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Everything posted by ZachyKinz

  1. ZachyKinz

    Changing keys?

    I am one of the victims of the "Global Ban" issue going on, and I was wondering how to change keys if I bought a fresh copy of the game? (And just to clarify, I never hacked/cheated while playing the game [you hear that a lot.. I know]. And I am being completely truthful, (as I know most of the banned victims lie and want their account back) One of my friends wanted me to play it with him and gifted me Arma 2 and played we for awhile, and then I took a break since I wanted to try out other games and when I came back after a couple of months I was globally banned. No one else has access to my account, only me. [my brother and sister have their own steam account.]) I already know DayZ can't do anything about it, and I already sent in a request a few weeks ago, so I'm only wondering how to change keys if I bought a new copy of the game.
  2. ZachyKinz

    DayZ Creepypasta

    After reading some posts of some Urban Legends/Creepy things to find in DayZ, I wanted to write a creepypasta on it. Here it is: http://shorttext.com/buyCsWe6MqtS It may not be THAT good, this is my first creepypasta, but I had a few ideas to write. (Also, It would make me sh** brixs if they added Slenderman in the game, or The Rake.)
  3. ZachyKinz

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I actually wrote a short creepypasta on this game, you can find it here: http://shorttext.com/buyCsWe6MqtS Although it is my first creepypasta, so please go easy on it.
  4. ZachyKinz

    Game Choppy/Laggy

    So basically I've been playing DayZ and it's been working fine, my computer ant the best, but If I play it on the low settings, it works pretty fine. But for some reason, lately my game has been having this choppy/lag issue. Basically it happens after I die or Respawn. I go to the lobby, and re-create my character the game becomes very laggy/choppy. It's very odd seeing how I FIRST start up the game it works fine, I can do anything, but just when I die or Respawn it becomes very laggy. If anyone could help, I'd be appreciated
  5. ZachyKinz

    Open Green Field

    The servers are still down sadly, once they come back up fully, they should work fine.
  6. ZachyKinz


    Although it's different for everyone, The six updater actually is a fast one to install DayZ, if that is your problem. You can get it here: http://www.six-updater.net/
  7. ZachyKinz


    To be honest, you could just install the Six Update, and have it in minutes.
  8. The servers are all down because of a attack. There will be no solid time for when it will come up. It can range from a few minutes to hours. For now, just play another game till it's up.
  9. ZachyKinz

    walking/running toggle

    If you are starving, you can't run. Also sometimes you can toggle Run/walk by Double shifting.