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Everything posted by RazeOrn

  1. RazeOrn

    New RP server on East coast!

    Met the admins today. Seem like nice people, and have some great ideas for the server. Should give them a shot!
  2. RazeOrn

    Biggest fear with death

    At the very end, around when its Receiving/Setup complete
  3. Hello DayZ doods and doodets. My friend and I are looking for a clan/group/team/guild/orgy to join up with and play with on a semi regular basis. My friend and I currently head a guild over in The Old Republic and do a bit of livestreaming on a weekly basis, so our free time is always up in the air. We prefer to play on US servers, and also are a fan of servers that at least have 3rd person enabled. We've had a bit of experience in DayZ over the weeks, but we feel like we can further in join it with a group of larger numbers.