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About RazeOrn

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
  1. RazeOrn

    New RP server on East coast!

    Met the admins today. Seem like nice people, and have some great ideas for the server. Should give them a shot!
  2. RazeOrn

    Biggest fear with death

    At the very end, around when its Receiving/Setup complete
  3. Hello DayZ doods and doodets. My friend and I are looking for a clan/group/team/guild/orgy to join up with and play with on a semi regular basis. My friend and I currently head a guild over in The Old Republic and do a bit of livestreaming on a weekly basis, so our free time is always up in the air. We prefer to play on US servers, and also are a fan of servers that at least have 3rd person enabled. We've had a bit of experience in DayZ over the weeks, but we feel like we can further in join it with a group of larger numbers.