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About DinDae

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  1. DinDae

    Hacker on DK1

    Hacker name DennieD or something only person alive during the attack, dont have screen but maybe you can see stuff in logs and shit.
  2. DinDae

    Read about Dayz standalone

    Kudos for sharing :)
  3. Na probably not the mod, but the stand alone will hopefully get past it, they will however add more stuff to the mod at least to the real alpha of the game is released, because the work spent here can be integrated with the new game. But when people can start buying the standalone I think the mod has fulfilled its purpose and will fade away.
  4. Valid point, but this is more a group situation, therefore more people to feed.
  5. Well this is pretty straight forward. If you play solo you don’t have much use for them, possibly having one in inventory just in case you meet a friendly soul to help you out. But they are more a co-op driven item and there for you got a group of peoples inventories to consider. I think giving the player 100% blood while using one is to strong. I think a fixed number e.g. ~3-6k (I’ll leave the number to the discussion) something would be better, and make it more interesting. So you have to use more, if you got a more major injury than a zombie flesh wound. Because raiding a hospital right now is a damn vampires wet dream, considering how much blood there are in every pack. And all opinions are welcomed, though I prefer an argument instead of a blank NO/nope. Regards!
  6. DinDae

    The Problem With Blood

    You can get blood from eating( 200 ), so go to a supermarket or hunt animals.
  7. DinDae

    Would NVG removal be a good thing?

    Thanks for all the replies :) Well, maybe it’s only me who thinks the game become too easy when you get em. I would like to see night pvp with distracting flares and using the darkness as a protection instead of playing like you do on the day, cuddle up at the forest lines. Really nobody, even willing to give it a thought? Thanks anyway
  8. DinDae

    Would NVG removal be a good thing?

    coz i started a thread doesnt mean they should be removed, just want to hear thoughts
  9. Well, imo they do night time less interesting. Be good manner and give me your thoughts :) Regards
  10. DinDae

    Craziest stuff you've done?

    Standing on building roofs throwing flares at sneaking players in elekto, having them aggroing infected in the dark. Most hilarious are when they scream on direct comm.
  11. So my question is, can you change or alter static data with the arma modding tool. e.g change or replace buildings, I expect you can't base on the LOD structure, but if anyone knows? :) Thank you.
  12. DinDae


    Rocket said he was working on dog followers, which i do not approve.
  13. DinDae

    IF this was an actual game...

    Wow-style Quality comes first, so I’m willing to pay per month if the “new born company” can maintain high quality servers (and yes only them standing for the servers), with no abuse and clans camps and loots stayed intact. So players can be guaranteed their time spent weren’t in vain. Both Though keep the all code and scripting to the studio, and take advantage of the good/bad ideas the community gives about design choices etc. And maybe have the community to create a bunch of houses you can visit.