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About RECO (DayZ)

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    Nw USA
  1. RECO (DayZ)

    Snow in Day z.

    The ARMA 2 engine supports snow I think it depends on the time and date changes to game engine that make it winter ingame.
  2. These ideas are fantastic but.... What happens when players run into bandit groups. Same thing going on now. If My Clan is running 5-15 people off and on a day were going to work together and kill everyone else on sight anyways. It makes survival tougher but it will bring out the Murder I think x3. Humans will straight up kill another to eat and live. Maybe the loners and whatever will try to band together but the serious clans that already have organization and team speak etc. will continue to murder players on sight. There needs to be a reason to Not Kill others except in most extreme situations to prevent murder of other players. a Group benefit that basically makes other HAVE to work together. Maybe when your foraging for ammo and food the chance to find more and better quality increases by 10% for every member of your group. The chance to become ill is lowered. When foraging military bases maybe a building can't be entered unless a team effort is used to open a door or unlock something. Maybe there's a way to make better gear by establishing some type of in game colony and by maintaining it it allows trade and commerce. These are just some ideas.
  3. RECO (DayZ)

    Arma 2 oa has stopped working - crash to desktop: FIXED!!

    I did everything but it wasnt untill this last part. C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye and delete the BattlEye.dll in it! That it finnaly worked. Thanks
  4. RECO (DayZ)

    Im a dog

    question is can someone shoot him and gutt him for meat....
  5. RECO (DayZ)

    The most common exploit in the game

    Just put code into game that if you Alt-F4 it sends message to kill the player then youll have one less method to quick exit
  6. RECO (DayZ)

    Unreasonable Logout Punishments

    Apparently you logged out several times. This happens when the main server flaggs you and set this as a penalty.
  7. RECO (DayZ)

    Buildings blowing up?

    Its my understanding that all buildings ingame are destructable. Waht did it is unknown but mabey a hacker got ahold of some stachel charges or other hacked weapon.
  8. RECO (DayZ)

    Profile bugged cant change name PLAYER 1

    Creating a new one makes another PLAYER 1. THe name feild is locked and cant be changed. When I go into Edit Profile there are no names listed either.
  9. RECO (DayZ)

    The player name field doesn't work.

    Having the exact same issue.
  10. RECO (DayZ)

    bring back the normal zombie agro system now! 0.o

    You might stop running FULL Bore and firing your Enfield on rapid fire....jeeez lol
  11. Ok I've played ARMA enough now and understand how the set up works and probably 90 % of the in game mechanics. My character was initially named after my PC. After attempting to create a new character I suddenly got stuck with PLAYER 1 as a name. My issue is that when I go to the screen where profile is and select it, doesn't show any characters listed. If I go to edit it shows PLAYER 1 as name. When I attempt to select this box I can't. I can change name appearance voice add URL tag but the character name wont select. I've tried to do this in ARMA 2 ARMA 2 Arrowhead and ARMA 2 CO none these allow me access to the name. I've even renamed my computer and re installed the game with no luck. I've tried to rename the profiles in every folder with no success. Anyone have any other ideas what to try? Thanks RECO
  12. Its almost like a twisted version of Hunger Games with Zombies. Spawn. Run and find food weapons a safe location. Kill or be Killed rinse and repeat.
  13. RECO (DayZ)

    Morphine location?

    to be honest I think 90% the spawns are in Hospitals and med tents now. good luck. Several people have stated that they ahvent seen morphine spawn in regular spawns only pain killers
  14. RECO (DayZ)

    Change name for player

    Anyone want to take a stab at addressing this issue? Thanks
  15. RECO (DayZ)

    Heartbeating is almost like wallhack

    nah keep it the same. Your new hate for the QQ will drive your bandit passion ^^