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Everything posted by Xtinction

  1. i was just trying to be a decent civil servant and re-institute the bus routes in this apocalyptic climate called dayz, when i was assaulted by raiders looting a downed helo. I was severely wounded by gunfire. My bus drivers cap knocked off in the action. I managed to bail out of the bus drivers seat and fell to the ground. My vision was severely blurred from a concussion and blood loss as I see the raiders running towards me. I managed to make one last desperate radio call to comrades meanwhile popping off several pistol shots into the raiders before they finished the job. As the life slipped out of me I felt comfort in meeting my maker knowing that I would be avenged.
  2. Xtinction

    US74 Camp Raid

    i agree with tabor your server is fuk'd rather play someplace else where admins are not cheating and lying about it
  3. Xtinction

    US74 Camp Raid

    Sup Peeps! My clan members just linked this post to me and suggested I clear things up. So this is what really happened. around 8-10 of us logged onto your server after having a hacker spawn bombs on top of us and our tents in our base camp on chicago 15. We decided to quit that server and were going to make your server our new home. The reason for deciding on your servers is an admin presence, discouragement of hacking/hackers and most importantly it looked like from what posts one of our members were reading... lively battling between different groups. anyway our members logged on some of us decided we would start in cherno for the challenge and two other groups of us started and met up in other locations to re-gear and set up a base camp. alaroady, gorechild, tabor & myself... if I remember correctly were the ones that all restarted at cherno. I died twice to snipers. Then finally found a enfield and was creeping through cherno when i saw a guy running down another street with zombies after him. I started running paralleling him on another street and picked up some agro myself as well. He ran out of town north of the apartments with myself right behind him. I heard a bunch of heavy weapons fire and decided not to chase him. turned an ran back towards the backside of the apartments came around the corner tot he front and ran up the stairs into the apartment building top floor with a widow over looking the street. At this time crouched down upstairs at the widow I started looking for where the heavy "Loud" sounding gunfire was coming from. I saw a guy on the roof of the adjacent apartments. So I shot several times till was sure I had dropped him. I saw a death message of Silver Chair was killed. I then dropped down on my belly because there was still other gun fire going on. Few minutes later I saw someone run into the adjacent apartment buildings door. I kept looking for him to come out on a roof but didn't see him again. Meanwhile I was telling Alaroady and the others where I was located. Alaroady was going to clear the other apartments and as he was rolling up saw a truck and grabbed it and took off with it. Apparently whoevers truck it was was chasing after him. I was trying to convince Alaroady to come back and get me but he wanted to go stash the truck somewhere. We were pretty sure it was hacked because he said that it had every best weapon in the game in it. Any way he ends up crashing and blowing the truck and himself up. Meanwhile since Alaroady isn't coming back for me I decided to make a hospital run since the gunfire in the area has died down. I run out of the apartment and towards the hill so i can wrap around the back then over to the back of the hospital. I then ran up the fire escape and stuck myself in the back corner of the roof. I was re-aranging crap in my backpack & person when I see a guy come up onto the roof from the same fire escape. He was looking in the other direction off the roof as I closed my backpack hit enter so i could go into first person and was starting to draw a bead on him. I had my video setting set to high so I was having trouble centering the crosshairs on target because he was crouch walking as he was turning. He saw me and turned to fire on me and got off a 3 round burst just as I aligned and shot once. We both died. I then read who I killed an was killed by... it was Blasty. So, Mr. Blasty... I was crouched on the roof in the back corner the whole time. You just failed to check the roof. I would have killed you right off if I hadn't been preoccupied with other crap. It just sounds like you are using me as a scape goat for not being more situationally aware... and from what I have read... butt hurt about loosing your hacked stuff. So after I was killed I was somewhere outside of east of cherno running for a farm house picked up a bunch of aggro didn't feel like running for 10 minutes trying to dump zombie aggro ran inside a single entrance house and logged out. When I logged back in I was knocked out and had a five minute timer so I alt-tabbed out of the game and started watching a tv show waiting for the timer. When I alt-tab back I saw a message that I was banned for ghosting. That was the first time I had even heard of that term since I have literally only owned the game a week. Also there were a lot of people firing at each other in about a four block radius and apparently it was multiple groups. I'm not quite sure how my name is drawn out of a hat other that I killed Blasty at the same time he killed me and he was pissed and decided to go board warrioring about it and / jump on the band wagon because my name was already thrown out there. I play with a great group of guys. We all belong to a fairly large guild spread across various games. We also have more of our members and friends picking up the game daily. We think it would be fun to play on your server... it would make some kick-ass clan wars. But not if our members are unable to play together because one or more of them is banned from the server especially when they were not cheating. One of our chief concerns is over zealous admins that might be ban happy when things don't play out their way in a fair fight. But it doesn't seem that way. When I was banned last night the feeling was I got banned because an admin got mad because he got headshot and then we made off with their hacked truck full of weapons and destroyed it then shot another admin...(we thought blasty was one as well). So we were going to pick another server today till a couple of our guys saw this post and decided to give the server another chance and suggested I make a post. That is conditional though on removing my ban because like I said we all prefer to play together. So anyway nice to meet you guys look forward to playing with or against you guys in the future if you so decide. Cheers and Kudos if you made it through this lengthy post! Xtinction