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Everything posted by Bladerunnergt

  1. So a buddy of mine and I decided last night to put our NVGs and MP5SDs to good use. Normally when we are in our regular group we are the last people to pop off a few rounds at random survivors that pose no threat. Well last night we decided that we were bored and we wanted some blood. At one point, we are across the street of the church in Elektro just looking for some action when we hear footsteps. We both stop moving, at this point we were crouch walking and very on edge because we both hate being in started towns, and as I come to a complete stop here comes the barrel of a Double Barreled Shotgun square in my face. My buddy is turned the other way watching our back, so all I can get off over vent is, UAAHAHHHAHAHDLHFLHA;LHD;L SHOTGUN!!!! Before I know it i'm hearing BOOM! BOOM! next to my player's face, and I lay into this guy with my MP5SD.... not realizing I'm on Semi. Loudest noise was the silence after I realized more 9mm rounds weren't following the first. The guy with the DBShotgun finally comes to and realizes that he needs to reload. I'm slapping the F key to get to Auto and my buddy finally gets on target. Before I could line my next shot up, my assailant goes down. My back up dropped him with a few well placed rounds. This all happened within about 5 seconds, but it seemed like forever before we realized what exactly went down. Hope the other guys in camp don't realize that they are playing with a couple of blood thirsty bastards such as ourselves...... Night raids ftw!!!
  2. Bladerunnergt

    NVG and scary times in Elektro

    I was using Alt to look behind me to see where my buddy way, and when it snapped back to looking ahead of me BAM there was a shotgun in my face that wasn't there when I stopped to look.
  3. Bladerunnergt

    Rushing a sniper in Cherno !!!

    Our group the other night had a sniper in the Firestation taking pot shots at use while we were int he market with an Enfield. We ended up having 3 of our squad lay cover fire, all with AKs, while the other 3 of us circled around him and stormed the building. If you have an idea of where the shooter is, or can get the shooter to stop firing with mass firepower like we did, then run in and stop them from taking people out. We have had times where the group just avoids conflict as a whole, even though we have numbers on our side, if somebody has a vantage point, it isn't worth losing people and supplies over you know.
  4. Bladerunnergt

    Best DayZ Related Song?

    Metallica - Blackened. End of story.