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About izen

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  1. izen

    Non-enterable Houses

    Or add a "Gear" action at the locked doors, that allows you to see the houses "inventory", resp. 1 loot spawn. Might be empty, might be not. While I think overcomplicating things shouldnt be done, an update for all the houses in Arma would be the high art, but i dont reckon this will come.
  2. izen

    DE 21 - Questions & Comments

    Yeah well, you better hadn't been trolling us then moddish. Really, your behaviour was obvious. Especially because you disconnected several times during 1 fight to change position. I, for one, do not enjoy playing with people that share your understanding of DayZ gameplay. Since good servers are very rare, I am very sure that Coop wants to ensure the most serious "playerbase" possible. The ban was reasonable and well thought out. You deserve it, stop whining and flooding this thread now please.
  3. izen

    DE 21 - Questions & Comments

    Best Server worldwide.
  4. izen


    Check your options. You can salute, sit down (not crouching - casually) and surrender already. There is however a bug with the surrender option. If you do so, you will put your hands behind your neck, but immediately switch back to fighting stance. This can result in others thinking of being fooled, shooting in return even when killing was not their intention in the first palce. This one needs a fix! However, saluting works fine for the purpose already.
  5. izen

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    Slow zombies + only headshot kills=awesome. They shouldnt be too slow though, and do some slight zigzagging. This way they would become an even higher threat than they are now, because you are mostly limited on your ammo, headshots are hard to manage, and you wouldnt be able to take out loads of zombies in just seconds even with a makarov.
  6. izen

    Hotkeys for Bandaging/Morphine/Painkillers

    It simulates the time and attention needed to do it as it is. You don't run from zombies, bandage yourself on the fly all while shooting at zombies. Definite no. You need to concentrate on your backpack and therefore lose track of your surroundings for a brief moment. Its a major part of the gameplay. Same for looting.
  7. izen

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    Absolutely awesome, I already thought of this feature myself. Game should keep track of how much you eat/drink, and dependant on the amount you should have to shite/pee sooner or later. Panicking or getting shot at could instantly increase the players "urges" by a certain amount so if you are relatively full you are endangered to shit/piss yourself when in heavy stress situations. In combination with zombies smelling you respectively your excretions (range should be REALLY high) this would greatly increase gameplay. Especially because you couldnt just insta-drink/eat stuff you find to save inventory space (because you would have to piss/shite all the time), so it would really pay off to only drink/eat when you need to. It would also fit in very fell with the overall concept of the game, drinking, eating, temperature. Just the next logical step.
  8. Headline basically says it all. How would you like: The disabling of all chat channels, except the directcomms (maybe even VOIP only). If a player finds a radio (would need to spawn a *little* more often, yet not as often as compasses etc.), only then he is able to access (read+write) the other chat channels. This would dramatically add to the theme of DayZ (being alone at first, not knowing where you are, if and where other survivors are etc.) in terms of realism, immersion and atmosphere. Imagine the feeling of a player who finally finds a radio and actually gets into contact with other survivors. Also, there would be a significant reduction of chatspam, currently the window is always full of nonsignificant stuff. Esp. connecting, disconnecting and the missing addons lines could also be removed. Watcha think?
  9. izen

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Chill out dude, I didn't bother to read all 28 pages, only Alpha and Omega.
  10. izen

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    So when can we download it?
  11. izen

    Walkie Talkies.

    Just had about the same idea, the easiest way to implement it would be: Just remove all chat channels except direct comms. Maybe even remove the ability to write chat at all, requiring the player to have a mic (wich basically everyone has, and if not, can get it for 2 dollars). It would be quite necessary to make the VOIP work reliably. I am usually playing with one pal on TS and each time we check if direct comm works, so we can communicate with other closeby players, but until now it didn't. I remember it only worked the first time I was playing. Since then however, I installed beta patch. Maybe it doesnt work with beta patch? Or it doesnt work with b-patch on non-b-patched servers? Clarification would be good. Some random russian seems to be able to spam the voicechat every time though. Then make Radios give player access to all the other chat channels. Of course radios should spawn more often then (like matchboxes etc.). I don't know if it is at all possible in the engine to control access to and or remove chatchannels (via mission). Another, more complicated option would be to make the radio actually a unique item that allows custom frequencies (while also having a public presaved freq. that everyone can "enter" via a button press on the radio or so.) I imagine it quite hard to create such a thing for ArmA though. If I remember the M203 spycam (HuntIR) from ace though, that was pretty elaborate stuff too. For DayZ, it would be absolutely fitting and further enhancing the experience, immersion, suspense of disbelief etc. wich is what DayZ is about. Even more you feel like being all alone in a small bubble, not necessarily knowing where you are or who is where. Then finding a radio and actually getting in contact with other survivors would be a REAL relief for the player. Also, maybe it would reduce the amount of PVP currently going on (40 of 50 players seem to be having a deathmatch along the coast, shoot first, ask later etc.). For the far future of the mod it would also be possible to include tracking devices to find location or at least triangulate the position of certain radios (do radios have some sort of ID?) to find/hunt/track people. But that would be something for far beyond 1.0 release and I am not sure if it's viable for DayZ gameplay.
  12. izen

    DayZ Stories

    My first round ever of DayZ. I find myself at the beach. OK, what is this? Zombicapolypse, survived...damn straight. It is night. About midnight. Everything dark, can't see shit. I check my emergency gear. Pistol, 40 rounds, Flares, water and food for a day. Alright, need to find other survivers. Followed the road to a town, carefully checked it out, when suddenly a Zombie is right in front of me. I look at him, he is moving slow. Then he starts sprinting towards me. I know I probably wont hit him like that. He reached me, I pop a few bullets and he falls. Others attracted. Fuckers! Everywhere! Then 3 at once. I drop 2, mag empty, I start running, loosing a lot of bload. Looking over my shoulder whilst running away, that guy and another one is getting closer. Im bleeding heavily. I reload while running, turn around and blow em away. Another one. Wait. Hes not a zombie. Thats gary, another survivor. I was just checking some stash of beans I found, offered to share. He said he didn't need anything, but we should stick togeter. Damn right we should. We carefully clear that town together, wich makes things way easier. We decide to check the next town for more survivors, and stick to the railroad. A shot went off. Sounds close. I stand still for a second, thinking about what just happened. Another shot. Someones shooting at us! I am not hit. I take a look at Gary, tell him to take cover and run to the next tree. There I peak around, trying to spot the agressor. He shoots again, I see his muzzle smoke. "There he is gary! Drop him!" Taking a look over to where Gary was 1 second before...in the blink of an eye I realized he is dead. I am flushed by adrenaline and anger, line up my Makarov and shoot at that guy, only 10 to 15 metres away. He starts running. I shoot his back. Another magazine. And another. I carefully aimed each shot, but this Makarov didn't seem to be the most accurate of weapons. Still angry I run up to the forest following that Bandit sniper. I will kill him. Eventually I lost track of him, went a huge circle in that forest and came out at the other end of the village we had just left. I stay to the forest line, maybe that guy tries the same tactic again. And there he is. Picking on survivors. Luckily, I am behind him. I don't want to waste time crawling up, he could turn around any second after all, but this time I wont leave a chance to luck. I walk up to him in a manner I can only describe as decidedly, and when I am right behind him, I execute him. There you go, bastard. That's for Gary. I tell the other survivors that I killed him, so they dont mistake me for him when they approach this position. I take all his stuff. Pretty nice survival gear. Compass, Map, Knife, Hunting Shotgun, Revolver. I go back to the village where suddenly another bandit stands next to me an opens fire. I line up my rifle, shoot at him, then run to the next possible cover. A house. Is he dead? I circle it, walking up to his position. He bled out. Bastard. I start thinking. All this good gear...people might get jealous - with that though I ran up into the dark forest. After some time, I stop panicking and decide to take a look at my map. I make out where I am, there another village, away from the shore. Tulga. I make way for it. With my new gear I slowly take on Pusta, dropping some zombies, studying their behaviour. After shooting a zombie I turn around and see a bandit's silhouette lying on the ground behind a barricade, aiming at me. I take an instinctive shot and dash to cover. After some lurking about (hes gone) I decide he could be flanking me and make a run to the edge of the forest. I hear someone mourning. He said he is close to bleeding out. Thats the guy, hes out of supplies. I tell him that I will help him, if he leaves me alone. In the cover of the forest, I take off my backpack just to have it safe in case its a trap. But whats that. Right on the other side of the tree lies the guy I shot. Wheres my backpack? Gone! I pop a revolver bullet in his head. He stole my backpack. I check his corpse. No he didn't. The BP just glitched out of existence after I took it off. So I killed that guy without a reason...fuck all this, man. I decide to go further inland, and I become adept at killing zombies. Msta, Staroye, Guglovo. I check every barn, they seem to be very promising. I find a biggger backpack, and organize all my survival gear. I am getting really good at this. Just need to head further inland. And ammo I need, especially after losing my first backpack. So i scour what I can, most towns didnt have more than 3 to 5 zombies in them. I arrive at Novy Sobor. A barn on the edge of town. I scope it out with my CZ550, and decide its clear. I sneak up in the cover of the forest, getting in, killing zombies, grabbing what I can just like before. Only 2 shots left for my Revolver, wich I mainly use for common zombies, and 12 rounds for my CZ. All right, I see a church in Novy Sobor, probably gonna find something there, just need to take care of the zombies. 14 I can kill tops, should more than suffice. I walk up to the T-crossing in front of the church. Zombies. Dropping 2. Revolver empty, CZ550 now. Bam. Dropping one. I only used it from a good distance yet. Now that I was standing inside a town, I realized how loud this thing was. The secound that thought crossed my mind a horde of zombies came from all sides of the T-crossing. Starting to drop 'em. That was when I realized one thing. My ammo is not gonna be enough. I keep killing them until I am out of ammo. I killed 14 more zombies, with 14 more bullets. I run, but I am too exhausted. Finally, they kill me. I forgot to keep one spare bullet for myself, was my last thought. My first round, 6 hours of playtime, 50 zombies killed and 3 bandits. Was really intense, movielike. Awesome!