with anyone if we get a long. I'd also like you to be a decent player who can handle yourself in a gunfight (without raging etc.) but not take yourself to seriously and knows how to have a laugh. I'm not interested in recording straight away as we will need time to play together and learn how we both play etc. If this sounds interesting to any of you guys feel free to PM me or post on this thread. Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  8. shakyagaming

    Blood Trails

    If they could find a way to do this without it lagging out the servers to much then I'd tottaly be down.
  9. Hi guys, just wanted to share a quick video I made on how to install the new DayZ2017 mod. If you have any problems feel free to ask me and I will do my best to help you. Cheers.
  10. Greetings bandits. I'm currently in the process of starting The Snakes Clan We are a clan of organised bandits and value teamwork and loyalty. We are seeking to find skilled players who know their way around DayZ, can handle themselves in a gunfight and most importantly work well in a team. We also require you to be on relatively regularly and we'd prefer if you were from Europe, but we'll accept any nationality and our clan is already very culturally diverse. When we reach our recruitment goal the clan will be split into three sections: Infantry Cobras (HQ) Scouts/Logistics We hope to establish squads which incorporate members from all three sections so we can have balanced and efficient teams working towards objectives such as, scavenging for weapons/vehicles, hunting other players and setting up a permanent base of operations. ​The clan will also engage in regular training exercises in armoury and normal Arma so we can work on tactics/strategy and learn how to ​work with each individuals skills and abilities. If anyone is interested please fill out the application bellow and post it in the thread. Age : Dayz/Fps Experience : Why do you want to join? : Where are you from? : How often do you play? : We will respond to your application via a private message so make sure to check your pm's after you've applied. New initiates will have to undergo a short test in the armoury to judge their ability. We use teamspeak and play on a dedicated private hive server. I hope to hear back from you shortly and if you have any questions feel free to ask by mailing me or asking in the thread. Thank you, ShakyaGaming
  11. shakyagaming

    Youtube Partner

    Hey guys, I have recently been working on getting a YouTube channel set up in amongst all my work with the snakes clan. https://www.youtube....er/shakyagaming It would be great if I could find a partner to record some videos with. We'd be playing and having fun in games like DayZ, Minecraft etc. I hope to find someone who has a good sense of humour and can have a laugh while playing the pc. :P Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  12. yo man, we are a Europe based group and are looking for skilled EU players add me on Skype at samc5433 if you are interested :P
  13. shakyagaming

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    I responded to you via private mail dude, make sure to check your messages! :P
  14. shakyagaming

    Looking for a mature, experienced group/clan

    You sound like just the right guys we are looking for, we are seeking some more skilled European players! If you are interested or want to learn more add me on Skype at samc5433 also you can check out our thread by clicking my signature. Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  15. Yo man, if your interested in joining our clan then pm me with your skype name and we can talk on there. You can also take a look at our clan thread by clicking on the image in my sig below. Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  16. shakyagaming

    Looking for a squad to play Namalsk with!

    Yo man, if your interested in joining our clan then pm me with your skype name and we can talk on there. You can also take a look at our clan thread by clicking on the image in my sig below. Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  17. shakyagaming

    looking to jump back in... and a team to help

    Yo man, if your interested in joining our clan then pm me with your skype name and we can talk on there. You can also take a look at our clan thread by clicking on the image in my sig below. Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  18. Well we sound like the clan for you, if you are interested in joining the snakes clan, message me or click on my banner bellow to check out our forum thread. Cheers, ShakyaGaming
  19. shakyagaming

    clan/group wanted for 23 yo UK player

    yo man, I am also a sound production student from the UK haha! If you want to join the snakes clan message me, you can check out our forum thread by clicking on my banner below. :P Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  20. Yo man, we might just be the group for you! We're looking for skilled players and we are predominantly EU with members from Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the UK etc. If you are interested PM me or apply on our main thread. Cheers, ShakyaGaming.
  21. shakyagaming

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Replied to all your applications guys! :P
  22. shakyagaming

    The Outlaws: Military DayZ Clan

    Sounds like a cool clan, hopefully we shall meet soon on the battlefield. Good luck. :P