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The Killing Joke

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Everything posted by The Killing Joke

  1. The Killing Joke

    The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition

    LOL. No worries. My meter is running a little high on this issue. All I seem to see are people throwing out, "it's not fair for people to be able to kill other people without repercussions" or, "we'll just give 'em a timer on the skin, and the complaints will all just go away." WRONG. You know the only time killing another player SHOULD carry repercussions? When somebody is watching, or when zombies are within earshot. Other than that, hold it as word of mouth. TKJ
  2. The Killing Joke

    The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition

    It does not please all parties. Please don't misrepresent all players by saying so. There is no chance that it will ever be fair to everybody to be visibly called out for your actions in this game. That's part of what the mystique could be - not knowing if you're looking at a friend or a possible foe. From either side. I certainly don't think survivors should be skinned based upon how long they've been in the game, so how is this any more fair? TKJ
  3. The Killing Joke

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Good idea. Let's also reskin new players, and people with bad aim. This is easily as fair as the bandit skins, right? I mean, we can help yhe new players out, and people will know to give those bad shots a hand when the zombies are attacking. TKJ
  4. The Killing Joke

    Do you get scared?

    Logged in for the first time, this morning at 2:00 a.m. It was dark, and I had never played ArmA 2 before. There was a moon, and it was enough illumination for me to walk around, and I figured out most of the keyboard commands for myself. I used Global Chat, and said, "It's my first time in-game. Hi everybody!" I received back, "Yeah. Good luck with that." Hmm. Omnious. So, I responded. "Oh yeah. I figure I'll be dead soon. No biggie." About a minute later, sitting there in the quiet, I received, "If I find you, you will be!!" Funny. I had a few more exchanges, basically, me asking for keybinds and stuff, and found players were genuinely helpful. Then, once I was comfortable, I thought for a moment about my predicament. It was my first time. It was night. I was sitting on my laptop, beside my sleeping Wife. I could not turn on the sound, concerned for waking her, and she is definitely NOT a fan of the genre. (Nothing 'scary' in the least, actually.) I also wasn't familiar enough with everything, and thought about it. It was a scary moment. New, essentially deaf to my environment, with a little bit of moonlight, and seeing NO ZOMBIES or people in the first 30 minutes was very unnerving. I figured I would replay in the daytime, with sound, and try and figure this all out. So I NOPE'D out of there, and went to bed. TKJ
  5. The Killing Joke


    This could solve the bandit problem. Find clothing that helps to disguise your true nature. As long as we're not talking about introducing silly hats. TF2 did that, and I promptly stopped playing. TKJ
  6. The Killing Joke

    For the sociopaths.

  7. The Killing Joke

    Multiple Bandit skins?

    No disrepect to Rocket - it is HIS GAME - but this is a terrible idea. This mod has the chance to be groundbreaking, and implementing a "you're a bad guy because you look like a bad guy" scenario is really the only bad idea I see. Keep the element of distrust high, do away with bandit skins altogether. Think about RP. with permadeath, you're a whole new person. Don't be branded forever. TKJ
  8. The Killing Joke

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    This is where the fairness ends, imho. Nobody should ever, EVER know your intentions, just by looking at you. TKJ
  9. The Killing Joke

    control help

    Good luck! It's 2:16 a.m. where I am, and I *just* DL'd and played for my first 10 minutes. It's dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. (Ha ha.) Seriously though, if it's your first foray, find a server that is playing in the daylight, as it's nigh impossible to see anything. If you need more help, try the chat. That's where I learned what I learned. Also. "Z" goes prone, "X" looks like you kneel and "C" stands you up. "Shift" makes you walk, and you run by default. Good luck! TKJ
  10. The Killing Joke

    Get Out Of Here, Stalker!

    My Canadian Health Care System is laughing! :D TKJ
  11. The Killing Joke

    control help

    Ah - I just learned this myself. Check inventory is "G". The chat function has a toggle to run through the different chat modes. "," and "." will select left and right through the chat modes and "/" will chat inside that mode. I believe if a door isn't open, it doesn't open. Hope this helps! TKJ
  12. The Killing Joke

    Weapon Durability

    I'd love to see something like this implemented. Imagine someone picking up a gun, not checking it, and then getting ambushed by a single zombie... CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! :D TKJ
  13. The Killing Joke

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Come on, man. I have only 19m36s until Steam delivers the second half of ArmA II to my laptop. At least give me time to get to my position! TKJ
  14. The Killing Joke

    Get ready for incoming........

    LEAVE THE PANDAS ALONE!!! Anyone caught skinning the pandas will be shot on sight! ;) TKJ
  15. Oh, this is fun. Here's my short list: - Dead Men Walking Yeah, I got nothin'. :D I think it might help if you flesh out what your group is all about. Role play it a little. Give people an idea of why you're a good Leader, and you'll get followers. TKJ