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Everything posted by Crabberson

  1. Crabberson

    Slow movement issues

    My dad and his roommate got day z today and his roommate has the issue where he moves at about 60% of normal run speed. He is running, not walking. I've read on the forums that this was an issue for some people, but I never saw anyway to resolve the problem. Any solutions or is he just screwed?
  2. Crabberson

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    It is kind of annoying when people shoot on sight but that is the game. One of my friends has been trying to get good items so he can "PK noobs in cherno," but he keeps getting killed whenever he goes to an airstrip. Its funny cause he rages because of those "PKing faggots that killed me" and his whole mindset is to kill everyone.
  3. Crabberson

    Bleeding out

    *Hypothetical situation* You are wandering around in Elektro after all of your friends have disconnected for the day/night. You end up getting shot, but you kill your attacker. You bandage yourself and use morphine to fix your bones, but you still have lost a considerable amount of blood (you are at about 4k). You have a blood pack and while you consider what you do next, you see a survivor scavenging in a house not too far away. He has only a hatchet and you have a fully loaded AK-74. He has not spotted you yet. What do you do?
  4. Crabberson

    Disconnect/quit zone only allowed outside city/castle/house

    It sounds like he means that you would be unable to logout in a house at all. That way people can't server hop/ log in and kill people who just so happen to be inside the house at the time.
  5. Crabberson

    Basic Newbie Help

    Swimming will cause you to lost all the items in your backpack, not sure about the other case
  6. Crabberson

    Man on the hill

    *THIS IS A HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION* Ok so you are wandering around near the outskirts of cherno when you spot a man sitting (not prone or crouching) on a hill, facing the city. You zoom in and he is armed with a hatchet. What do you do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of times guy has been killed so far: 3 Number of people who ignore him: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for those who killed him, I assume you move in to loot him. On his body all you find is a hatchet and the starter gear. As to those who run or move along, nothing happens. He just sits here he is. Anyone who approaches him, if he notices he says "Friendly." What do you do?
  7. Crabberson

    blood moon or a red moon

    Not a horrible idea but I imagine most people would just chill offline while they wait for it to be over. Or just join another server.
  8. Crabberson

    Feign death

    Is there anyway to pretend to be dead? I imagine it would be nice to have a buddy pretend to be dead and wait for someone to "loot" the body, then shoot the person. Do a little baiting.
  9. Crabberson

    Some good tips for some nubs :]

    heres one that annoyed me when i started. The only houses you can go into already have their doors open
  10. Ok so I recently started playing Day Z maybe 3, 4 days ago. Me and two of my friends have wanted to play this game for quite a bit and I was the first to get it. My first two tries were ok, I remember waking to the closest town and aggroing a zombie, just to see what damage they can do. I died, as I was inexperienced and never playing arma 2 I didnt stand a chance. Second try I wandered around, and managed to get on top of a building somewhere in a town near Cherno if I remember correctly. I spot two fellow players, yet they havent spotted me yet. Being new to the game, I thought that I should get their attention. I try hollering at them using the VOIP, but I'm not close enough. I hop down from the roof to a slightly lower position to try to get closer, however the ledge was lower than I thought, and being new to ARMA/Day Z, I end up breaking my leg and falling unconscious. By the time I'm up, the two survivors are gone and I have a broken leg. I die shortly after. The next day, I play with one of my friends on a server at night. We decide that we are going to go to Elektro and grab some gear. I'm cruising along on the road, when I hear "Hey there." I look around, but I don't see anyone. They say "Well I'm just gonna leave, have fun." I missed my chance to talk to someone who might be able to help me. I whip out a road flare to make light so I can see them (it is night), but once its lit, bam. I have a broken leg and take a huge amount of damage. Bam, second shot and I'm dead. O well. I respawn and find out which way to go to Elektro. Start walking there again. Lo and behold I run into the same survivor. He says "Don't go that way, some dude just got killed by a bandit." I ask if it was near a road flare, which he confirms. "He says o hey its you, i just talked to you" He looks back "O shit theres a guy coming" and books it. I run into the forest and watch. Sure enough there was a guy chasing after him. Later on, I finally get to Elektro and meet up with my buddy. He manages to get a gun, and I grab a hatchet. we wander around a building and go to the second floor. He walks out onto a balcony and gets sniped. I try to run inside, but get shot (broken leg, go unconscious, and bleed to death). Next day, me and my friend play again, and go to cherno, but this time, with only 2 other people on the server. We scavenge and get some nice gear. My friends mindset was if you see anyone, shoot them. Don't ask, only kill. Eventually, I get hungry and go get food IRL, while he ventures off to the airstrip directly above Cherno. He told me that he wants to get some nice guns so me and him can come back near cherno, join a populated server, and "PK some noobs." I come back with my food and my friend is telling me all about the gear hes got. about 2 minutes later "Those fucking faggots PK'd me, goddamn bandits." My second friend, who doesn't even have the game, already wants to get gear and kill everyone as a group (me, him, and my other friend). Am I the only one who thinks we should at least talk to a person first? See what they are doing or if we can make any kind of beneficial arrangement? When I first started, I had no idea what to do. I ran after anyone I saw trying to ask for help. My friends think we should just kill everyone. I don't mind killing bandits, but we shouldn't waste ammo on noobs. What do you guys think?
  11. Ok so I thought about playing some more Day Z today when I find out that all servers are using No big deal. But all of a sudden I have to get the beta for Arma 2? Well I follow the link and DL the beta files, extract them, then use the setup thing. The problem is while using the setup I keep getting an error from ARMA 2 RFT Patch that says "Wrong CD Key". Any help?
  12. Crabberson

    Problem Updating to

    Ill try it now, want to get day z back up and running by tomorrowwww.
  13. Crabberson

    Super new player

    Ok, I would like to first state I have never played ARMA before. I need tips of any variety you can offer. ANY TIPS. I will start by asking a question. Can zombies belly crawl?
  14. Crabberson

    Super new player

    Are only doors that start open interactable? I've seen doors with 3D handles, but I can't open the door.
  15. Crabberson

    Super new player

    Is there an easier way to respawn than completly exiting the game?
  16. Crabberson

    Super new player

    Well. I just jumped off a roof to my death cause some zombies blocked the only way out. O well.
  17. Crabberson

    Super new player

    I found a hatchet finally. Can you use it as a weapon or only harvest wood with it?
  18. Crabberson

    Super new player

    Do you tire from running?
  19. Crabberson

    Super new player

    Can you jump?
  20. Crabberson

    Super new player

    So I found a stump with an axe in it. Is this decor or a fabled hatchet?
  21. Crabberson

    Super new player

    I saw two players crouch running while i was standing on a building. I went to go to a lower ledge and hopefully holler at them and ask for help. Walked over to the ledge, hit it, breaking my leg and going unconscious. They were no where to be seen QQ.
  22. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: No *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Sixupdater *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: The game starts up when I pick from a list of servers on sixlauncher. Join a server. I get in and it shows a list of players with titles "Survivor" and their names underneath, Player names on the side with their ping, I hit ok. It goes to a loading screen with a bar and background of parked tanks, finishes loading, brings me back to the screen with the player names, says downloading data or something similar to that, finishes then goes to a black loading screen. The loading bar fills up, but nothing happens afterward. *Your PC specs: Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00 GHz 6GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M *Your Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit *Have you looked at these threads?: I only see one link, and when I click it, i get redirected to a site that simply says "File not found" Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Crabberson

    Having trouble playing the game.

    I'll ask other questions in new player I suppose.
  24. Crabberson

    Having trouble playing the game.

    ok so I managed to get on a server but I have no idea what to do. I followed some train tracks to a town, where 1 zombie chased after me and beat me to death. Im now at a screen that says You Are Dead but nothing else has happened. Any help?