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Everything posted by trigger10

  1. trigger10

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    Rocket is always talking about beeing authentic with DayZ. well it is not authentic to look at yourself from a third person perspective. i would vote for first person only =)
  2. trigger10

    Trading Legit Mountain Dew

    why are diamonds valuable? they are just pressed carbon,
  3. trigger10

    Until duping is fixed...

  4. you have to press N two times, that should switch between modes
  5. trigger10

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    ok lets see: 1. bugs, glitches, hackers, lag but it is a alpha and i can deal with it. 2. i cant switch fast between sidearm and flashlight (you know what i mean) 3. i really like the global side chat, on some servers there still on and very useful (just look at it as an radio device) 4. only a headshot should kill a zombie (once the lag is gone), shots in torso and legs just make them slower or cripple them. 5. Barbed Wire 6. anyone wears the same cloth, well that's about it i guess
  6. trigger10

    Fake or idiots or both?

    the best ingame dayz video i have seen so far. this is not bad too^^
  7. trigger10

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    ah i see, sorry my mistake
  8. trigger10

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    ak47 deals lower damage then the M16? here is the ultimate test !^^ btw i like the idea of lesser weapon damage it will generate better firefights. but there is one thing that bothers me, headshots. if you shot 2 bullets in somebodys head he should be dead, doenst matter if glock17 or m16. somebody got a damagetable for headshots?
  9. trigger10

    Ultimate Solution to Hackers

    this is the ultimate solution, give each hacker one of these and there will be no more problems =)
  10. trigger10

    ehm, about helicopters

    they had some lag issues but will be probably back, after rocket disabled the radar.
  11. trigger10

    What is it with American kids hacking?

    well i guess thats an US tradition. =)
  12. trigger10

    Truth Time Rockett

    would be awesome^^ but remember it took IceFrog 6 years of "mod alpha" to get his game into stand alone development ^^
  13. trigger10

    Dying for no reason

    maybe died through heart attack?
  14. The basic idea of fixing the Alt+F4 problem is, that you will only able to log of instant as it is currently, if you are in a forrest near a tree. so how should the game now where you are? well this problem is allready solved. if you are able to to cut down timber, you can log out instanty. if youre not, your character remains a certain time in the world being vulnerable, lets say one minute. if you are logging of in a building this logoff penalty getting higher lets say 2 min. if youre in a military facilitie its 3 min. you can't login your char on another server in this penalty time. if you try to log on a another server you ether get back to the server you logged out, or gettin a error massage "you cant login at the moment." - this idea keeps player away from altF4 to avoid death, at least the most time. - it is a little attempt to make serverhopping harder. - you are still able to find a decent server, if you are logging out in a forrest. - Alt+F4 flaking getting harder (in open fields and towns) thats about it, btw i'm german so i hope the spelling its not too bad :)
  15. i don't think this is about being a fanboy at all, we are currently playing a mod by somebody who had no high expectations in his own project in the first place. now it became a very popular mod and the people getting a little hyped for some reason, right until they realise that this mod is far away from being perfect. we all like the idea of this game but it will need patience to get the full dayz experience
  16. a alpha is a alpha, and a beta is a beta. if this game is still buggy and glitchy when it goes gold status you may go on flaming. btw there is no release date yet, so this alpha could go on for a couple of month or years. if you dont like to play this game while being under development, do not play it ffs.
  17. I got shot in the back about five times now, without any chance to avoid it, once in the middle of nowhere. i mean this game has great potential but i get bored of this shoot on sight attitude. its no fun if you stumble over an other player and reach for the salute or VOIP button and in the next second youre dead, even if you got youre goddamn flashlight in your hand^^ well its just an alpha
  18. trigger10

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    the trick is to carry all of the crap stuff around the pack away. then you drop your old pack and get the new one. pick up the stuff of your old backpack and done.
  19. trigger10

    Best DayZ Related Song?

    The Doors - The End and a little louder and trashier one:D Misfits - Day Of The Dead