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About Lordtac

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  1. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    your kidding right? one cow, one goat, or one bore is enough to feed 5 people, besides that you can just have each person manage their own food, any one "Loner" should have at least 2 cans of food in their pack, one for the login hunger, and one for normal game-time hunger acquired while scavenging or exploring.
  2. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    What does that have to do with anything? let alone PVP.
  3. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Honestly, the system isn't very far off from being a solid PVP system, the humanity system makes it completely unfair for survivors, who can only shoot 50% of their targets (even if being shot at) or get turned into a bandit if they killed a survivor which as described above, would make them shoot on sight anyway. A couple of my bigger issues with bandits are. 1- There camo helps them blend in better. Even at less then 100 meters, if a bandit were to stay mostly still, you'd never know he was hiding right under your feet in the grass without the menu scan trick. Its even worse at night if your unlucky enough to not have NVG's. 2- They can shoot 100% of their targets with little or no backlash, in fact, its more profitable then a survivor killing a bandit. 3- Even a terrible bandit can trick some poor sob into healing them with a blood-pack by pulling the "Self Defense" story, then cap them. 4- Having a machine gun/assault rifle is pointless when your being shot at from 500 meters away by a bandit with a sniper rifle... Why even have them if everyone dies in one shot anyway? 5- Survivors that are well off generally will not carry sniper rifles or sniper rifle ammo if their non-pvp, because their worried about the zombies. However, they will generally have an alice pack, 2 or 3 containers of food, 2 water bottles (at least), and most of the time a nearly full set of miscellaneous tools that they searched everywhere for. Bandits, depending on how early or late you manage to kill them in their life span, will generally only have a sniper (M24 or CZ-550) a great deal of ammo for it, some food and medical supplies, a decent pistol, and maybe a few misc items early on. its unlikely that they'd carry certain misc items like toolbox's, or tents, some bandits refuse to carry alice packs because they apparently slow you down (I'm not sure about them slowing you down or not or by how much). so... who would be more profitable to kill, the inexperienced non-PVP survivor with a non-pvp gun, a non-pvp mindset and decent or in some cases exceptionally good gear. or the experienced PVP bandit with a PVP gun, a PVP mindset, and no or occasionally decent gear that may only be better then a starting survivor barely 1 hour after spawning. Yes I do think bandits have it easier off. No I don't hate PVP, it makes things interesting. Yes I am a survivor. and finally Yes, the current PVP system has made me stop playing DAYZ entirely until it is changed.
  4. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I don't know about them, but the simple fact is, its much easier to survive as a bandit then a survivor, once the humanity system is removed the mod will be reduced to a game of death match with zombies involved. You thought surviving was hard when bandits were noticeable? Imagine how hard it will be now that they blend in with EVERYONE ELSE. Of course this makes the argument of survivor vs bandit moot at this point cause survivors won't turn into bandits for simply defending themselves, and in so doing makes the game slightly more balanced. However, relations between players are deteriorated from the start even further then before, because now. 1- There's absolutely no penalty for killing someone else. 2- There's absolutely no way you would be able to tell who's actually a half way decent human being. (whereas before bandit skins were a good indication) 3- Being able to die in one shot from most weapons, renders you so frail that you wouldn't be able to defend yourself, if your new friend jimmy decided he liked your backpack he could just murder you for it without a second thought. (and why not? its not like you can fight back right?) I'm aware that the games supposed to be brutal, but its not even the game that's being brutal, its the player base that's being brutal, because its just so much easier to kill someone and take their stuff, then it is to actually go out and look for it yourself. Which is eventually going to drive everyone away, there's nothing more aggravating then losing 3 days worth of hard searching to a sniper, except for someone finding your tent full of backup gear maybe.
  5. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Point your gun AWAY from them. TKJ So they can get the first (and only) shot they need in. Your not going to come across friendly players unless you hit the survivor HQ and plan to meet up with them before hand. Everyone is to paranoid to have some guy they've only just met wander behind them even if the guy behind them only has a makarov.
  6. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Possibly, but then no one can be trust worthy, and everyone can easily kill everyone else, I'm actually more ok with this. But team-work becomes even more discouraged, and random Modern Warfare style PVP becomes more prevalent due to the lack of consequence and the high reward. And lets not forget... without the humanity skin switching system, there'd be absolutely no way to tell the difference between someone fresh off the boat and someone that just committed mass genocide.
  7. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I can understand how some people would enjoy being the bandit just to see how they'd fair on the evil side, but as it is bandits as a group have more opportunities to advance themselves then the survivors do, almost to the point that being a survivor (and essentially a good guy) is a major draw back. After all, anyone that wants to "stay" as a survivor, has to constantly check their fire, and can't fight off any other survivors that decide to attack them. People that say "Well you can do whatever a bandit can" are dead wrong, the only way you can get away with killing other players as a survivor, is to kill a bandit that will more then likely have better gear then you at any time, or become a bandit, by killing other survivors, and perpetuating the problem. If a survivor wants to kill another survivor without changing to a bandit, he has to have extremely high humanity... one of the best ways to get that is by administering transfusions... which requires you to rely on... the kindness of others... Which will usually end in you getting shot in the face when you've completed the transfusion.
  8. Lordtac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    To be completely honest I feel like the PVP aspect of this mod is very very unbalanced. Where survivors are generally not rewarded for their acts of kindness or are in fact punished for helping other players, bandits are generously rewarded for their acts of psychotic man-slaughter with very few or even no drawbacks at all. After all, it only takes one good head shot to get someones alice pack, or get lucky and murder someone with NVG's (making them even more effective killers). At the end of the day, bandits will acquire much more high end gear then any survivors can, simply because they don't have to worry about their humanity at all or even traveling across the map eating up their precious PVP time. And lets not forget that having high humanity as a survivor doesn't really have any pro's at all. Sure you can kill 1 guy that has less humanity without being turned, what about 3? or 4? To help combat the gross amount of bandits per server and survivor genocides that occur every single day, I would recommend the following. 1- Add a mark on the map that displays where bandits are. 2- Connect the humanity levels of a bandit (divided by 10 or 100 perhaps) to the mark, so that you have to be within a certain range to see the mark. 3- Make "Bullets" do less damage towards players for Christs sake, head shots are understandable but 1 shot to the chest with any gun besides a makarov is ridiculous, especially sense everyone is wearing a bullet proof vest. 4- Connect positive humanity levels to various events for survivors, perhaps very slight health regeneration, a 10 to 25% maximum HP boost, or a running speed boost, something to give survivors a reason to get more humanity. 5- (Last resort) Nerf sniper rifles.