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Everything posted by Kiecsii

  1. 3rd Person, Side Chat, Custom Loadout, Nameplates and Crosshairs. 24/7 Daylight, Friendly admins, Lots of vehicle spawns and 7+ Heli's. Just bought the server today and need people to play, regular players will be rewarded :) Invite ya friends to play with you and add to Favorites!!!! On Dayz Commander just search ' Kiecsii ' and the server should come up, or add a filter in game multiplayer lobby. Thanks :)
  2. Kiecsii

    Looking for 1-2 players for Chernarus

    Hey, i just got the game today and i also am playing single and its boring, if you wanna team up add me on skype: kiecsii cheers :)
  3. So I just got the game and i have no idea what to do. Im based in the UK so preferably just UK players to play with, and I only have the map Chernarus none of the other maps. Im 19 and Mature so looking for other mature players not kids. add my skype: Kiecsii
  4. Sweet, weekdays Im gunna try play 6pm-10pm and weekends vary. You on skype? Im on atm if your available to play
  5. Like I said ive just got the game so haven't even played 10 minutes, Ive seen videos and such so I know a tiny bit but watching and playing is different
  6. add or message me on skype if ya wanna play skype name: kiecsii
  7. Kiecsii

    DayZ Stories

    Me and my 2 buddies were in a Barn just north of electro, I accidently shoot my enfield and aggro 8 zed's into the barn. I get out my Makarov and started slamming bullets into their heads. My mate was like, Dude, I just heard an automatic, me thinking he meant me shooting my makarov very fast I ignored it, about 30 seconds later out of no where, my 2 friends get ripped into by an unknown enemy with a PDW. Im thinking what the hell, how could they have been shot from inside the barn. I wait for about 5 minutes for a bandit to enter watching both stairs with my enfield for any movement. Nervously I once again let of my enfield and again about 5 zombies. They start making their way up the stairs for me and I start popping them. Then all of a sudden, a Player comes up, taking no chances I put 3 bullets to his head and he falls back. I put 2 more into his motionless body and my Bandit kills go from 0 to 1. I feel satisfied with myself as I loot his body for a PDW and MP5. One of my friends returns and loots what is left of the bandit and his body and we start making our way to the coast to meet with my other friend who unfortunatly spawned on the other side of the map in Kamenka. Definatly the best thing to happen to me on DayZ thus far after a few days of gametime.
  8. Just started, very little knowledge about the game, anyone wanna group, add my skype: Kiecsii Thanks :)
  9. So I've been playing about 2 weeks on and off, first week I spent dieing and learning. Maybe the beginning of the week I start again and head north. I have no clue where I am but I stumble on what appears to be a place where horses live. No Zeds around so i loot the place and find a Winchester and 2 mags (the first weapon apart from an axe since I started). So not know the weapon I thought shooting in a overly populated village off z's was smart. Nope. I take damage, I run, I shoot. Finally dispatched all the zombies, and no more ammo, oh and not to mention I have 2100 blood. So my screen blurry as anything I start heading into a wood. I emerge the otherside and I can't believe it, I'm back at cherno.. So I'm thinking this place has to have new players that will help me with a blood transfusion. So I hastily make my way to the hospital roof, stock up on bps, bandages and morphine then I start walking around. I'm walking around through every building, finding all this look (Alice Pack, Compass, Map, 7 Makarov Mags, untold food/water, No weapon <- lol) but yeah, 30 minutes I'm walking and I thought this is stupid, so I unmute my mic and start sprinting everywhere shouting "friendly!!". No response, 30 minutes and I didn't meet a single player or bandit, the server had 50/50 players so I said to myself, fuck this, and logged out. Moral of the story, don't be a retard and fire a loud weapon if your a noob and playing solo -_-
  10. You were a noob once aswell
  11. So im investing in a New pc and I want to be able to play DayZ casually on Normal Settings as im tired of the shitty little very low settings. In your opinion which pc from below is better as im not a pc guru. Thanks! Pc 1: AMD Bulldozer FX-4170 4.2GHz Quad Core CPU 8GB of 1333Mhz DDR3 RAM 2TB Hard Drive Storage Space ATI Radeon HD 6670 2GB Graphics Pc 2: AMD Bulldozer FX-4100 4.0GHz Quad Core CPU 8GB 1333Mhz DDR3 RAM 2TB Hard Drive Storage Space AMD Radeon HD 6770 1GB Grapics
  12. Kiecsii

    Which Pc would be better for play DayZ

    Yeah basically found a site and they have an ebay store so pulled the specs of the prebuilt pc's that look ok and fair in price, they are about £350 each.
  13. Kiecsii

    Which Pc would be better for play DayZ

    I was hoping to buy a pre built custom one as im not great with pcs so I probably wouldnt be able to build it myself, but I have a budget of roughly £500 and I already have the windows license.
  14. I've been playing for about 1-3 days, I think this was outside electro or chernarus im not sure, but what happened?