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Everything posted by James2012

  1. James2012

    A way to stop the murders

    I would like it alot if there was some type of system like this so pvpers just can't go free, there is nothing stoping people from killing other players, not even the fear of death, which is unrelastic, if something was done to make pvpers worry about pvping, maybe even some type of punishment for death, that would be great.
  2. James2012

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    This is a pretty good idea! But for the chat channel, have it so they can only access this threw walkies talkies, so its more realistic.
  3. James2012

    Safe Zone

    Yes please! If there was a safe zone with a economy maybe players could meet up there and trade weapons / sell them to each other. and maybe have it so the npcs only sell what has bin sold to them so its not unlimited.
  4. James2012

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Yes I thought it was a pretty dumb idea to remove the weapon in the first place, Now people have pretty much no chance to defend themselves from zombies or pvpers. atleast with a handgun you had something. Altho, alot of people just want this game to be as hard as possible and make it as unfair as possible for more of a challenge and i suppose more fun for them.
  5. James2012

    End game content !!!

    I have a similar problem i posted, called the pvp problem. There where a few ideas of base building and recapturing the towns from the zombies, Someone by the user name of Dreganius talked about his idea called Liberation. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20198 working together to take back zombie infested towns,farms and whatnot. He has alot of good ideas i think. I do not really agrea on his ideas of pvp tho, but that's just me. I also think a big problem with the pvp is people just have nothing else to do but besides grabing a gun and just start shooting players, and adding more content for endgame would help out alot with that. but some people think it will make this game just like every other mmorpg if pvping was lowered, which i do not understand really.
  6. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    Hello, I suggest you make this game less rewarding for bandits and more rewarding for players who do not like being pvpers. I know alot of people will disagree because mostly everyone in this game loves to kill other players. :-/ But anyway a good way to make it more fun and less filled with people killing just to kill is to 1.re-enable the global chat. This way you can warn people of traps and other bandits, which now, you can not. *edit* This idea comes from xemath, down below sorta, he said to have cellphones for chat, but i modified the idea a bit. Instead of global chat, have walkie talkies and ham radios per haps. keeping and adding some realism. 2. Bring back bandit skins along with the heart pumping sound. 3.When a player has killed more then 2 or 3 players increase the zombie spawn rate around them, Maybe add this also when players kill zombies. Kind of how agro works in the zombie rpg game Dead Frontier. This will make people more cautious of killing. 4.Come up with more penalties when players go out of there way to ruin other players gameplay. like faster hunger gain, more shaking affects on aiming, anything that would discourage players killing others. 5.More long term goals. Right now what i hear alot is people kill others just because there is nothing else to do after a certain point. Some good long term goals would be base building perhaps? Maybe even eventually have it so towns can be takin back from the zombie hordes? This way people will want to work together more often and form teams to fight zombies and reestablish society. Maybe a leveling system of some sort? Or missions? just some more things to do besides pvp sounds great. Right now there is really nothing stopping people getting in groups and just hunting players just to kill them. If anything this game is designed to reward pvpers over zombie killers.
  7. That seems like a pretty good idea! But it just not possible in arma really... And having one massive world would make this game so crazy difficult on a small map, also really laggy i would think. And for the idea of one chr per server, this would fix the server hoping but this is one of the things that makes dayz so unique. Maybe making it so after being killed, or killing another player, you are locked to that server for x mins. and everytime you kill a player, it adds onto how many mins you are locked to said server?
  8. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    Your diction is way off if you actually meant aggro. I don't go out of my way to kill players, but I also don't like the idea that this feature be penalized just because you don't like that playstyle. If I went on the suggestion forum and said "Hey, let's penalize anyone who doesn't kill another player within an hour by making their bones even more brittle!" you'd likely get on and start ranting as to how unfair that is. Yet here we are, you trying to justify why your playstyle is the best and anyone who doesn't adhere to it should be punished because nobody plays nice in a PvP-encouraged zombie apocalypse. Pvp-encoraged yes, yes it is, And that is my point. All players have to do in this game is just grab some weapon and ammo and kill other players, its all they can do. Which is a pretty lame.
  9. James2012

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    Altho this idea might work, the changing servers, garbing a weapon from stockpile and ammo, and coming back, would still there be there and then reducing ammo would be pointless. Unless they do fix this, then, maybe?
  10. James2012

    Slow zeds

    i was reading somewhere that he wants to make zombies more challenging and make it so you can not run away so easy, making it more difficult to face zombies. And more fun.
  11. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    Of course you don't have a problem with PvP "to survive" because it doesn't exist in the game. Your survival never depends on murdering another human. It's always possible to get supplies in other ways and with less risk than hunting other players. There are only three legitimate reasons to PvP in the game: 1. It's fun and you want to do it. 2. You want more gear for yourself or your friends. 3. Self defense against the people from 1 and 2. And since 3 depends on the existence of 1 and 2' date=' there are actually only two reasons to [i']initiate PvP. There is no such thing as "necessary" PvP and if something were implemented that made it such, the outcry on the forums would be torrential. Then how come i hear all the time that players kill to get loot? And that they do it to loot bodys and survive? So you are saying people are just killing for fun, And making it so players had to kill for a reason, Would completely ruin this game?
  12. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

  13. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

  14. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    Read my Liberation thread. I really like this idea! the liberation thing, it be pretty cool if it was added into the game. how so?
  15. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    No, I do not " advocate logging off when in a firefight" I was thinking more of the line of when someone is camping, and they go to kill someone else the person they are trying to kill log's off. And making it so they can not log off, would not fix pvp,Altho i do think it is bad that they log off, but i can see what you mean now. I guess this would make it better to keep players in a combat situation if pvp players are the ones logging out when players fight back. I never really thought about it that way heh.
  16. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

  17. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    The only real evidence i have is from my gameplay experience so far. Most of the time' date=' when i encounter a "bandit" is when i am looking for supply's. They Like to camp citys to get good kills. I have bin killed many times threw out my game play and i have only bin looted a few times, After i die, i try to make it too my body and recover my loot, it is usually still there. Sometimes i spawn to far away so i can not always loot my body, so maybe im getting looted more then i think but still. Mostly everyone when they reach a certain point in this game will just turn into all out pvpers. Im guessing just because there is nothing else to do. Which is why i suggested adding more improvements for the long term. Like taking back the citys with groups encouraging team work or base building doing the same thing. Im sure there are alot of other ways that could be added to improve the gameplay. [hr'] Not to bad of a idea but this punishes all the players, And will not discourage pvping. It will make the game alot harder tho and more challenging.
  18. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    There is a pvp problem. And im guessing most of you are pvpers. Players go out of there way to kill other players and ruin there gameplay. Which is probably what most of you do. It ruins the game. If it was a once in awhile type thing, where players actually kill for a reason, i would have no problem with that. But what really happens, if someone sees someone else, They shoot them. Then walk away. They are not even bandits. They are just murderers. Thanks! Finally someone else who sees the problem. There is no real point to even survive. Its just grabing a weapon and killing players because you can.
  19. James2012

    My thought on a PvP fix.

    Hiya zipper, just whanted too say thanks for the list, alot of good zombie games i never heard of before, Altho, Not many on that list can compaire to a zombie sandbox game. There is one that is not on this list that is really good called zomboid. Open ended sandbox game with zombies, which is what makes dayz so great.
  20. James2012

    The Pvp Problem.

    Well, Your suggesting people kill for supply's. Well they don't. They kill just to kill other players not to take there supply's. And also In real life when you die, you can not re spawn as a new person in a new area. It would be when you die, you could not play the game anymore. Also, I do not really want to make this into a mmo, what i would rather have is players working together instead of killing each other for the hell of it. And people play to kill other players, not to survive. The ones that do play to survive are not usaly camping towns waiting to kill players just to kill them. Im guessing you are one of the players that go around killing other players right? I can see why you would disagree with the pvp penalty system then. I do agree on your cellphone idea tho, I can see that taking out the global chat to make it seem more realistic would be a good idea, but instead of a cell phone, have walkie talkies or ham radios. Where a group of players can chat on the same channel and share the frequency.