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Everything posted by Deadly7

  1. Deadly7

    Leaving Public for Private?

    I noticed it too, I began playing Dayz soon after the release, left for 2 months and now it seems very empty from were it once was. Honestly the state of the game, atm is sh**, hopefully the stand alone will bring people back.
  2. Deadly7

    Teleported by a hacker...

    Stop playing the game, seriously stop!! This game will tear all the fun from DayZ and leave a sour taste in your mouth due to hackers. Just wait for the stand alone version of the game.
  3. Deadly7

    m14 AIM

    Any tips on how to effectivly use it, to kill from range. Should I aim higher if enemys are further away or should I always aim center mass?
  4. Deadly7

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I want a map were most people eat there beans.
  5. Im playing on US129 I find a well hidden little camp, I begin to look and BAM!!!!!! Big ol message stating im banned "Battle eye number 39" I believe some excuse like that. So okay there gotta be some mistake here, IM NOT A HACKER!! So i rejoin and all I get is some excuse that im banned from BattleEye but yet I can join any other server no problem. Is this Admin abuse or something? I havent hacked in DayZ or do I plan to so, whats the beef with me being banned?
  6. My friend joined the server 15min after I got banned and the car that was there by the tents was gone. So obvioulsy they moved there items to a new campsite after I got banned.I assume they see me, ban me then proceed to move there items to a new area.
  7. Deadly7

    Ban this hacker, online now.

    Dayz police force assemble!!!!!
  8. Don't get attached to your gear, everyone plays like its a finished product and afraid to die. No one is going to restore your gear, its safe to say many people have died fully geared by hackers and we all move on.
  9. Deadly7

    SERIOUS Hacks happening.

    Me too, I already died 4x to people nuking the server, honestly it so common now, that I dont even try to survive. I just gear up with a enfield and PVP knowing that at any moment there going to nuke the server again.
  10. Deadly7


    I prefer canned pasta over beans, what do you prefer?
  11. So whats the deal with random fainting? Is there to prevent it, is it random?
  12. Deadly7

    Random fainting?

    You troll, lol
  13. Deadly7

    Random fainting?

    Nah, I had 7.5k blood but i also randomly fainted with 12k blood before. What is this shock indicator, I never heard of it?
  14. Found two bear traps looking to have fun with them, just wondering were a good place to be to put them? Some were high traffic were people will run over it and were I can watch from a safe distance?
  15. The only thing is that when there climbing up the ladder they would see it, so its avoidable.
  16. Deadly7

    Necessary gear.

    1. Find hatchet 2. Find player 3. Kill player 4. Profit
  17. Deadly7

    Help ASAP!

    With that i5 you should really get a better video card for a little more you could get a 560ti or a Radeon 6850-6870.
  18. I have had the glitch many times were I spawn unconscious but never bleeding? Sounds like you were hit before you logged off or dare I say alt+4.
  19. Deadly7

    Makarov is broken...

    It happens, its just lag, de-sync, etc.., so dumb when it happens but nothing we cam do about it, other than change servers.
  20. Damn I wonder how they do that?
  21. Deadly7

    I've Given up

    Also if your having trouble try redownloading BattleEye. I had a issue were I couldnt join DayZ servers when I first began playing cause my BattleEye was giving me issues.
  22. Deadly7

    M14 AIM?

    Yeah I have found one too in a deer stand, its basically a DMR with a red dot.
  23. Deadly7

    Axe murder

    I killed someone with a axe today, Wow!!!! for some reason I got chills using a axe to kill a player. Maybe it was the noise from hitting his body over and over while his bones were breaking, I don't think I'm going to do that again, lol. Anyone else feel bad after killing a player with a axe.
  24. Deadly7

    Axe murder

    I killed someone with a axe today, Wow!!!! for some reason I got chills using a axe to kill a player. Maybe it was the noise from hitting his body over and over while his bones were breaking, I don't think I'm going to do that again, lol. Anyone else feel bad after killing a player with a axe.
  25. Yup I have the same issue, its had happened more than 5x already. I lose connection, join new server and lose all my progress or spawn at the beach, very annoying but I understand its also a Alpha build.