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About m.waaagan@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. m.waaagan@gmail.com

    CZ550 and heli crashes

    As for heli crashes there are 3-4 per server restart across the entire map, checking every spawnpoint would take ages if you're unlucky with spawns. I found one yesterday (hence my post about the SAW) This map might be helpfull if you dont have it allready : http://dayzdb.com/map
  2. m.waaagan@gmail.com

    CZ550 and heli crashes

    Gonna have to guess he was just unlucky then, I have a SAW in my bag and that looted just fine. Might be some problem when looting a weapon off the ground straight into your bag tho. ( pickup the weapon you want to have in your bag first then put that into the backpack, then loot the weapon you want equipped from the ground.)
  3. m.waaagan@gmail.com

    Lost everything due to falling to my death at login

    http://www.dayzcommander.com/ It's a launcher you can use in future, has a recent servers log and friendlist.
  4. Do these petty details really matter in the alpha stage?