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About karr1981

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  1. Our server is noqw running and 95883 We are now known as DayZ - DE1585 (v1.7.2.5/95883) (Regular|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - [TBR] The Bullet Runners | Vilayer.com
  2. Hi, Thanks for contacting us and letting us know, server will be back up shortly
  3. Hi Guys, Following requests from various regular users of our server, we have upgraded to v1.7.2/94444 We are confident this will be a great version with lots of performance imprvements, once the kinks are ironed out (hopefully in the currently being tested Cheers, [TBR] Ulric Server Admin
  4. karr1981

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    you need rockets post translating? seems pretty clear' date=' but ill try to help rocket Wrote: I've unlocked it, if folks can behave Smile I'm back to work on 1.7.2 The only real remaining issue is dealing with the changes to PlayerID (int to string). Then the update will receive a closed test (I hope today). Then depending on the result of that, either a limited release, or a full release.
  5. Do I need to do anything or do Vilayer do this themselves for all their servers?
  6. karr1981

    In-Game Time

    Depends, If you have a Vilayer hosted server then they have an awesome timechange system coded in specifically for DayZ so you can set it UTC, -3,6,9,+3,6,9 etc, enabling you to set it to a suitable time zone for your target players. IF you are with a different host then i think you are at the mercy of the box's system clock IF you want to check out vilayer follow the link in my sig, i use them and they rock!
  7. correct you need to press , until it says 'direct communication' bottom left of game screen, then holding down caps lock will activate your microphone, the range in game is something like 60metres (give or take 10m i think). Hope this helps
  8. you mean the direct communication (press , to change to direct communication) by pressing capslock? :blush:
  9. karr1981

    Update Server?

    Do we need to upgrade the server in any way?, or just limit the clients to the latest arma 2 beta patch mentioned?
  10. karr1981

    Vehicles not spawning - Server Support

    Have you spoken to Lee on the Vilayer Ts3 channel? He (and the other Vilayer guys) have been extremely helpful to me and many other server admins. What is your server name? When you restart, do you stop and star,t or just click the restart button, I always stop it, leave it 60 seconds then start it again, this has led to vehicles and tents being fine (players need to remember to save the tents (and vehicles when you get them Yes Vilayer restricts access to certain things, but these are things that you should not be messing with unless you want a quick visit to the DayZ blacklist I'm sure one of the guys form vilayer will see this and contact you, but just in case here's the TS3 info ts3.vilayer.com
  11. In Vilayer we trust :-) The guys are always helpful via email or TS3 Highly recommended!
  12. Glad you're enjoying it, hope we can keep a good server going, when playing ourselves we will help out fellow survivors when possible.
  13. karr1981

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    Our server came back on line this morning, so they are obviously battling through the problems, big thanks to Lee and the other Vilayer guys